1 research outputs found

    Evaluaci贸n de pol铆ticas de inclusi贸n en instituci贸n educativa del distrito especial de Barranquilla

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    The present investigation was defined as a qualitative case study and aims to describe, understand and build a sense of the dynamics of the inclusion policy of Children with Special Educational Needs in the Basic Primary of the Murillo District School. For the foundation, the theoretical referents of social constructionism, the theory of reasoned action, the theory of modularization by Annette Karmiloff Smith and the approaches to human development of Almonte and Montt were started. Methodologically, two techniques for data collection were developed: a Characterization and a Discussion Group, which were applied to managers, teachers, parents and students. The results indicate that the inclusion policy in the mentioned Educational Institution is not part of the representational and reproductive heritage of the educational community.La presente investigaci贸n se defini贸 como estudio cualitativo de caso y tiene como objetivo describir, comprender y construir un sentido acerca de la din谩mica de la pol铆tica de inclusi贸n de Ni帽os con Necesidades Educativas Especiales en la B谩sica Primaria del Colegio Distrital Murillo. Para la fundamentaci贸n se parti贸 de los referentes te贸ricos del construccionismo social, la teor铆a de la acci贸n razonada, la teor铆a de la modularizaci贸n de Annette Karmiloff Smith y de los enfoques de desarrollo humano de Almonte y Montt. Metodol贸gicamente, se desarrollaron dos t茅cnicas para la recolecci贸n de datos: Una Caracterizaci贸n y un Grupo de discusi贸n, los cuales se aplicaron a directivos, docentes, padres de familia y estudiantes. Los resultados indican que la pol铆tica de inclusi贸n en la Instituci贸n Educativa citada no hace parte del acervo representacional y reproductivo de la comunidad educativa