23 research outputs found

    Appendix C. The Pearson correlation coefficients for precipitation variables and the moments of the trait distribution in plots and 1° grid cells.

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    The Pearson correlation coefficients for precipitation variables and the moments of the trait distribution in plots and 1° grid cells

    Appendix B. The results of a regression through the origin where the moments of the trait distribution of plots and grid cells calculated using presence–absence weighting are regressed on the mean trait values calculated using abundance weighting.

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    The results of a regression through the origin where the moments of the trait distribution of plots and grid cells calculated using presence–absence weighting are regressed on the mean trait values calculated using abundance weighting

    Appendix F. Maps of the moments of the trait distributions using presence–absence weighting in the FIA plots in 1° by 1° grid cells in eastern North America.

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    Maps of the moments of the trait distributions using presence–absence weighting in the FIA plots in 1° by 1° grid cells in eastern North America

    Appendix A. A list describing the literature sources and online databases from where the functional trait data were obtained.

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    A list describing the literature sources and online databases from where the functional trait data were obtained

    Appendix H. The moments of the trait distribution in FIA plots weighted by abundance in the five Holdridge life zones in the study area.

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    The moments of the trait distribution in FIA plots weighted by abundance in the five Holdridge life zones in the study area

    Appendix J. The moments of the trait distribution in FIA plots in 1° grid cells weighted by abundance in the five Holdridge life zones in the study area.

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    The moments of the trait distribution in FIA plots in 1° grid cells weighted by abundance in the five Holdridge life zones in the study area

    Appendix D. The Pearson correlation coefficients for temperature variables and the moments of the trait distribution in plots and 1° grid cells.

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    The Pearson correlation coefficients for temperature variables and the moments of the trait distribution in plots and 1° grid cells

    Supplement 1. The Matlab source code containing the algorithm described in Appendix D to fit the analytical ZSM.

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    <h2>File List</h2><blockquote> <p><b>Individual Matlab files</b></p> <blockquote> <p><a href="estimate_anal_ZSM.m">estimate_anal_ZSM.m</a><br> <a href="estimate_anal_zsm_theta.m">estimate_anal_zsm_theta.m</a><br> <a href="expphi.m">expphi.m</a> <br> <a href="getphi.m">getphi.m</a><br> <a href="isvector.m">isvector.m</a><br> <a href="myhistc.m">myhistc.m</a><br> <a href="philocal.m">philocal.m</a><br> <a href="plotexpphi.m">plotexpphi.m</a><br> <a href="sadhist.m">sadhist.m</a><br> <a href="solvetheta.m">solvetheta.m</a><br> </p> </blockquote> <p><b>All files at once</b></p> <blockquote> <p><a href="anzsm.zip">anzsm.zip</a> - Contains all Matlab files </p> </blockquote> <p> </p> </blockquote><h2>Description</h2><blockquote> <p>This paper will calculate Eq. 7 in Volkov et al. (2003. Nature <b>424</b>:1035–1037) and estimate the parameters θ and m that make the ZSM best fit a particular data set. Details are found at <a href="appendix-D.htm">Appendix D</a>. </p> </blockquote