85 research outputs found


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    In 1997, due to high rates of diabetes and increasing treatment and management costs, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) introduced the largest national campaign to prevent diabetes. Despite the wide availability and accessibility of campaign materials and information, Hispanics still lack awareness and knowledge about healthy behaviors to prevent diabetes and fail to adopt physical activity and healthy eating habits as part of their daily routine. This proposal will focus on the re-invention and re-introduction of the health fair and other demonstrations as health promotion resources in areas with large number of Hispanic population. This report will highlight a hypothetical health campaign among Hispanics. The diffusion of innovations theory will serve as the foundation for developing this campaign.diffusion of innovation, social change, hispanic culture, health fair


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    Once with the spread and use of computers and Internet on a larger scale, trafficking in persons has conquered a new space: cyberspace. The recruitment of victims through the Internet, the use of e-mails for the moral coercion of the victim and ultimately, the exploitation of victims with the purpose of obtaining widespread Internet pornography constitute human trafficking in cyberspace. This area of crime deployment raises many questions like: who will be criminally liable, which is the applicable law, which is the end point of the crime?computer crime, human trafficking


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    This study displays certain controversial issues related to the prescription of criminal liability and the prescription of the punishment execution, analyzing them both theoretically and practically, based on the resolutions of the courts in Romania. Thus, the study debates upon the acts that can lead to interruption of the course of prescription and the punishment to be taken into account when calculating the prescription period of the punishment execution, as well as upon the relevance of the period when the trial was suspended in the course of adjudication in what concerns the plea of unconstitutionality, under the former regulations in this matter.prescription of criminal liability, prescription of the punishment execution, criminal law

    Labour market-effects of economic restructuring in Ramnicu Sarat, Brasov and Campulung municipalities

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    I processi di ristrutturazione e privatizzazione hanno giocato un ruolo importante nella definizione di alcune caratteristiche del mercato del lavoro. L'evoluzione del mercato del lavoro dopo il 1990, riflette i cambiamenti nell'economia dopo il processo di ristrutturazione e privatizzazione, sentiti sul mercato attraverso: la scomparsa dei posti di lavoro, la diminuzione del numero della popolazione occupata, significativa crescita della disoccupazione. L'analisi del mercato del lavoro ci mostra una serie di indicatori nel valutare il grado di coinvolgimento della popolazione o dei vari gruppi, nell'attivita' produttiva o non produttiva. La forza di lavoro, sia dal punto di vista quantitativo che qualitativo dipende dallo sviluppo economico e l'evoluzione della popolazione totale

    Access to the health services in the context of economic restructuring: case study Brasov, Campulung and Ramnicu Sarat

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    Accesso ai servizi sanitari nel contesto della ristrutturazione economica nei municipi Râmnicu Sarat, Campulung e Brasov. Questo studio affronta una serie di questioni riguardanti l'accesso ai servizi sanitari delle persone nei municipi Ramnicu Sarat, Campulung, Brasov nel periodo post-comunista. I cambiamenti economici, politici e sociali dopo il 1990 hanno portato alla configurazione nella forma attuale del sistema sanitario, con effetti importanti sulla popolazione. L'approccio comparativo delle situazioni nei tre municipi con caratteristiche diverse come numero di abitanti, posizione e livello di sviluppo economico, ha permesso l'identificazione di elementi comuni, come per esempio: il regresso del sistema sanitario pubblico a favore di quello privato, bassa qualit{ delle cure e diminuzione del personale medicale. L'accento è stato messo sull'analisi degli indicatori che rivela il grado di sviluppo del sistema sanitario riportato a 10000 persone

    The modification of public procurement contracts from the perspective of the Directive 2014/24/UE and the public procurement draft law

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    Este trabajo analiza el régimen de modificación de los contratos del sector público desde la perspectiva de la actual legislación y de la Directiva 2014/24/UE de contratación pública y realiza una comparativa entre el anteproyecto y proyecto de la nueva Ley de Contratos del Sector Público para determinar su adecuación a la normativa europea en la materia.This paper analyzes the modification of public procurement contracts from the perspective of the current legislation and the new Directive 2014/24/UE on public procurement and makes an comparative chart between preliminary draft law and draft law on public procurement with the propose to establish their adjustment according to the european regulation.Máster Universitario en Acceso a la Profesión de Abogado (M155


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    In the field of services, quality is, in general, defined by the client and the management ensures the overfulfilment of the client’s demands and expectations. The quality of services implies two essential aspects that a manager has to take into account: the client’s satisfaction and the absence of the errors made by employees. Introducing a system of quality management has the goal of satisfying the clients and surpassing their expectations. Such a system has to be dynamic, which makes it adaptable to the clients’ needs, demands and expectations. Principles of quality management in banking institutions have to be : customer orientation, leadership, personnel involvement, procedural approach, system approach to management, continuous improvement, factual approach to decision, mutually beneficial supplier relationships.