5 research outputs found


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    Uvod: Stalna izloženost stresu, neprimjerena prehrana uz nedostatak esencijalnih nutrijenata i protek-tivnih sastojaka, te unos rafiniranih vrsta hrane mogu se odražavati na zdravlje i izgled kože. Zbog toga je u podršci liječenju nekih bolesti kože značajno preporučiti način prehrane kao i upotrebu dodataka prehrani. Cilj i metode rada rada: Cilj rada je bio prikupiti i analizirati stručne i znanstvene informacije vezane za prehranu i dodatke prehrani koji se mogu koristiti kod najčešćih bolesti kože. Rezultati i rasprava: Postoje brojne bolesti i stanja koja se mogu ispoljiti na koži. Najčešće bolesti kože zbog kojih se pacijenti obraćaju liječnicima i ljekarnicima su atopijski dermatitis, akne, ekcemi, psorijaza, herpes te rak kože. Osim medicinskog tretmana kod liječenja atopijskog dermatitisa i ekcema preporučuje se konzumacija sastojaka iz hrane i dodataka prehrani kao što su: vitamini (piridoksin, askorbinska kiselina i tokoferol), minerali (selen i cink), karotenoidi astaksantin i beta-karoten, a od biljnih preparata konopljika i ulje pupoljke. U liječenju akni najčešće se preporučuju vitamin E, cink i selen, a za herpes lizin, vitamini C i E, mineral cink, te od biljnih preparata krema od matičnjaka i gospina trava. U tretmanu psorijaze preporučuje se izbjegavanje citrusa, a od dodataka prehrani najčešće se preporuču-je konzumiranje ribljeg ulja, omega 3 masnih kiselina, antioksidansa posebno vitamini C i E, minerali selena i cinka, te od biljnih preparata sikavica. Kod većine ovih bolesti preporučuju se namirnice koje su imunostimulansi kao i hrane koja je bogata antioksidansima, te antimikrobnim sastojcima iz hrane. Postoje i druge kožne bolesti na koje prehrana može dati doprinos u tretmanu kao što su porfirija, rozacea, te bolesti čiji se simptomi odražavju preko kože. Zaključak: Prehrana ima važan utjecaj na zdravlje i izgled kože. Dobro odabrani dodaci prehrani u kombinaciji sa zdravom i uravnoteženom prehranom mogu da daju dobre rezultate u podršci liječenju kožnih bolesti.Introduction: Constant exposure to stress, inadequate nutrition with a lack of essential nutrients and protective ingredients, and intake of refined foods can affect the health and appearance of the skin. Therefore, in support of the treatment of some skin diseases, it is important to recommend diet and the use of dietary supplements. Objective and methods of work: The aim of the paper was to collect and analyze expert and scientific information related to nutrition and nutritional supplements that can be used in the most common skin diseases. Results and Discussion: There are numerous diseases and conditions that can be expressed on the skin. The most common skin diseases that cause patients to see doctors and pharmacists are atopic dermatitis, acne, eczema, psoriasis, herpes and skin cancer. In addition to medical, for treatment of atopic dermatitis and eczema, recommended to consume food ingredients and dietary supplements such as: vitamins (pyridoxine, ascorbic acid and tocopherol), minerals (selenium and zinc), carotenoids astaxanthin and beta-carotene, and from herbal preparations Mary goldflower and Primrose Evening oil. Vitamin E, zinc and selenium are most commonly recom-mended in the treatment of acne, while for herpes lysine, vitamins C and E, mineral zinc, and from herbal preparations, Balm beaves and St. John\u27s wort. In the treatment of psoriasis, it is recommended to avoid citrus, and of the dietary supplements, the most commonly recommended consumption of fish oil, omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants especially vitamins C and E, selenium and zinc minerals, and herbal preparations of Milk Thistle. For most of skin diseases, foods that are immunostimulants, foods rich in antioxidants and antimicro-bial ingredients from foods are recommended. There are other skin diseases where nutrition can contribute to treatment such as porphyria, rosacea, and diseases whose symptoms are reflected through the skin. Conclusion: Nutrition has an important impact on skin health and appearance. Well-chosen dietary supplements combined with a healthy and balanced diet can produce good results in supporting the treatment of skin diseases


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    Uvod: Stalna izloženost stresu, neprimjerena prehrana uz nedostatak esencijalnih nutrijenata i protek-tivnih sastojaka, te unos rafiniranih vrsta hrane mogu se odražavati na zdravlje i izgled kože. Zbog toga je u podršci liječenju nekih bolesti kože značajno preporučiti način prehrane kao i upotrebu dodataka prehrani. Cilj i metode rada rada: Cilj rada je bio prikupiti i analizirati stručne i znanstvene informacije vezane za prehranu i dodatke prehrani koji se mogu koristiti kod najčešćih bolesti kože. Rezultati i rasprava: Postoje brojne bolesti i stanja koja se mogu ispoljiti na koži. Najčešće bolesti kože zbog kojih se pacijenti obraćaju liječnicima i ljekarnicima su atopijski dermatitis, akne, ekcemi, psorijaza, herpes te rak kože. Osim medicinskog tretmana kod liječenja atopijskog dermatitisa i ekcema preporučuje se konzumacija sastojaka iz hrane i dodataka prehrani kao što su: vitamini (piridoksin, askorbinska kiselina i tokoferol), minerali (selen i cink), karotenoidi astaksantin i beta-karoten, a od biljnih preparata konopljika i ulje pupoljke. U liječenju akni najčešće se preporučuju vitamin E, cink i selen, a za herpes lizin, vitamini C i E, mineral cink, te od biljnih preparata krema od matičnjaka i gospina trava. U tretmanu psorijaze preporučuje se izbjegavanje citrusa, a od dodataka prehrani najčešće se preporuču-je konzumiranje ribljeg ulja, omega 3 masnih kiselina, antioksidansa posebno vitamini C i E, minerali selena i cinka, te od biljnih preparata sikavica. Kod većine ovih bolesti preporučuju se namirnice koje su imunostimulansi kao i hrane koja je bogata antioksidansima, te antimikrobnim sastojcima iz hrane. Postoje i druge kožne bolesti na koje prehrana može dati doprinos u tretmanu kao što su porfirija, rozacea, te bolesti čiji se simptomi odražavju preko kože. Zaključak: Prehrana ima važan utjecaj na zdravlje i izgled kože. Dobro odabrani dodaci prehrani u kombinaciji sa zdravom i uravnoteženom prehranom mogu da daju dobre rezultate u podršci liječenju kožnih bolesti.Introduction: Constant exposure to stress, inadequate nutrition with a lack of essential nutrients and protective ingredients, and intake of refined foods can affect the health and appearance of the skin. Therefore, in support of the treatment of some skin diseases, it is important to recommend diet and the use of dietary supplements. Objective and methods of work: The aim of the paper was to collect and analyze expert and scientific information related to nutrition and nutritional supplements that can be used in the most common skin diseases. Results and Discussion: There are numerous diseases and conditions that can be expressed on the skin. The most common skin diseases that cause patients to see doctors and pharmacists are atopic dermatitis, acne, eczema, psoriasis, herpes and skin cancer. In addition to medical, for treatment of atopic dermatitis and eczema, recommended to consume food ingredients and dietary supplements such as: vitamins (pyridoxine, ascorbic acid and tocopherol), minerals (selenium and zinc), carotenoids astaxanthin and beta-carotene, and from herbal preparations Mary goldflower and Primrose Evening oil. Vitamin E, zinc and selenium are most commonly recom-mended in the treatment of acne, while for herpes lysine, vitamins C and E, mineral zinc, and from herbal preparations, Balm beaves and St. John\u27s wort. In the treatment of psoriasis, it is recommended to avoid citrus, and of the dietary supplements, the most commonly recommended consumption of fish oil, omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants especially vitamins C and E, selenium and zinc minerals, and herbal preparations of Milk Thistle. For most of skin diseases, foods that are immunostimulants, foods rich in antioxidants and antimicro-bial ingredients from foods are recommended. There are other skin diseases where nutrition can contribute to treatment such as porphyria, rosacea, and diseases whose symptoms are reflected through the skin. Conclusion: Nutrition has an important impact on skin health and appearance. Well-chosen dietary supplements combined with a healthy and balanced diet can produce good results in supporting the treatment of skin diseases

    Environmental sustainability and industry

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    Increasing population and living standards cause consumption rate to grow and cannot do forever. Finding ways to use materials more efficiently is a prerequisite for a sustainable future. Recent global attention to the issues and challenges of sustainable development is forcing industries to conduct self-assessments to identify where they stand within theframework for sustainability, and more importantly, to identify opportunities, strategies and technologies that support achieving this goal. Design for environmental sustainability is the long-therm view: that of adaptation to a lifestyle that meets present needs without compromising the needs of future generations. Technological development to be sustainable, it need to take account of social and ecological factors, as well as economic ones. In this paper a brief overview of the wide range of technological issues at an industry level was made emphasizing the need for an integrated approach and understanding of the different components of a sustainable system. Technology plays a very important role in sustainable development because it is one of the most significant ways in which we interact with our environment; we use technologies to extract natural resources, to modify them for human purposes, and to adapt our man-made living space. It is through use of technology that we have seen drastic improvements in the quality of life of many people. Large areas of land worldwide are converted for agricultural production. The increasing use of technology, fuels and chemicals has dramatically increased crop production, but has also created the chronic agricultural impacts. Sustainable agriculture and food production combines the goals of environmental and economic health and social equity. Sustainable technologies use less energy, fewer limited resources, do not deplete natural resources, do not directly or indirectly pollute the environment, and can be reused or recycled at the end of their useful life

    Sustainable technology and alternative energy sources in the food industry

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    Food industry practice uses large amounts of material goods and is dependent on continuity of supply of these goods. Sustainable technologies in the food industry include the processes and systems in the use of raw materials, equipment and techniques that provide protection against environmental pollution. This paper summarizes a wide range of technological issues at the industry level, highlighting the need for an integrated approach and understanding of the various components of sustainable systems in the food industry. Sustainable technologies in the food industry are based on the concept of using less energy without depleting natural resources, and to directly or indirectly pollute the environment. According to the concept of technological sustainability, material goods should be re-used or recycled at the end of their useful life. Eco-effi ciency resources in the food industry require the use of renewable energy sources in order to reduce use offossil sources. For this purpose, especially suitable solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy of the power of biofuels obtained from food industry waste. For now, such systems often have high capital costs. However, the design of ecological sustainability is a long-term vision that needs to adapt to lifestyle, to meet the needs of present without compromising the needs of future generations. Technological development will be sustainable, if we take into account social, environmental and economic factors. Sustainable agriculture and food combine the efforts of environmental protection, economic sustainability and social equity

    Dissemination Booklet

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    The past three years gave us once again a great example of the strength of Tempus in gradually but surely improving the quality of higher education in the partner countries. Improving the cooperation between the academic world and the work field is an important key factor in the further implementation of the Bologna declaration in the partner countries. There is a great synergy between the universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The cooperation agreement between the partner universities guarantees the sustainability of the project results. Therefore, a detailed strategic plan has been developed. Moreover, the cooperation on the further development of sustainable technologies remains an important topic in the European policy. This is an ideal subject for further cooperation: not only between the EU partners and the partner countries but also between the academic partners and the industry partners. Sustainable technologies do not only offer great chances in further promoting the idea of lifelong learning, but also open great possibilities for stimulating innovation and entrepreneurship