21 research outputs found

    Effect of Discontinuation or Initiation of Methotrexate or Glucocorticoids on Tofacitinib Efficacy in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Post Hoc Analysis

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    <p><b>Article full text</b></p> <p><br></p> <p>The full text of this article can be found here<b>.</b> <a href="https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40744-018-0093-7">https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40744-018-0093-7</a></p><p></p> <p><br></p> <p><b>Provide enhanced content for this article</b></p> <p><br></p> <p>If you are an author of this publication and would like to provide additional enhanced content for your article then please contact <a href="http://www.medengine.com/Redeem/Ć¢Ā€Āmailto:[email protected]Ć¢Ā€Ā"><b>[email protected]</b></a>.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The journal offers a range of additional features designed to increase visibility and readership. All features will be thoroughly peer reviewed to ensure the content is of the highest scientific standard and all features are marked as ā€˜peer reviewedā€™ to ensure readers are aware that the content has been reviewed to the same level as the articles they are being presented alongside. Moreover, all sponsorship and disclosure information is included to provide complete transparency and adherence to good publication practices. This ensures that however the content is reached the reader has a full understanding of its origin. No fees are charged for hosting additional open access content.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Other enhanced features include, but are not limited to:</p> <p><br></p> <p>ā€¢ Slide decks</p> <p>ā€¢ Videos and animations</p> <p>ā€¢ Audio abstracts</p> <p>ā€¢ Audio slides</p

    Ranges of lab values.

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    <p>(Left) Range of lab values for Moderate/High (MH) disease activity cases vs. Range of lab values for Low/Remission (LR) disease activity cases among 1320 correctly classified notes. (Right) Range of lab values for Moderate/High (MH) disease activity cases vs. Range of lab values for Low/Remission (LR) disease activity cases among 429 misclassified notes.</p

    Lab-value and 20 top-ranked CUIs.

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    <p>Their Chi-square values were visualized as bars. Longer bars suggest higher impact. The negative signs ā€œ-ā€ before some of the CUIs suggest negation (CUI ā€“ Unified Medical Language System Concept Unique Identifier).</p

    Scatter plot of DAS28 scores and log transformed lab values.

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    <p>(Left) Scatter plot of DAS28 scores and log transformed lab values for 1320 correctly classified notes. (Right) Scatter plot of DAS28 scores and log transformed lab values for 429 misclassified notes. The lines are the regression lines.</p