5 research outputs found


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    The beauty of KHDTK (Special-purpose forest) in Banten province saves a lot of biodiversities that must be protected because it is a source of wealth that supports human life towards prosperity. The research objective was to determine the diversity of trees and shrubs and to identify the types of plants (trees and shrubs) in the Forest Area with Special Purpose in Carita. This research was carried out in Sukarame Village, Carita District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten. The method used in this study is descriptive research. Technique sampling uses the Line transect method. The results showed that the tree Shannon-Weaver (H') Diversity index at KHDTK in Carita was 0.600 in the low category. Bush Shannon-Weaver (H) Diversity Index at Carita KHDTK is 0.692 in the low category. Evenness Index (E) at the KHDTK in Carita is 0.204 in the (low) category. The Evenness Index (E) in the Carita KHDTK was 0.33 in the low category. Further research is needed to be able to find diversity in the KHDTK in Carita and to complement references about KHDTK in Carita

    Pemanfaatan Ruang Terbuka Kampus sebagai Potensi Menjaga Lingkungan

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    Ruang terbuka hijau kini bukan hanya sekadar peraturan yang dicanangkan pemerintah akan tetapi sudah menjadi kebutuhan di perkotaan. Kampus-kampus kini sudah banyak menerapkan konsep ruang terbuka hijau untuk menciptakan Kenyamanan dalam kegiatan belajar mngajar. Pola pemanfaatan dan pengembangan ruang terbuka hijau di kampus kini makin beragam. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui fungsi dan manfaat ruang terbuka hijau di kampus dan arahan yang tepat dalam penerapan konsep ruang terbuka hijau di kampus. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan studi literatur yaitu dengan membahas beberapa jurnal dan penelitian tentang ruang terbuka hijau di kampus yang ada di Indonesia. Dari pembahasan jurnal dan penelitian yang ada dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa konsep ruang terbuka hijau memiliki banyak manfaat terutama memberikan keindahan dan Kenyamanan di kampus selain manfaat jangka panjangnya yaitu sebagai taman obat, penyerap udara kotor, memelihara ketersediaan air dan melestarikan ragam flora dan fauna

    Virtual Laboratory of Protists: Learning Media to Enhance Scientific Attitudes

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    A scientific attitude is important for students to have because scientific attitudes affect the learning process and outcomes. One way to improve scientific attitudes in students is using interactive and interesting learning media. Therefore, this study aims to see the effect of using virtual laboratory media on students's scientific attitudes. The method used in this study is a quantitative method with a quasi-experimental design. The instrument used in this study was a scientific attitude questionnaire in the form of a Likert scale. The data were analyzed descriptively and differently. The research samples used was 70 samples divided into 35 samples in the experimental class and 35 samples in the control class. Based on the results of the study, it was seen that there was an increase in the average value of scientific attitudes in each dimension of scientific attitudes after carrying out learning with virtual laboratory media. It was also known that based on ANCOVA test, the significance value was 0.000<0.05. So, it can be concluded that virtual laboratory media can improve the scientific attitude of students