25 research outputs found

    Additional file 1 of Fast and accurate dynamic estimation of field effectiveness of meningococcal vaccines

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    Supplementary information. Supplementary information on the screening method, the model’s formulation and sensitivity analysis. (2360 KB PDF

    MOESM1 of Unveiling patterns of international communities in a global city using mobile phone data

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    Supplementary information. Correlation between entropy and points of interest. Entropy outliers during the football match Ajax-Milan. Mathematical details of the persistent homology. Sensitivity analysis on the clustering of international communities

    Legislative Documents

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    Also, variously referred to as: House bills; House documents; House legislative documents; legislative documents; General Court documents

    Distribution of cosine similarity measured for each node of the full contact network (overall) and for each single household.

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    <p>Distributions are obtained by measuring the cosine similarity of each node's neighbourhood, for each pair of days of data collection. The box and whisker plots show the interquartile range, and the red line indicates the median value. The error bars extend from the box to the highest and lowest values. The households are ordered from left to right by increasing number of edges in the contact network.</p

    Distribution of contact durations.

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    <p>Probability density distribution <i>P(dt)</i> of contact duration <i>dt</i> in seconds, measured for all individuals over the whole experimental period.</p

    Contact networks between household members aggregated over the whole study duration.

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    <p>Nodes are color-coded according to the role of the family member. Edge thickness is proportional to the total time spent in proximity by two connected individuals, and the edge gradient colour indicates the intensity of the contact between household members (blue = less contacts; red = more contacts).</p

    Epidemic spreading.

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    <p>Comparing the epidemic behavior on the census network and two proxy networks, mobile phone (red symbols) and radiation model (blue symbols), in Portugal (top panels), Spain (middle) and France (bottom). <b>a, d, g</b> Jaccard similarity index measured between the epidemic infection tree of the census network and the infection tree of the proxy network, for three values of the basic reproduction number . Each symbol corresponds to a different initial infection seed, displayed on the map (right panels). <b>b, e, h</b> Differences between the arrival times in the census network and in the proxy network, for different values of and infection seed. Box plots indicate the 90% reference range, measured on all the network nodes. <b>c, f, i</b> Comparing the arrival times in the mobile phone network with those in the census network , for and the epidemic starting from the capital city. Red points are scatter plot for each node of the network and we subtracted the average systematic difference from each .</p