476 research outputs found

    Self-Organized Similarity based Kernel Fuzzy Clustering Model and Its Applications

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    The purpose of this paper is to improve the performance of the kernel fuzzy clustering model by introducing a self-organized algorithm. A conventional kernel fuzzy clustering model is defined as a model which is an improved additive fuzzy clustering. The purpose of this conventional model is to obtain a clearer result by consideration of the interaction of clusters. This paper proposes a fuzzy clustering model based on the idea of self-organized dissimilarity between two objects

    Visualization of Fuzzy Clustering Result in Metric Space

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    AbstractThis paper presents a visualization of a result of fuzzy clustering. The feature of fuzzy clustering is to obtain the degree of belongingness of objects to fuzzy clusters so the result will be more commensurate with reality. In addition, the number of clusters requires less and the solution of the result will be more robust when compared with conventional hard clustering. In contrast, the fuzzy clustering result interpretation tends to be more complicated. Therefore, measuring the similarity (or dissimilarity) between a pair of fuzzy classification status of objects is important. In order to measure the similarity (or dissimilarity) mathematically, it is necessary to introduce a scale to the fuzzy clustering result. That is, the obtained solutions as a fuzzy clustering result must be in a metric space. In order to implement this, we have proposed multidimensional joint scale and cluster analysis. In this analysis, we exploit a scale obtained by multidimensional scaling. This paper clarifies that the multidimensional joint scale and cluster analysis introduces scale to the fuzzy clustering result and then the visualization of the fuzzy clustering result in the metric vector space has a theoretical mathematical meaning through the Euclidean distance structure. In this paper, this is shown by using several numerical comparisons with ordinary visualizations of the fuzzy clustering result

    Laparoendoscopic Single-Site (LESS) Retroperitoneal Radical Nephrectomy in a Patient with Renal Cell Carcinoma Receiving Hemodialysis

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    We present here the patient undergoing laparoendoscopic single-site (LESS) retroperitoneal radical nephrectomy while receiving hemodialysis. An 81-year-old man under hemodialysis for 6 years was incidentally discovered to have two left renal masses with acquired cystic disease of the kidney (ACDK). A 4-cm flank incision for GelPort was made. Three trocars were inserted into the retroperitoneum through GelPort. After division of the renal vessels and ureter, the kidney was placed into the extraction bag and was retrieved through flank incision without any extra skin incision. There were no intraoperative and postoperative complications. This procedure offers an effective, minimally invasive therapeutic alternative to the standard laparoscopic technique in high-risk end-stage renal disease patients

    Experiences of romantic relationships and desires to marry and have children among youth in a low-fertility society.

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    Introduction: This study aims to explore experiences of romantic relationships and to examine determinants of desires to marry and have children in the future among Japanese university students. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among undergraduate students of A University, located in the capital city of a Japanese prefecture, using an anonymous self-administered and structured questionnaire developed by an online survey software. Results: A total of 815 respondents with complete data were analyzed by logistic regression analysis. Over 80% of males and females expressed the desire to marry and have children in the future. It was found that for both female and male respondents, the "desire to marry" was associated with currently being in a romantic relationship or having experience of sexual intercourse. On the contrary, the "desire to have children" was associated with currently being in a romantic relationship or having experience of sexual intercourse only among male respondents, and no significant association was observed among female respondents. Conclusion: "Currently being in a romantic relationship" and "having experience of sexual intercourse" were associated with wanting to marry and have children in the future among male university students. This suggests that these may be important factors in providing a positive perception regarding having children when they attain childbearing age

    Laparoendoscopic Single-Site (LESS) Retroperitoneal Radical Nephrectomy in a Patient with Renal Cell Carcinoma Receiving Hemodialysis

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    We present here the patient undergoing laparoendoscopic single-site (LESS) retroperitoneal radical nephrectomy while receiving hemodialysis. An 81-year-old man under hemodialysis for 6 years was incidentally discovered to have two left renal masses with acquired cystic disease of the kidney (ACDK). A 4-cm flank incision for GelPort was made. Three trocars were inserted into the retroperitoneum through GelPort. After division of the renal vessels and ureter, the kidney was placed into the extraction bag and was retrieved through flank incision without any extra skin incision. There were no intraoperative and postoperative complications. This procedure offers an effective, minimally invasive therapeutic alternative to the standard laparoscopic technique in high-risk end-stage renal disease patients

    Philanthropy and HBCUs: Foundation funding to historically Black colleges and universities

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    Historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) have played a central—if underappreciated—role in the United States. The earliest HBCUs were founded before the legal enslavement of Black people ended. Since then, they have been critical in educating Black people, developing Black leaders, and addressing inequality. Although researchers have studied the government's role in financing HBCUs, there has been little research on private philanthropic support. This report seeks to fill that gap by examining U.S. foundation funding to HBCUs and exploring the relationship between foundations and HBCUs. Through quantitative analysis leveraging Candid's comprehensive grants data and qualitative interviews with HBCU staff, students and funders, this report strives to understand the philanthropic funding patterns and experiences of HBCUs

    Fasting Differentially Modulates the Immunological System: Its Mechanism and Sex Difference

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    The immunological properties and hormonal metabolism in rodents are affected by physical and psychological stress more strongly in males than in females. To elucidate the mechanism and physiological significance of the sex difference in the susceptibility of animal to stresses, changes in the immunological system in plasma and intestine and hormonal status in plasma were compared among 8-week-old male and female ICR mice before and after fasting. During the fasting of animals, the expression of immunoglobulin A in intestinal mucosa, and cortisol, interleukin-10 and interferon-γ in plasma increased. These changes occurred more apparently in males than in females. Under identical conditions, the plasma levels of testosterone decreased markedly with concomitant occurrence of apoptosis in the testis, while the plasma levels of estradiol decreased calmly, and no appreciable apoptosis occurred in the ovary. These results indicate that testosterone enhances the stress-induced modulation of the immune system by some mechanism that was antagonized by estradiol

    [原著論文] 自律的学習動機づけに影響を与える要因とPBLテュートリアル教育との関連 -看護大学生の学年間比較による検討-

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    看護大学生の自律的学習動機づけの影響要因である自律性欲求および友人関係への動機づけとPBLテュートリアル教育との関連について、学年間比較にて検討する。〔方法〕PBLテュートリアル教育を、4年間継続して受けているA看護大学の1~4年生を対象に、学習動機づけ、自律性欲求、友人関係への動機づけ、PBL自己評価について調査し、回収したデータを学年ごとに統計学的に分析した。〔結果〕有効回答数379名(回収率88.8%)。自律的学習動機づけは2年生が最も高く、4年生が最も低かった。1年生の自律的学習動機づけのプラスの影響要因として、「統制的学習動機づけ」、「自己決定」、「自律的友人関係への動機づけ」が示され、マイナスの要因として「統制的友人関係への動機づけ」、「PBL:対人技能」が示された。2年生のプラスの影響要因として、「自律的友人関係への動機づけ」、「PBL:学習課題の発見」が示され、3年生のプラスの影響要因として、「自律的友人関係への動機づけ」、「PBL:統合的学習」が示され、4年生のプラスの影響要因として、「統制的学習動機づけ」、「PBL:学習課題の発見」が示された。1~4年生に共通した結果として、「PBL:自己学習」は「自律的学習動機づけ」の影響要因とは示されなかった。〔考察〕自律的学習動機づけのプラスの影響要因として、2年生と4年生に共通して「PBL:学習課題の発見」が示され、1年生と3年生に共通して「PBL:統合的学習」が示された。PBLテュートリアル教育において、関連分野に広く関心を向け、1つ1つの課題を進めていく中で、自己の課題をみつけ、問題解決していくことが、達成感や満足感につながり、自律的学習動機づけも高まることに関連することが考えられる。看護専門職として、より質の高い看護を提供するためには、意思決定(行動、判断、選択)を自ら行い行動するという自己決定が必要要件である。PBLテュートリアル教育には、自己決定に基づいた自律的学習動機づけを高める効果があることが示された。〔Objective〕Using grade-level comparison, this study compared the relationship between students\u27 need for autonomy and friendship motivation, which impacted their motivation for autonomous problem-based learning (PBL)tutorial education. 〔Methods〕 Subjects from grades one to four received PBL tutorial education, at a nursing college for four years.Learning motivation, need for autonomy, friendship motivation, and PBL self-assessment were investigated. The collected data were statistically analyzed based on the grades.〔Results〕 The number of valid respondents was 379(recovery rate 88.8%). Autonomous learning motivation was the highest in the second graders and the lowest in the fourth graders. In the first graders, factors having a positive influence on autonomous learning motivation were “controlled learning motivation”, “self-determination”, and “motivation to autonomous friendship relationship”, whereas those having a negative influence were “motivation for friendship relationship”, and “PBL: interpersonal skills”. The positively influencing factors included “controlled learning motivation” and “PBL: finding of learning task” in the second graders, “motivation for autonomous friendship relationship” and “PBL:integrated learning”, in the third graders, and “controlled learning motivation”, and “PBL: finding of learning task” in the fourth graders. “PBL: self-learning” was not indicated as a factor that influenced “autonomous learning motivation” across all grades.〔Observation〕The factor influencing autonomous learning motivation common to the second and fourth graders was “PBL:finding learning task”, whereas the factor common to the first and third graders was “PBL:integrated learning”. In PBL tutorial education, we will find and solve problems while paying wide attention to related fields and promoting each problem individually. This may be related to an increase in the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction and autonomous learning motivation. In the nursing profession, self-determination, when making decisions (actions, judgments, and choices), is necessary to provide higher quality care. It was shown that PBL tutorial education improved autonomous learning motivation through self-determination