13 research outputs found

    Reproductive performance of rabbits fed maize-milling waste based diets

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    The influence of maize-milling waste on the reproductive performance of rabbits was assessed. The treatments comprised of autoclaved and unautoclaved maize-milling waste, groundnut cake/maize meal diets formulated with 0 (I), 25 (II), 50 (III), 75 (IV) and 100% (V) replacement of maize with maize-milling waste. Each of the diets contains 18% crude protein and was unpelleted. There were two parity periods and the duration was 15 weeks. In the first parity period, the conception rates were 33.33, 100, 75, 66.66 and 75% for treatments I, II, III, IV and V, respectively, while the second parity conceptions rates were 50, 75 and 50% for treatments II, III and IV, respectively. No conceptions were observed for treatments I and V. The first breeding trials had abortion rates of 50 and 25% for treatments II and V, respectively. Autoclaved maize-milling waste was used for the second breeding trials. Autoclaving maize milling waste was observed to improve the nutritional value of the diets and neither abortion nor still births were seen for the second parity period. Therefore, simple diet comprising maize-milling waste and groundnut cake can support normal growth and reproduction of rabbits for meat production.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (5), pp. 437-443, 200

    Growth Performance Traits and Organ Weights in Semi- Adult Rabbits Exposed to Crude Oil Contaminated Diets

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    The effects of feeding forage contaminated with graded levels of crude oil on growth performance traits and organweights of semi-adult rabbits were investigated to simulate the impact of a natural crude spillage on wild-life,game and livestock. Five diets were compounded with five levels of crude oil contamination of 0.00, 0.05, 0.10,0.15 and 0.20%, respectively. Feed intake, feed conversion efficiency, body weight gain as well as final body weightwere significantly (P < 0.05) depressed with increasing levels of crude oil in the diet. Growth depression increasedinversely with increasing dietary concentration of crude oil. Mortality rate was higher among rabbits exposed tovarying levels of dietary crude oil. There was a significant (P < 0.05) difference in mortality as the crude oil levelsincreased in the diets. Evaluation of organ weights showed a sensitive response to crude oil toxicity with significant(P < 0.05) weight differences in various organs (liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, heart and gonads) among the rabbitsexposed to crude oil contaminated diets. The liver, kidney and heart hypertrophied while on the other hand, thespleen, pancreas and gonads atrophied. Post mortem examination of organs from randomly sacrificed rabbits fromcrude oil treated groups showed varying degrees of inflammation, necrosis, hypertrophy and atrophy

    Genetic aspects of growth and maturing rate in trypanotolerant beef cattle: N'Dama

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    Genetic parameters for Absolute Growth Rate (AGR), Relative Growth Rate (RGR) and Absolute Maturing Rate (AMR) at various age interval from birth to maturity in N'Dama beef cattle raised in the humid tropics of Nigeria were estimated. Performance data used were accumulated between 1948 and 1964 at Fasola cattle ranch in Oyo, Nigeria and the number of records analysed ranged from 44 to 678. preweaning (B – W) growth and maturing rates in N'Dama calves were 0.377 + 0.009 kg/day (AGR), 0.643 + 0.006 %/day (RGR) and 0.120 + 0.003% A/day (AMR) and fluctuate subsequently, following the animals' state of development and certain physiological stress conditions. At post weaning (W – 12), these rates decreased to 0.249 + 0.049kg/day, 0.204 + 0.029%/day and 0.075 + 0.014 % A/day for AGR, RGR and AMR respectively. Estimates of heritability at the various age intervals were considered low in these growth traits with values obtained ranging from 0.03 to 0.24 for AGR, 0.03 to 0.21 for RGR and ).02 to 0.42 for AMR, with high standard errors. The low estimates though, consistent with literature reports were attributed to the poor standard of animal management and production environment at Fasola. It was evident from this study that selection of N'Dama calves based on post weaning (W – 12) growth or maturing rates would yield substantial genetic progress. However, improved animal management and production environment on the ranch would not only improve precision of the genetic parameter estimates but would also enhance N'Dama growth performance generally. Keywords: Growth rates, maturing rates, genetic parameters, trypanotolerant cattle

    Liveweight Performance at Maturity in N'dama Cattle Raised on Semi-improved Tropical Pasture

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    Growth Performance Traits and Organ Weights in Rabbits Exposed to Crude Oil Contaminated Diets

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    The effects of feeding forage contaminated with graded levels of crude oil on growth performance traits and organ weights of rabbits were investigated to simulate the impact of a natural crude spillage on wildlife, game and livestock. Five diets were compounded with the levels of crude oil contamination of 0.00%, 0.05%, 0.10%, 0.15% and 0.20% respectively. Feed intake, feed conversion efficiency, body weight gain/loss as well as final body weight were significantly (P0.05) in mortality as the crude oil levels increased in the diets. Evaluation of organ weights showed a sensitive response to crude oil toxicity with significant (P0,05) dans la mortalité au fur et à mesure que les niveaux de pétrole brut augmentaient dans les régimes alimentaires. L\'évaluation du poids des organes a montré une grande sensibilité à la toxicité du pétrole brut, avec des différences en poids significativement (P> 0,05) pour divers organes. L\'évaluation des poids d\'organe a montré une réponse positive à la toxicité de pétrole brut avec des différences significatives de poids dans divers organes (foie, rein, pancréas, rate, coeur et gonades) au sein des lapins exposés à l\'aliment contaminé au pétrole brut. D\'une part, le foie, le rein et le coeur s\'hypertrophiaient tandis que d\'autre part, la rate, le pancréas et les gonades s\'atrophiaient. L\'autopsie des organes des lapins aléatoirement abattus parmi les groupes ayant reçu des aliments contaminés avec du pétrole brut, a montré des degrés variables d\'inflammation, de nécrose, d\'hypertrophie et d\'atrophie.Mots-clés: lapin, performance de croissance, poids d\'organe, produits pétroliers bruts Discovery and Innovation Vol. 16 (3&4) 2004: 172-17

    A 35-year standardized prediction estimates for gynecological lesions in oil and gas exploration and production city in the Niger Delta

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    Background: The impact of constant emission of hydrocarbons and contaminated water level through oil spillage in the oil and gas exploration and production areas of Niger Delta on women's health cannot be underestimated. We developed a 35-year standardized prediction estimates for gynecological lesions using data obtained from an integrated specialist hospital serving the residence of the oil and gas exploration and production City of Port Harcourt and the surrounding areas of Niger Delta, Nigeria. Methods: The study participants comprised of 697 females who received medical care at the Braithwaite Memorial Specialist Hospital (BMSH), Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, between 2010 and 2014. Predictive modeling of the diseases was performed using JMP statistical discovery™ software, version 12.0 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Results: The distribution of the gynecological lesions (n = 697) differed significantly (P < 0.001) by year of diagnosis, developmental stage, age category, and types of lesion. The mean age of study participants was 39.1 ± 12.8 years, and most of the lesions (61.8%) occurred among females who were 30- to 49-year old. Leiomyoma recorded the highest 5-year standardized prevalence rate of 0.508, and with no intervention, it is estimated that the number of cases diagnosed will rise from 235 in 2015 to 1883 by the year 2050. This was followed by ovarian cyst with a prevalence rate of 0.124 and projected increase from 57 in 2015 to 461 by the year 2050. Similarly, the product of conception is also estimated to increase from 34 to 277 by the year 2050. Conclusion: The over 700% increased prediction of gynecological lesions by 2050 calls for urgent attention by both governmental and private agencies to fund awareness campaigns and screenings for women, especially for those residing in the oil- and gas-producing areas of Niger Delta

    Hormonal changes, semen quality and variance in reproductive activity outcomes of post pubertal rabbits fed Moringa oleifera Lam. leaf powder

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance: Moringa oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae) is an important plant based staple food, known for its nutritional and medicinal value and is usually prescribed by herbal practitioners in Nigeria and in other tropical countries for the treatment of male infertility problems and reproductive diseases in females. Although the aphrodisiac properties and fertility enhancement potential in males have been reported, the underlying mechanisms for the activity remain unclear. In this study, we investigated the influence of supplementing the diet with M. oleifera Lam. leaf powder on reproductive hormones and semen quality of New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits. Materials and Methods: Thirty-two (32) NZW rabbits of 50:50 ratio bucks to does, were randomly distributed to four treatment groups (n = 4 bucks, n = 4 does per group). Graded levels (0, 5, 10 and 15 g/kg) of M. oleifera Lam. leaf powder was incorporated into rabbit growers pellet. The does and bucks were housed separately in hutches and sheltered under the same environmental conditions with free access to their respective treatment diets for a period of 12 weeks. Results: In female rabbits, treatment revealed significant (P M. oleifera Lam. leaf powder in the diet Conclusions: We conclude that M. oleifera Lam. leaf powder supplementation to the diet was more beneficial to male rabbit fertility than the female, where it tended to have a negative impact through the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. However, with the varying impact of M. oleifera Lam. leaf powder on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis of male and female animals, further investigation is necessary to determine the mechanism through which it operates

    Assessment of sexually transmitted disease/HIV risk among young African Americans: comparison of self-perceived and epidemiological risks utilizing ecodevelopmental theory

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    Ya-Huei Li,1 Osaro Mgbere,1&ndash;3 Susan Abughosh,1 Hua Chen,1 Paula Cuccaro,4 Andrea Smesny,1 Ekere James Essien1,3,4 1Department of Pharmaceutical Health Outcomes and Policy, College of Pharmacy, University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA; 2Disease Prevention and Control Division, Houston Health Department, Houston, TX, USA; 3Institute of Community Health, University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA; 4Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences, University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, TX, USA Background: Recent advances in understanding the developmental processes associated with adolescents warrant new thinking and systematic application of key concepts of risk and protective processes. This study examined the association between epidemiological and self-perceived risks of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)/HIV among young African Americans (AAs) and the multilevel factors identified using ecodevelopmental theory. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted on wave 1 data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health comprising 1,619 AA youth aged 14&ndash;18 years. Epidemiological and self-perceived HIV-risk indices were developed and their associations with ecodevelopmental system parameters evaluated. Results: Significant discordance (P&lt;0.0001) in the youths&rsquo; self-perceived risk and epidemiological risk (the &ldquo;gold standard&rdquo;) was recorded with Cohen&rsquo;s k-coefficient of 0.144 (95% CI 0.104&ndash;0.193). Adolescents who felt like talking to their mother had no trouble getting along with schoolteachers, perceived that teachers treated student fairly, experienced mother&rsquo;s disapproval of their sexual debut, and had close friends who knew how to use condoms correctly, were positively related to low epidemiological risk of contracting STDs/HIV. Being older, male, and a mother&rsquo;s positive attitude toward their adolescent&rsquo;s use of birth control (in exosystem) were associated with high epidemiological risk of contracting STDs/HIV. Furthermore, poor connection with the mother (did not feel like talking to mother) and growing older were related to low accuracy of self-risk perception among AA youths. Conclusion: The findings demonstrate the strong need to align self-perceived risk with epidemiological risk of acquiring STDs/HIV using the key multilevel ecodevelopmental system factors identified. This will require changes in relevant social attitudes and norms associated with risk measurement, and allow for a rational basis for safe health practices and behaviors among AA youths. Keywords: self-perceived risk, epidemiological risk, STDs/HIV, ecodevelopmental theory, modeling, risk index, African American youth

    HIV Non-Occupational Post Exposure Prophylaxis in Nigeria: A Review of Research Evidence and Practice.

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    Background: Although non-occupational Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) post-exposure prophylaxis (nPEP) has been proven to be efficacious in preventing HIV, it remains an underutilized prevention strategy in Nigeria. We aimed to conduct an overview of research studies on nPEP and practice in Nigeria from 2002 to 2018 examining: sociodemographic characteristics of study sample, awareness, knowledge and prior use of nPEP, reasons for HIV nPEP, timeliness in presenting for PEP, antiretrovirals (ARVs) used for nPEP, side effects and adherence, monitoring and follow-up visits, adherence to guidelines and recommendations for nPEP by healthcare institutions and the strength of evidence of reviewed studies. Methods: An electronic search on PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Scopus, Medline, Embase and Google Scholar for published studies on nPEP from January 2002 to December 2018. We conducted our search using different combinations of the keywords: “HIV,” “non-occupational,” “nonoccupational,” “post-exposure,” “postexposure,” “prophylaxis” and “Nigeria.” Results: Five articles met the inclusion criteria for this study. About 25.4% of college students were aware of PEP. PEP awareness was significantly determined by the following factors: ever tested for HIV, nude picture exchanges, sex without condom, and knowledge of partner’s HIV status. Across studies, exposed victims who presented for PEP were mostly females (64%-78%). Rape was the most frequently occurring reason for seeking nPEP (25.9%-64.1%). Although most patients presented for nPEP within 72 hours, follow up visits were generally low (0%-2%) across studies assessed, except for one study that reported a high follow up visit of 83.3%. Guidelines adherence by healthcare institutions could not be established due to lack of information on key variables. Conclusion: Our study highlights the paucity of research evidence on nPEP use in Nigeria, the societal and cultural contexts in which non-occupational exposures occur, healthcare providers’ roles and the public health and practice implications. Keywords: • HIV • Post-exposure • Prophylaxis • Non-occupational • Prevention • Nigeria   Copyright © 2019 Iloanusi et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited