1,696 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Dynamic Robust Resource Allocation: Application to Efficient Transportation

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    The transformation to smarter cities brings an array of emerging urbanization challenges. With the development of technologies such as sensor networks, storage devices, and cloud computing, we are able to collect, store, and analyze a large amount of data in real time. Modern cities have brought to life unprecedented opportunities and challenges for allocating limited resources in a data-driven way. Intelligent transportation system is one emerging research area, in which sensing data provides us opportunities for understanding spatial-temporal patterns of demand human and mobility. However, greedy or matching algorithms that only deal with known requests are far from efficient in the long run without considering demand information predicted based on data. In this dissertation, we develop a data-driven robust resource allocation framework to consider spatial-temporally correlated demand and demand uncertainties, motivated by the problem of efficient dispatching of taxi or autonomous vehicles. We first present a receding horizon control (RHC) framework to dispatch taxis towards predicted demand; this framework incorporates both information from historical record data and real-time GPS location and occupancy status data. It also allows us to allocate resource from a globally optimal perspective in a longer time period, besides the local level greedy or matching algorithm for assigning a passenger pick-up location of each vacant vehicle. The objectives include reducing both current and anticipated future total idle driving distance and matching spatial-temporal ratio between demand and supply for service quality. We then present a robust optimization method to consider spatial-temporally correlated demand model uncertainties that can be expressed in closed convex sets. Uncertainty sets of demand vectors are constructed from data based on theories in hypothesis testing, and the sets provide a desired probabilistic guarantee level for the performance of dispatch solutions. To minimize the average resource allocation cost under demand uncertainties, we develop a general data-driven dynamic distributionally robust resource allocation model. An efficient algorithm for building demand uncertainty sets that compatible with various demand prediction methods is developed. We prove equivalent computationally tractable forms of the robust and distributionally robust resource allocation problems using strong duality. The resource allocation problem aims to balance the demand-supply ratio at different nodes of the network with minimum balancing and re-balancing cost, with decision variables on the denominator that has not been covered by previous work. Trace-driven analysis with real taxi operational record data of San Francisco shows that the RHC framework reduces the average total idle distance of taxis by 52%, and evaluations with over 100GB of New York City taxi trip data show that robust and distributionally robust dispatch methods reduce the average total idle distance by 10% more compared with non-robust solutions. Besides increasing the service efficiency by reducing total idle driving distance, the resource allocation methods in this dissertation also reduce the demand-supply ratio mismatch error across the city

    Behavior Planning For Connected Autonomous Vehicles Using Feedback Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    With the development of communication technologies, connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) can share information with each other. We propose a novel behavior planning method for CAVs to decide actions such as whether to change lane or keep lane based on the observation and shared information from neighbors, and to make sure that there exist corresponding control maneuvers such as acceleration and steering angle to guarantee the safety of each individual autonomous vehicle. We formulate this problem as a hybrid partially observable Markov decision process (HPOMDP) to consider objectives such as improving traffic flow efficiency and driving comfort and safety requirements. The discrete state transition is determined by the proposed feedback deep Q-learning algorithm using the feedback action from an underlying controller based on control barrier functions. The feedback deep Q-learning algorithm we design aims to solve the critical challenge of reinforcement learning (RL) in a physical system: guaranteeing the safety of the system while the RL is exploring the action space to increase the reward. We prove that our method renders a forward invariant safe set for the continuous state physical dynamic model of the system while the RL agent is learning. In experiments, our behavior planning method can increase traffic flow and driving comfort compared with the intelligent driving model (IDM). We also validate that our method maintains safety during the learning process.Comment: conferenc

    An adaptive RKHS regularization for Fredholm integral equations

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    Regularization is a long-standing challenge for ill-posed linear inverse problems, and a prototype is the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. We introduce a practical RKHS regularization algorithm adaptive to the discrete noisy measurement data and the underlying linear operator. This RKHS arises naturally in a variational approach, and its closure is the function space in which we can identify the true solution. We prove that the RKHS-regularized estimator has a mean-square error converging linearly as the noise scale decreases, with a multiplicative factor smaller than the commonly-used L2L^2-regularized estimator. Furthermore, numerical results demonstrate that the RKHS-regularizer significantly outperforms L2L^2-regularizer when either the noise level decays or when the observation mesh refines.Comment: 18 page

    PS-TRUST: Provably Secure Solution for Truthful Double Spectrum Auctions

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    Truthful spectrum auctions have been extensively studied in recent years. Truthfulness makes bidders bid their true valuations, simplifying greatly the analysis of auctions. However, revealing one's true valuation causes severe privacy disclosure to the auctioneer and other bidders. To make things worse, previous work on secure spectrum auctions does not provide adequate security. In this paper, based on TRUST, we propose PS-TRUST, a provably secure solution for truthful double spectrum auctions. Besides maintaining the properties of truthfulness and special spectrum reuse of TRUST, PS-TRUST achieves provable security against semi-honest adversaries in the sense of cryptography. Specifically, PS-TRUST reveals nothing about the bids to anyone in the auction, except the auction result. To the best of our knowledge, PS-TRUST is the first provably secure solution for spectrum auctions. Furthermore, experimental results show that the computation and communication overhead of PS-TRUST is modest, and its practical applications are feasible.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Infocom 201

    Deconfinement Phase Transition Heating and Thermal Evolution of Neutron Stars

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    The deconfinement phase transition will lead to the release of latent heat during spins down of neutron stars if the transition is the first-order one.We have investigated the thermal evolution of neutron stars undergoing such deconfinement phase transition. The results show that neutron stars may be heated to higher temperature.This feature could be particularly interesting for high temperature of low-magnetic field millisecond pulsar at late stage.Comment: 4 pages, to be published by American Institute of Physics, ed. D.Lai, X.D.Li and Y.F.Yuan, as the Proceedings of the conference Astrophysics of Compact Object

    Spatial-Temporal-Aware Safe Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning of Connected Autonomous Vehicles in Challenging Scenarios

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    Communication technologies enable coordination among connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs). However, it remains unclear how to utilize shared information to improve the safety and efficiency of the CAV system. In this work, we propose a framework of constrained multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) with a parallel safety shield for CAVs in challenging driving scenarios. The coordination mechanisms of the proposed MARL include information sharing and cooperative policy learning, with Graph Convolutional Network (GCN)-Transformer as a spatial-temporal encoder that enhances the agent's environment awareness. The safety shield module with Control Barrier Functions (CBF)-based safety checking protects the agents from taking unsafe actions. We design a constrained multi-agent advantage actor-critic (CMAA2C) algorithm to train safe and cooperative policies for CAVs. With the experiment deployed in the CARLA simulator, we verify the effectiveness of the safety checking, spatial-temporal encoder, and coordination mechanisms designed in our method by comparative experiments in several challenging scenarios with the defined hazard vehicles (HAZV). Results show that our proposed methodology significantly increases system safety and efficiency in challenging scenarios.Comment: This paper has been accepted by the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023). 6 pages, 5 figure

    Learning Robotic Ultrasound Scanning Skills via Human Demonstrations and Guided Explorations

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    Medical ultrasound has become a routine examination approach nowadays and is widely adopted for different medical applications, so it is desired to have a robotic ultrasound system to perform the ultrasound scanning autonomously. However, the ultrasound scanning skill is considerably complex, which highly depends on the experience of the ultrasound physician. In this paper, we propose a learning-based approach to learn the robotic ultrasound scanning skills from human demonstrations. First, the robotic ultrasound scanning skill is encapsulated into a high-dimensional multi-modal model, which takes the ultrasound images, the pose/position of the probe and the contact force into account. Second, we leverage the power of imitation learning to train the multi-modal model with the training data collected from the demonstrations of experienced ultrasound physicians. Finally, a post-optimization procedure with guided explorations is proposed to further improve the performance of the learned model. Robotic experiments are conducted to validate the advantages of our proposed framework and the learned models

    Networked Realization of Discrete-Time Controllers

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    We study the problem of mapping discrete-time linear controllers into potentially higher order linear controllers with predefined structural constraints. Our work has been motivated by the Wireless Control Network (WCN) architecture, where the network itself behaves as a distributed, structured dynamical compensator. We make connections to model reduction theory to derive a method for the controller embedding based on minimization of the H∞-norm of the error system. This allows us to frame the problem as synthesis of optimal structured linear controllers, which enables the utilization of design-time iterative procedures for systems’ approximation. Finally, we illustrate the use of the mapping procedure by embedding PID controllers into the WCN substrate, and show how to reduce the computation overhead of the approximation procedure
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