4 research outputs found

    La Vigie marocaine

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    30 juin 19371937/06/30 (A28,N9337)-1937/06/30

    Justice et Liberté

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    19 juin 19361936/06/19 (N25)

    Additional file 9: Table S2. of A genetic framework for H2O2 induced cell death in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    A list of the genes used in the cat2 gene expression cluster analysis. (XLSX 15 kb

    Additional file 7: Figure S6. of A genetic framework for H2O2 induced cell death in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Microscopic cell death in dnd1, vtc1 and corresponding double mutants with cat2. Cell death is indicated with trypan blue stain. White scale bar shows 1 cm and black scale bar 600 Îźm. (EPS 23350 kb