Estimate of control measures for aquatic macrophytes in Bečej-Bogojevo channel - Serbia


From June to August 2016, a field survey of the distribution of aquatic macrophytes was performed along Bečej-Bogojevo channel, survey mark 0+250-1+600km. In this research taxonomy and vegetation of macrophytes are given. Dominant aquatic macrophytes were identified as well as their morphological and biological characteristics. Based on results at 10 locations of the Bečej-Bogojevo channel 16 weed species were determined. The main aquatic macrophytes occurring in study area are Ceratophyllum demersum L., Trapa natans L., and Salvinia natans L.All. Mechanical control measures were effective on all identified species except Salvinia natans (L). All. which is restores from fragments, while from biological measures in our country only the introduction of the grass carp species is applied (Ctenopharyngodon idella Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1844)

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