13,013 research outputs found

    Optical guiding in meter-scale plasma waveguides

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    We demonstrate a new highly tunable technique for generating meter-scale low density plasma waveguides. Such guides can enable electron acceleration to tens of GeV in a single stage. Plasma waveguides are imprinted in hydrogen gas by optical field ionization induced by two time-separated Bessel beam pulses: The first pulse, a J_0 beam, generates the core of the waveguide, while the delayed second pulse, here a J_8 or J_16 beam, generates the waveguide cladding. We demonstrate guiding of intense laser pulses over hundreds of Rayleigh lengths with on axis plasma densities as low as N_e0=5x10^16 cm^-3

    Descriptions of membrane mechanics from microscopic and effective two-dimensional perspectives

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    Mechanics of fluid membranes may be described in terms of the concepts of mechanical deformations and stresses, or in terms of mechanical free-energy functions. In this paper, each of the two descriptions is developed by viewing a membrane from two perspectives: a microscopic perspective, in which the membrane appears as a thin layer of finite thickness and with highly inhomogeneous material and force distributions in its transverse direction, and an effective, two-dimensional perspective, in which the membrane is treated as an infinitely thin surface, with effective material and mechanical properties. A connection between these two perspectives is then established. Moreover, the functional dependence of the variation in the mechanical free energy of the membrane on its mechanical deformations is first studied in the microscopic perspective. The result is then used to examine to what extent different, effective mechanical stresses and forces can be derived from a given, effective functional of the mechanical free energy.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figures, minor change

    Development of high critical current density in multifilamentary round-wire Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x by strong overdoping

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    Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x is the only cuprate superconductor that can be made into a round-wire conductor form with a high enough critical current density Jc for applications. Here we show that the Jc(5 T,4.2 K) of such Ag-sheathed filamentary wires can be doubled to more than 1.4x10^5 A/cm^2 by low temperature oxygenation. Careful analysis shows that the improved performance is associated with a 12 K reduction in transition temperature Tc to 80 K and a significant enhancement in intergranular connectivity. In spite of the macroscopically untextured nature of the wire, overdoping is highly effective in producing high Jc values.Comment: 4 figure

    On fractional Choquard equations

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    We investigate a class of nonlinear Schrodinger equations with a generalized Choquard nonlinearity and fractional diffusion. We obtain regularity, existence, nonexistence, symmetry as well as decays properties.Comment: revised version, 22 page

    High energy Scattering in 2+1 QCD: A Dipole Picture

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    A dipole picture of high energy scattering is developed in the 2+1 dimensional QCD, following Mueller. A generalized integral equation for the dipole density with a given separation and center of mass position is derived, and meson-meson non-forward scattering amplitude is therefore calculated. We also calculate the amplitude due to two pomeron exchange, and the triple pomeron coupling. We compare the result obtained by this method to our previous result based on an effective action approach, and find the two results agree at the one pomeron exchange level.Comment: minor typos corrected. Postscript files are available through anonymous ftp quark.het.brown.edu, in the directory /pub/preprints, file name is 9407299. Hard copy is available upon reques

    The Coincidence Limit of the Graviton Propagator in de Donder Gauge on de Sitter Background

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    We explicitly work out the de Sitter breaking contributions to the recent solution for the de Donder gauge graviton propagator on de Sitter. We also provide explicit power series expansions for the two structure functions, which are suitable for implementing dimensional regularization. And we evaluate the coincidence limit of the propagator.Comment: 41 pages, uses LaTeX 2e, version 2 has some typoes correcte

    High energy scattering in 2+1 QCD

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    High energy scattering in 2+1 QCD is studied using the recent approach of Verlinde and Verlinde. We calculate the color singlet part of the quark-quark scattering exactly within this approach, and discuss some physical implication of this result. We also demonstrate, by two independent methods, that reggeization fails for the color singlet channel. We briefly comment on the problem in 3+1 QCD.Comment: 20 pages, references adde

    One conjecture and two observations on de Sitter space

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    We propose that the state represented by the Nariai black hole inside de Sitter space is the ground state of the de Sitter gravity, while the pure de Sitter space is the maximal energy state. With this point of view, we investigate thermodynamics of de Sitter space, we find that if there is a dual field theory, this theory can not be a CFT in a fixed dimension. Near the Nariai limit, we conjecture that the dual theory is effectively an 1+1 CFT living on the radial segment connecting the cosmic horizon and the black hole horizon. If we go beyond the de Sitter limit, the "imaginary" high temperature phase can be described by a CFT with one dimension lower than the spacetime dimension. Below the de Sitter limit, we are approaching a phase similar to the Hagedorn phase in 2+1 dimensions, the latter is also a maximal energy phase if we hold the volume fixed.Comment: 12 pages, harvmac; references added; version for publication in JHE

    New remarks on the linear constraint self-dual boson and Wess-Zumino terms

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    In this work we prove in a precise way that the soldering formalism can be applied to the Srivastava chiral boson (SCB), in contradiction with some results appearing in the literature. We have promoted a canonical transformation that shows directly that the SCB is composed of two Floreanini-Jackiw's particles with the same chirality which spectrum is a vacuum-like one. As another conflictive result we have proved that a Wess-Zumino term used in the literature consists of the scalar field, once again denying the assertion that the WZ term adds a new degree of freedom to the SCB theory in order to modify the physics of the system.Comment: 6 pages, Revtex. Final version to appear in Physical Review

    Solving the Effective Field Equations for the Newtonian Potential

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    Loop corrections to the gravitational potential are usually inferred from scattering amplitudes, which seems quite different from how the linearized Einstein equations are solved with a static, point mass to give the classical potential. In this study we show how the Schwinger-Keldysh effective field equations can be used to compute loop corrections to the potential in a way which parallels the classical treatment. We derive explicit results for the one loop correction from the graviton self-energy induced by a massless, minimally coupled scalar.Comment: 15 pages, uses LaTeX2
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