66 research outputs found

    Komplexní vyjádření trvanlivosti pro vybrané řezné nástroje v porovnání s normou ISO 3685

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    Durability of cutting tool defines lifetime of this cutting tool and it determines its suitability for select technological operation. Technical science defines a lot of different factors, that they may be cause of shorter cutting tool lifetime. Some types of cutting materials are defined by means of descriptions in standards ISO, some types by means of catalogues from the manufacturer. There are a lot of types of cutting materials they have not been defined theirs properties exactly yet and theirs properties have to be defined on experiments. There is a presumption that descriptions in standards ISO are not correct and these standards have to be examined and verified, because that this fact have to be confirmed or disproved. Accuracy and completeness technical standards ISO are very important part quality of manufacturing. Only correct standards ISO should be used like instruction, or tool for manufacturing process of companies. The article describes process how to define and analytically express durability dependence for selected cutting tools, specifically high speed steel (HSS), cutting ceramic (Al2O3) and sintered carbide (P20+TiN).Trvanlivost řezného nástroje definuje životnost tohoto řezného nástroje a určuje jeho vhodnost pro vybrané technologické operace. Technické vědy definují mnoho různých faktorů, které mohou být příčinou nižší životnosti řezného nástroje. Některé druhy řezných materiálů jsou definovány pomocí popisů v normách ISO, některé typy prostřednictvím katalogů od výrobce. Existuje mnoho druhů řezných materiálů, jejichž vlastnosti nebyly definovány přesně podle normy a jejich vlastnosti musí být definovány experimentálně. Existuje domněnka, že popisy v normách ISO nejsou správné a tyto standardy by měly být přezkoumány a ověřeny, protože tato skutečnost musí být potvrzena nebo vyvrácena. Přesnost a úplnost technické normy ISO je velmi důležitou součástí kvalitní výroby. Pouze správné normy ISO mohou být použity jako instrukce, nebo nástroj pro výrobní process ve firmě. Tento článek popisuje postup, jak definovat a analyticky vyjádřit závislost trvanlivosti u vybraných řezných nástrojů, konkrétně nástroje z rychlořezné oceli (HSS), řezné keramiky (Al2O3) a slinutého karbidu (P20 + TiN)

    Karakteristika sušenja keramičkih granulata u peći za sušenje škropljenjem i eksperimentalna mjerenja parametara procesa sušenja

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    The paper deals with technology of production of ceramic granulate that is further used for production of ceramic products. Drying is a wide-spread technological process used in almost every industrial sphere. One of them is ceramic industry. The moisture of the granulate belongs to main parameters influencing its quality. Goal of the measuring was to design the system of manipulation for the process of granulate drying according to achieved dependence.Ovaj rad se bavi tehnologijom proizvodnje keramičkih granulata, koji se koriste za daljnju proizvodnju keramičkih proizvoda. Sušenje je rasprostranjeni tehnološki proces koji se koristi u gotovo svim industrijskim područjima. Jedno od njih je keramička industrija. Vlažnost granulata pripada glavnim parametrima koji utječu na njihovu kvalitetu. Cilj mjerenja je bio oblikovati mjerni sustav za rukovanje procesom sušenja granulata prema postignutoj ovisnosti

    Application of the method finite elements by numerical modeling stress-strain state in conveyor belts

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    Solving problems connected with damaging a conveyor belt at the transfer points is conditioned by knowing laws of this phenomenon. Acquiring the knowledge on this phenomen is possible to be gained either by experimental research or by the numerical model GEM 22, which enables to determine the distribution of stresses and strains in a suitably selected cross-section of a conveyor belt. The paper begins by defining the problem, determining the boundary model conditions and continues by modelling the dynamic force acting on the conveyor belt. In the conclusions of the paper there are given table and graphical results of the numerical modelling aimed at solving the problems connected with the damaging of a conveyor belt. By numerical modelling, in this case the finite element method, in the given way can be realized the parametric studies with changing values of input parameters, especially: - stretching force, - thickness of cover layers of the conveyor belt and strain properties of the rubber, - parameters of the steel cord of the conveyor belt

    Analysis of Step Responses in Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Consisting of Antagonistic Involvement of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles

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    The paper describes a set of experimental measurements carried out on the experimental equipment with a drive based on pneumatic artificial muscles. Based on the analysis of the PAMS control systems issue in relation to the issue of a position control, a control algorithm has been designed and verified. The requirements of the control systems do not arise only from the condition of the desired positioning point rapid achievement, but also from the subsequent dynamics and accuracy repeatability. This algorithm enables an efficient way of stabilization of the actuator position in various dynamic conditions during the operation. It allows eliminating undesirable vibrations oscillating around the point of the required position and dampening them appropriately. The article describes a set of performed verification experimental measurements confirming the applicability in relation to the system that controls the position of the actuator utilizing the described algorithm. The algorithm application enables a positive influencing and optimization of the actuator positioning accuracy and a full-valued automation of its operation


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    The article deals with an investigation of residual stress in machined surface under conditions of high-feed milling and determination of the influence of machining conditions on the size and types of stress resulting from cutting into the machined surface. As a testing material, the hardened tool steel W. Nr. 1.2343 (CSN 19552) was used. For the realization of the experimental activity, a high-feed milling head was used with exchangeable cutting inserts marked H600 WXCU 070515T. All surfaces were machined under different cutting conditions (200, 300, 350, 400 and 500mmin−1 cutting speed) in regard to the recommended parameters and machine tool options. The evaluated residual stress was measured in the depth of 8 μm under the surface with the device PROTO iXRD working on the principle of the X-Ray diffraction. Monitoring was carried out using an analysis of occurrence of tensile or compressive residual stress, and from these results, a possible dependence of the residual stress on the cutting conditions during milling process was determined

    Assessment of the transverse roughness of the thin-walled cooler for the robot control system made using CAM programming

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    The article deals with design and design of a thin-walled heat sink for the robot control system, the measurement of the transverse roughness of the touch surfaces and the programming procedure in Autodesk Inventor 2019 software. In this software, a design of the 3D model of the heat sink generated based on power supply and NC code generation for the Fanuc control system. The production it-self carried out on the CNC Vertical Machining Center Pinnacle 2100 with this control system. The longitudinal surface roughness was measured with a Mi-tutoyo SJ 400 dredger and the measurement result was the maximum Ra = 0.69 μm and Rz = 4.1 μμm

    Mechanical analysis of the rotating drawing mandrel with selected bearings configuration

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    Nowadays is important to increase power efficiency in the heat production sector. Tubes with shaped internal surface are one of the possibilities to improve efficiency of heat exchangers. In the fact of this is actual to look on the improvements of the process of forming from the perspective of the tool construction. Presented article is focused on mechanical analysis of the rotating mandrel for cold forming of tubes with shaped internal surface. As a proposed material of the tool was selected heat-treated tool steel. Analyses were performed with selected configuration of the bearings. One bearing was configured as radial and second bearing was configured as radial-axial. A result shows stresses in the mandrel and deformation of the mandrel under a load of forming pressure. Obtained results have potential to enhance knowledge in the area of construction of the forming tools

    Eddy current testing of artificial defects in 316L stainless steel samples made by additive manufacturing technology

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    Additive manufacturing has many positives, but its incorporation into functional parts production is restricted by the presence of defects. Eddy current testing provides solutions for their identification; however, some methodology and measurement standards for AM (additive manufacturing) products are still missing. The main purpose of the experiment described within this article was to check the ability of eddy current testing to identify AM stainless steel parts and to examine the data obtained by eddy currents variation under the influence of various types of designed artificial defects. Experimental samples were designed and prepared with SLM (selective laser melting) technology. Artificial defects, included in the samples, were detected using the eddy current testing device, taking the important circumstances of this non-destructive method into account. The presented research shows significant potential for eddy current testing to identify defects in AM products, with a resolution of various types and sizes of defects. The obtained data output shows the importance of choosing the right measurement regime, excitation frequency and secondary parameters setup. Besides the eddy current testing conditions, defect properties also play a significant role, such as their shape, size, if they are filled with unmolten powder or if they reach the surface.Web of Science1519art. no. 678

    Study of High Feed Cutting Efficiency of Aluminum Alloy AW – Alzn5,5mgcu

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    Presented article is focused on the study of high feed cutting of EN AW - AlZn5,5MgCu material. Experimental part describes the study of the efficiency of high feed milling of the specified material and its subsequent comparison with conventional methods and standard tools. This part describes the realization of five milling options, 4 of which are realized by the HFC method and the last alternative is realized by conventional milling. The conclusion is focused on complex assessment of the efficiency of machining of the specified aluminium alloy from economic and technical point of view and the comparison of individual HFC alternatives with the conventional milling method

    Direct Metal Laser Sintering – Possibility of Application in Production Process

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    The article describes the Direct Metal Laser Sintering technology and its application in production process. In the introduction part, a brief description of DMLS technology is described, its principles with the subsequent advantages and disadvantages. The second part of the article focuses on characterization of the basic materials which are currently most commonly used in DMLS processes. This part aims at describing the basic properties of the individual materials and their demonstration. The final part of the article deals with the possibilities of applying the chosen method in the production process