28 research outputs found

    Non-chemical control measures of Senecio vulgaris L.

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    Environmental constraints of crop production systems have stimulated interest in alternative weed management strategies, as the continued use of synthetic herbicides has resulted in serious ecological problems, such as weeds resistance to important herbicides and increased environmental pollution and health hazards. The aim of this study was to test the bioherbicidal activity of the essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis L. on weed species Senecio vulgaris L., in 2019, at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad. In order to examine a phytotoxic effect, plants were treated with 1 and 5% (v/v) concentration of rosemary essential oil, kitchen salt NaCl (1:8), wine vinegar solution (1:10), and glyphosate, while the control variants remained untreated. The evaluation was carried out 1, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 and 144 hours after application. Essential oils of rosemary in both concentrations and wine vinegar solution (1:10) had good efficacy compared to the control. High efficacy was in the treatment with NaCl solution and glyphosate, and complete decay of S. vulgaris plants occurred 144h after application. Phytotoxic changes in the form of turgor loss, chlorotic, then necrotic spots, were determined on the tested weed species 24h from the application of NaCl and glyphosate, while from essential oil first symptoms have appeared after 48h

    Senzor na bazi mezoporozne silike za kolorimetrijsko određivanje boje Basic Yellow 28 u vodenim rastvorima

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    The textile industry is one of the largest water-consuming industries in the world. The wastewater generated by the textile industry is a major source of pollution, containing mostly dyes, but also detergents, and heavy metals. Since dyes can have a negative impact on the environment, human and aquatic life, it is really important to find proper solutions for removal of these pollutants from wastewater. In addition, special attention is given to the discovery of new and fast "in situ" methods for identification and quantification of pollutants from wastewater. In this paper, SBA-15, mesoporous silica material, was used as sorbent for removal of Basic Yellow 28 from aqueous solutions. In addition, colored SBA-15 after sorption process was subjected to image analysis, to evaluate if it was possible to quantify sorbed dye on sorbent based on intensity of SBA-15 coloration. The obtained results revealed that SBA-15 could remove 99% of dye within 5 min. The highest efficiency of dye removal was at pH8, using 200 mg of sorbent. According to the Langmuir isotherm model, the theoretical maximum sorption capacity was 909 mg/g. Image-Pro software confirmed that it would be possible to quantify sorbed dye onto SBA-15 with accuracy of 0.98. Overall, SBA-15 demonstrated to be efficient sorbent in removal of Basic Yellow 28 from water, but also to be potential carrier as a sensor for detection of colored pollutants in water.Tekstilna industrija je jedna od najvećih potrošača vode u odnosu na druge industrijske grane. Otpadne vode iz tekstilne industrije su jedan od glavnih izvora zagađenja i uglavnom sadrže boje, ali takođe i deterdžente i teške metale. Pošto boje mogu imati negativan uticaj na životnu sredinu, ljude i vodeni svet, važno je pronaći odgovarajuća rešenja za uklanjanje ovih zagađivača iz otpadnih voda. Pored toga, posebna pažnja je posvećena otkrivanju novih i brzih „in situ” metoda za identifikaciju i kvantifikaciju zagađivača iz otpadnih voda. U ovom radu kao sorbent za uklanjanje Basic Yellow 28 boje iz vodenih rastvora korišćen je SBA-15, mezoporozni silika materijal. Pored toga, obojeni SBA-15 nakon procesa sorpcije podvrgnuti su analizi slike, kako bi se procenilo da li je moguće kvantifikovati sorbovanu boju na sorbentu na osnovu intenziteta obojenosti SBA-15. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da SBA-15 može ukloniti 99% boje u roku od 5 minuta. Najveća efikasnost uklanjanja boje bila je pri pH 8, korišćenjem 200 mg sorbenta. Prema Langmuirovom modelu, teoretski maksimalni kapacitet sorpcije bio je 909 mg/g. Softver Image-Pro je potvrdio da je moguće kvantifikovati boju na SBA-15 sa tačnošću od 0,98. SBA-15 se pokazao kao efikasan sorbent u uklanjanju Basic Yellow 28 boje iz vode, ali i kao potencijalni senzor za detekciju obojenih zagađivača u vodi

    Rezistentnost korova na herbicide u svetu i kod nas

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    Since the discovery of the first weed species, Senecio vulgaris L., resistant to triazines, a total of 415 biotypes of weed species have been determined that are resistant to herbicides, i.e. 183 weed species, of which 110 are dicotyledonous and 73 grass species, belonging to 18 groups with different mechanisms of action. Rapid increase in the number of these populations' representatives continues steadily through frequent use of the same herbicides or those with identical mechanism of action. In plants, resistance can naturally spread, or it can be induced by techniques such as genetic engineering or selection of resistant biotypes obtained by tissue culture or mutagenesis. In respect to tolerant plants, resistant biotypes most frequently do not only survive commercial herbicide rates, but extremely high rates as well. Resistant biotypes with multifold resistance mechanisms represent a challenge for their control. Researchers keep trying to develop easier methods of detecting changes in the target sites of resistance mechanisms by using molecular biology.Od prve rezistentne korovske vrste Senecio vulgaris L. na triazinske herbicide do danas, utvrđeno je 415 biotipova korovskih vrsta rezistentnih na herbicide iz 18 grupa različitih mehanizama delovanja, kod 183 korovske vrste, od kojih 110 dikotiledonih i 73 travna. Rapidno povećavanje broj predstavnika ovih populacija se nastavlja iz dana u dan, učestalom upotrebom istih ili herbicida istog mehanizma delovanja. U biljkama, rezistentnost se može prirodno raširiti ili može biti indukovana tehnikama kakve su genetički inžinjering ili selekcija rezistentnih biotipova dobijenih kulturom tkiva ili mutagenezom. Za razliku od tolerantnih biljaka, rezistentni biotipovi najčešće ne preživljavaju samo komercijalne količine herbicida nego i izuzetno velike količine. Rezistentni biotipovi sa višestrukim mehanizmima rezistentnosti predstavljaju izazov za suzbijanje. Istraživači pokušavaju molekularnom biologijom da olakšaju utvrđivanje promene ciljnog mesta kao mehanizma rezistentnosti

    Residual impact of the reduced amount of mesotrione and residual impact of the reduced amount of mesotrione and terbuthylazine from different preparations

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    The aim was to determine the sensitivity of the pea plants to the soil residues by subjective evaluation and measuring the height after application of the reduced amounts of the herbicide combination of mesotrione and terbuthylazine. The experiment with tested herbicides was placed at the location of Žabalj (Serbia). After 14 days of application the average plant height was the highest (5cm) in 1/8X of the applied amount of mesotrione 50 g/l + terbuthylazine 326 g/l and then decreased with the increase in the amount, which also applies to the amounts of mesotrione 50 g/l + terbuthylazine 125 g/l, where the highest average height was 5.54 cm. The percentage of plants damage 14 days after treatment of mesotrione 50 g/l + and terbuthylazine in a higher amount 326 g/l was in the range of 38-79%, while after 21 days the percentage of damage was 60-89%. Preparation based on active substance mesotrione 50 g/l + terbuthylazine 125 g/l caused a percentage of damage to pea plants in the range of 30% (1/8X) to 85% (4X), but when peas were in the four trifoliate leaf stage 21 days after the treatment percentage of damage was 60-98%. All treated pea plants were dried after 25 days of setting up the experiment, except the control where the height of plants was 9 cm

    Herbicides application in spring row crops

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    The level of weed infestation of maize and sunflower differs over locations and directly affects the intensity of the competitive relationships between crops and weeds, which results in lower or greater yield losses. The experiment with tested herbicides was placed at Lipar (Serbia) during 2017. Efficacy and phytotoxicity was evaluated according EPPO/OEPP standards. The dominant weeds were: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Chenopodium album L., Chenopodium hybridum L., Amaranthus retroflexus L., Datura stramonium L., Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., Sinapis arvensis L., Xanthium strumarium L., Convolvulus arvensis L., Setaria glauca L., Sorghum halerense (L.) Pers., Echinochloa crus-gali L., Agropyrum repens L. In the maize presence of invasive weed species Thladiantha dubia L., was found. Isoxaflutole, herbicide for soil application had good efficacy on weeds in maize crop. Fluorochloridone, terbuthylazine and S-metolachlor had good efficacy on all weeds in sunflower, except for broad-leaf species Convolvulus arvensis L

    Possibilities of soybean weed control by herbicide application

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    Due to the different herbicide efficiency to certain weed species, herbicide choice is predominantly conditioned by weed community composition. The second reason for herbicide choice is their depressive action in soybean crop, i.e. herbicide selectivity toward the cultivated plant. Taking into consideration both reasons for herbicide choice, demands for herbicides efficiency and selectivity must also be met.Izbor herbicida je prvenstveno uslovljen sastavom korovske zajednice, s obzirom na njihovu različitu efikasnost na pojedine korovske vrste. Drugi momenat kod izbora herbicida je njihovo depresivno delovanje na usev soje, tj. selektivnost prema gajenoj biljci. Uzimajući u obzir oba momenta kod izbora herbicida, moraju biti zadovoljeni i zahtevi da herbicidi budu efikasni i selektivni

    Estimate of control measures for aquatic macrophytes in Bečej-Bogojevo channel - Serbia

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    From June to August 2016, a field survey of the distribution of aquatic macrophytes was performed along Bečej-Bogojevo channel, survey mark 0+250-1+600km. In this research taxonomy and vegetation of macrophytes are given. Dominant aquatic macrophytes were identified as well as their morphological and biological characteristics. Based on results at 10 locations of the Bečej-Bogojevo channel 16 weed species were determined. The main aquatic macrophytes occurring in study area are Ceratophyllum demersum L., Trapa natans L., and Salvinia natans L.All. Mechanical control measures were effective on all identified species except Salvinia natans (L). All. which is restores from fragments, while from biological measures in our country only the introduction of the grass carp species is applied (Ctenopharyngodon idella Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1844)

    Economic Feasibility of Chemical Weed Control in Soybean Production in Serbia

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy and phytotoxicity of herbicides in combinations and to determine their economic feasibility in the soybean crop. The trials were placed at two locations, Pobeda and Budisava (Serbia), during 2016 and 2018, organized in a randomized block design with four replicates of all herbicide combinations (metribuzin + S-metolachlor; imazamox + oxasulfuron + typhenesulfuron-methyl; metribuzin + S-metolachlor + imazamox + oxasulfuron + typhenesulfuron-methyl; and bentazon + imazamox + typhenesulfuron-methyl). At the first location, 16 weed species were determined, while in the second location, 14 were determined. The highest reduction in the number of weeds was achieved at the first location, using a combination of herbicides metribuzin + S-metolachlor + imazamox + oxasulfuron + typhenesulfuron-methyl with a total efficacy that ranged from 96.98% to 97.40%. Only on the second location bentazone + imazamox + tifensulfuron-methyl showed passable phytotoxicity on soybean, during both years. Based on the established economic justification, in the combinations of metribuzin + S-metolachlor + imazamox + oxasulfuron + typhenesulfuron-methyl, yield was increased for 2350 kg/ha or 1.91 times more, according to the untreated variant at first location. The economic injury level at the most effective combination of herbicides was 52.70 weeds/m(2)

    Pesticide residues in maize by LC-MS/MS

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    The liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) with ESI was applied for the detection of 60 pesticides residues in maize, extracted with QuEChERS. The average recoveries for all analites were 83.7-121.9% (RSDs 4.82-15.34%). The obtained R2 values for all investigated pesticides were higher than 0.99. The LOQs of 0.01 mg/kg confirm that the method is appropriate for the determination of pesticide residues in all investigated vegetables according to the regulations of the Serbian and EU MRLs. One sample was with no detected pesticide residues and in three samples only one pesticide residue was detected. The multiple detections were confirmed in three analyzed samples. All the detections were below the MRLs

    Weed composition and control in apple orchards under intensive and extensive floor management

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    Weed control in apple tree (Malus domestica [Suckow] Borkh.) orchards continues to be a major problem. Weeds compete with fruit trees, which is manifested in production quality and quantity. The aim of this study was to determine the weed flora of apple orchards with different floor management practices and to investigate the efficacy of the diquat, oxyfluorfen, glyphosate, and fluazifop-P-butyl herbicides. Experiments were conducted during 2015 and 2016 in orchards under intensive (Ruski Krstur) and extensive (Sombor) floor management. Annual, perennial broad-leaf, and grass weeds were identified. Dominant weed species in both apple orchards were Poa annua, Hordeum murinum, Conyza canadensis, Portulaca oleracea, Cynodon dactylon, Sorghum halepense, Carduus acanthoides, Amaranthus retroflexus, Cirsium arvense, Chenopodium album, and Solanum nigrum. After the first and second assessments, the best results occurred with glyphosate in both orchards and total efficacy ranged from 88.42% to 98.32% in the orchard under intensive floor management and 90.32% to 95.55% in the orchard under extensive floor management. Diquat and oxyfluorfen have shown good results, but their efficacy was lower than for glyphosate. Fluazifop-P-butyl, as a selective herbicide, showed low efficacy at both sites; it had high efficacy on grass weeds, but no effects on broad-leaf weeds