2 research outputs found

    Bulked gold, riverine trade, hiking trails, and WorldView2 satellite remote sensing in Northwestern Luzon: The Angaqui network

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    This paper is based on a case study of the Angaqui gold trade network in Northwestern Luzon during the Early Historical to Historical Period (10th to early 20th c). Multiple data sources including GIS predictive modelling and remote sensing through high-resolution and multispectral WorldView2 satellite imagery, written primary historical and secondary historical sources, indigenous peoples oral tradition, and results of systematic archaeological survey and excavation were integrated in the research to come close to a wholistic view. Availability of the satellite imagery facilitates a more regional and multi-scalar approach to archaeology of the region. Remote sensing has revealed segments of old trails within the network. The written and oral tradition both complement each other when correlated with available archaeological data. Availability of historical visual documentation also provides a means to reconstructing the gold evanescent market encounter in Northwestern Luzo

    Charting the Abra gold trade network of Northwestern Luzon using ethnohistorical archaeology and WorldView-3 satellite imagery

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    The paper will look at the Abra Network from the Early Historical to Historical Period (10th to Early 20th c) which encompasses areas of Ilocos Sur as well as the whole province of Abra. It is argued that this particular network features the migration by coastal peoples to the interior in order to fully control strategic “choke” points in the gold trade with the Lepanto and Angaqui networks as well as to control jump-off points to the leeward side of the Cordillera Mountains – the Cagayan valley. Analysis was done using data from GIS predictive modelling and WorldView3 satellite remote sensing, in conjunction with archaeological data from 2011 and 2012 field seasons as well as published primary and secondary ethnohistorical data. Several Spanish period maps provided important data on early settlements and trails, after georeferencing through GIS software