12 research outputs found

    Phenological and Fruit Characteristics of the F1 Hybrid Pear Population Tested Against the Disease in Breeding for Fire Blight Resistance

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    Bitkilerde kalite ve kantite yönünden kayıplara sebep olan hastalık ve zararlılar ile mücadele edilirken, tarımda sürdürülebilirlik esaslarına uyulmalı, çevre, insan ve hayvan sağlığına duyarlı yetiştiricilik yöntemleri izlenmelidir. Tarımsal üretimde pestisitlerin kullanımını azaltan veya yasaklayan yeni tarım politikalarının geliştirilmesi ile bitki hastalık ve zararlıları ile mücadele stratejileri içinde, hastalık ve zararlılara dayanıklı çeşit ıslahı oldukça fazla ilgi görmeye başlamıştır. Bu çalışma kapsamında, armudun en yıkıcı hastalığı olan ve henüz kesin bir çözümün bulunamadığı ateş yanıklığı hastalığına karşı duyarlılık durumları belirlenmiş 42 adet melezin ve referans olarak kullanılan 4 ticari çeşidin, 2 yıllık verileri ile fenolojik, pomolojik ve kimyasal özellikleri tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmada incelenen genotiplerin tam çiçeklenme tarihleri, yıllara göre 25 Mart - 25 Nisan, hasat tarihleri 3 Ağustos - 6 Ekim, tam çiçeklenmeden hasada kadar geçen gün sayısı 109 – 174 gün arasında değişiklik göstermiştir. Ortalama meyve boyu 29.85 - 104.61 mm, meyve eni 27.76 - 76.48 mm, meyve ağırlığı 12.4 - 292.62 g, meyve eti sertliği ise 5.0 - 10.8 kg/cm2 aralığında bulunmuştur. Ortalama suda çözünebilir kuru madde içeriği % 12.3 - 17.7, titre edilebilir asit miktarı % 0.18 - 0.96 sınırlarında tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmada, özellikleri belirlenen 42 genotip ile referans olarak kullanılan 4 çeşit; ateş yanıklığı hastalığına dayanıklılık, yeme kalitesi, albeni, meyve iriliği, boy/çap, suda çözünebilir kuru madde, meyve eti taş hücre durumu, meyve eti sertliği ve paslılık parametreleri kullanılarak, tartılı derecelendirmeye tabi tutulmuştur. Değerlendirme sonucunda, üstün bulunan 7 genotip ileri düzey gözlem parseline geçebilecek potansiyelde görülmüştür.The principles of sustainability in agriculture should be employed, while fighting against diseases and pests in plants, which cause losses in quantity and quality, and environment, human and animal health sensitive farming methods should be followed. In parallel with the development of new agriculture policies that reduce or prohibit the use of pesticides in agricultural production, breeding has become significant among pest and disease management methods. Thus, in this research susceptibility levels against fire blight pre-tested 42 genotypes and 4 cultivars were examined in terms of phenological, pomological and chemical characteristics for two-years. Susceptibility to fire blight, edible quality, attractiveness, fruit thickness, length/diameter, soluble solids content, fruit flesh stone cell amount, fruit flesh hardness and rustiness of genotypes and parental cultivars were evaluated to determine superior ones by weighed ranked method. Full blooming dates, harvest dates and day from full blooming to harvest of analysed genotypes were varied between 25th March – 25th April, 3rd August – 6 th October and 109 - 174 days, respectively. Average fruit length was varied from 29.85 mm to 104.61 mm, fruit diameter ranged from 27.76 mm to 76.48 mm, fruit weight was between 12.4 - 292.62 g, and fruit flesh hardness was varied between 5.0 - 10.8 kg/cm2 . Average soluble solids content varied from 12.3 % to 17.7 % and titratable acidity from 0.18 % to 0.96 %, respectively. According to results, 7 genotypes were considered as potentially superior for further observations

    Horticultural Characteristics of Summer Apple Cultivars from Turkey

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    Early varieties with a short active vegetation period are not exposed to abiotic stress factors for instance drought, high temperature, etc., caused by global climate change, and biotic stress factors such as codling moth (Cydia pomonella) and apple scab (Venturia inequalis) that cause serious economic losses. Therefore, their places are extremely important regarding sustainable, economical and quality production. In this context, four early varieties of apple (‘Vista Bella’, ‘Summer Red’, ‘Williams Pride’ and ‘Jersey Mac’) grown in Eskisehir—Turkey where has continental climate were characterized in terms of horticultural characteristics. The difference observed in flowering and harvest times between years showed that average air temperatures are essential on phenological characteristics. Furthermore, high temperature accelerates development physiology of fruit. Major important characteristics, namely, fruit length, width, weight, soluble solid content, antioxidant activity, vitamin C and total phenolic content were found in the range of 39.19–50.88 mm, 51.48–60.81 mm, 80.59–86.16 g, 11.87–12.19%, 50.69–80.57%, 2.24–4.79 mg 100 mL−1 and 259.23–871.42 mg GAE (gallic acid equivalent) L−1, respectively. ‘Summer Red’ and ‘Williams Pride’ varieties were found to be good in terms of pomological characteristics, while ‘Vista Bella’ came to the fore with its chemical properties. On the other hand, ‘Jersey Mac’ has shown superior performance in terms of both pomological and chemical characteristics. Pomological characteristics are affected more by ecological differences, while chemical characteristics vary according to the changes in the pomological properties. Pomological characteristics were found to have a significant positive correlation with each other but negatively correlated with chemical characteristics

    Screening of Naturally Grown European Cranberrybush (Viburnum opulus L.) Genotypes Based on Physico-Chemical Characteristics

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    It has become very important to offer species with high nutritional value as fresh or processed products for human consumption in their daily diet for balanced nutrition. In the scope of this study, 15 naturally grown European Cranberry bush (ECB) genotypes that naturally grown were characterized in terms of horticultural characteristics. Fruit length, fruit width, fruit weight, the number of fruits per each cluster and cluster weight were determined within the ranges of 8.78–10.96 mm, 7.93–10.84 mm, 0.21–0.70 g, 31–121, and 7.70–66.67 g, respectively. Ranking of the average values of examined organic acids obtained from all genotypes found as; malic acid (11,419 mg L−1) > citric acid (1926 mg L−1) > ascorbic acid (581 mg L−1) > oxalic acid (561 mg L−1). Total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC) were found at high levels in ECB with 2922–3475 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE) L−1 and 1463–3163 mg quercetin equivalents (QE) L−1, respectively. While pomological characteristics were found to be highly positive correlated with each other, they were negatively correlated with chemical properties. Low pH was found to be an important parameter to obtain higher amounts of phytochemicals such as TPC, TFC, organic and phenolic acids correlated with strong antioxidant effects. The obtained results will be useful for both germplasm enrichment and cultivation

    Determination of Antibacterial Effect of Different Plant Essential Oils Against Erwinia amylovora

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    Erwinia amylovora’nın neden olduğu ateş yanıklığı hastalığı Rosaceae familyasına ait 39 farklı cins ve 128 türe ait bitkide hastalık oluşturmaktadır. Bu hastalıkla mücadelede farklı yöntemler kombine halde kullanılarak entegre hastalık yönetimi tercih edilir. Son yıllarda hastalığın mücadelesinde alternatif yöntemlerin araştırılması üzerine çalışmalar yoğunlaşmıştır. Bu yöntemlerden birisi de tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerden elde edilen uçucu yağlardır. Bu çalışmada, 16 farklı bitki uçucu yağın, Erwinia amylovora’ya karşı antibakteriyel etkisi in vitro koşullarda araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada, yedi farklı bitkinin (Allium sativum, Cinnamomi ceylanici, Cymbopogon citratus, Lavandula officinalis, Mentha arvensis, Syzygium aromaticum ve Thymus vulgaris) uçucu yağı Erwinia amylovora’nın in vitro koşullarda gelişimini engellemede başarılı olmuştur. Cymbopogon citratus uçucu yağı hariç diğer altı bitkinin uçucu yağı streptomisin antibiyotiğinden kuvvetli antibakteriyel etkiye sahip olmuştur. Allium sativum, Cinnamomi ceylanici ve Mentha arvensis uçucu yağlarında sırasıyla 16.44, 15.11 ve 12.94 mm inhibisyon zonu elde edilmiş ve bu uçucu yağlar güçlü antibakteriyel etkilerle dikkat çekici bulunmuştur. Etkili bulunan bu uçucu yağlar, hastalığın mücadelesinde umut verici olarak değerlendirilmiştir.Fire Blight caused by Erwinia amylovora is a disease of plants belonging to Rosaceae family of 39 different genera and 128 species. Integrated disease management is preferred by combining different methods in the disease control. Nowadays, studies on alternative methods to control of the disease were intensified. One of these methods is using of essential oils obtained from medical and aromatic plants. In this study, antibacterial activity of 16 different plant essential oil was investigated against to Erwinia amylovora in vitro conditions. Seven essential oils (Allium sativum, Cinnamomi ceylanici, Cymbopogon citratus, Lavandula officinalis, Mentha arvensis, Syzygium aromaticum and Thymus vulgaris) inhibited successfully the growth of Erwinia amylovora in vitro conditions. The higher antibacterial efficacy was produced by the six plant essential oil except Cymbopogon citratus, compared to streptomycin. Essential oils from Allium sativum, Cinnamomi ceylanici and Mentha arvensis were obtained in 16.44, 15.11 and 12.94 mm inhibition zones, respectively and these essential oils had the highest antibacterial effects. These effective essential oils was found as promising in this disease control

    Morphological and Biochemical Characteristics of Wild Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) Genotypes in Turkey

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    This study was carried out to determine the pomological and biochemical characteristics of eight different loquat genotypes collected from the Black Sea region (Turkey) in 2018. Totally 20 fruits, at the same ripening stage, were collected from the selected genotypes and tested. Results suggested that there were a high (0.768-0.907) positive and statistically significant correlations among all pomological features (P 0.05). According to the PCA (principal component analysis) analysis of the pomological characteristics, the genotype #1 was superior as compared with other genotypes. Contrary to the pomological characteristics, genotype #1 was found to have the lowest phenolic compounds and it was also moderate in sugar content but a high-grade genotype by organic acids, especially citric acid and malic acid. Furthermore, results suggested that genotypes #3, #4, #7 and #8 were identical and were rich in glucose, succinic acid, and total flavonoid. The results suggested that loquat fruits had a high potential for health benefits. The results are also a preliminary key reference for future studies in terms of loquat cultivation throughout the world and have high potential as a functional food

    Eskişehir Ekolojisinde 0900 Ziraat Kiraz Çeşidine Uygun Tozlayıcıların Belirlenmesi

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    Araştırma, Eskişehir ekolojisinde 2016 ve 2017 yıllarında, Türkiye için ekonomik önemi büyük olan 0900 Ziraat kiraz çeşidine uygun tozlayıcıların belirlenmesi amacı ile yürütülmüştür. Kendine uyuşmaz olduğu bilinen 0900 Ziraat çeşidi ana ebeveyn olarak belirlenmiş; Sweetheart, Regina, Kordia, Starks Gold kiraz çeşitleri ve farklı türlerden olan Kütahya vişne çeşidi ile bir Prunus mahaleb tipi tozlayıcı olacak şekilde melezleme kombinasyonları oluşturulmuştur. Yapılan kontrollü melezlemeler sonucunda meyve tutum oranları, en yüksek %21.60 değeri ile ‘Starks Gold’ kiraz çeşidinde; en düşük ise %0.48 değeri ile idris tipinde bulunmuştur. Ayrıca tozlayıcı olarak değerlendirilen çeşitlerde çiçek tozu kalitesinin belirlenmesi amacı ile çiçek tozu canlılığı ve çiçek tozu çimlenme oranı testleri yapılmış, sonuçların sırası ile %36.13 (Kütahya vişnesi) - %90.33 (Regina kirazı) ve %22.43 (Kütahya vişnesi) ile %50.87 (Regina kirazı) sınırlarında değişim gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda, fenolojik ve gametofitik olarak, Starks Gold kiraz çeşidinin, seçilen tip ve çeşitler içinde 0900 Ziraat çeşidine en uygun tozlayıcı olduğu bulunmuştur. Gametofitik olarak uyuşur olan Regina çeşidinin, fenolojisi 0900 Ziraat ile çakıştırılabilirse tozlayıcı olarak önerilebilir

    Morphological, biochemical, and bioactive characterization of naturally grown European cranberrybush genotypes

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    Turkey has very rich potential in terms of wild edible fruit species, especially berries that grow naturally in different parts of the country as population or scattered shrubs. One of the most important wild edible fruits found in Turkey's flora is the European cranberrybush (EC). All EC plants are found as wild in nature and there arc no commercial EC orchards in the country. In this study, a total of 22 seed propagated EC genotypes that naturally grown in the Aldusla district of Kayseri province located in the middle part of Turkey were assessed in terms of their morphological (fruit dimensions, fruit weight, the number of fruit per cluster, and cluster weight) and biochemical (soluble solids content, pH, and organic acids), bioactive (total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, and antioxidant activity) content in order to determine the superior ones. Fruit width, fruit length, fruit weight, cluster weight, and the number of fruit per cluster of 22 EC genotypes varied from 8.66 to 11.19 mm, 9.08 to 11.11 mm, 0.27 to 0.80 g, 8.50 to 55.20 g, and 23.00 to 81.40, respectively. Malic acid was the dominant organic acid in fruits of all investigated EC genotypes (12.177 g L-1 average of 22 genotypes), followed by citric acid (1.605 g L-1), oxalic acid (0.776g L-1), and ascorbic acid (65.18 mg 100 mL(-1))( )respectively. In terms of phenolic acids, a stable order could not be determined, while chlorogenic acid has come to the fore in fruits of 17 genotypes as main phenolic acid, while gallic acid was the highest in fruits of 4 genotypes and protocatechuic acid was the highest in the remained 1 genotype and average values of 22 EC genotypes of these phenolic acids were 27.05 mg L-1, 23.50 mg L-1, and 16.50 mg L-1 respectively. Results indicated that seed propagated EC genotypes have variable morphological, biochemical, and bioactive traits that could be important to select cultivar candidates for future use at cultivation conditions. It is also important that characterization of 22 EC genotypes will add value for EC germplasm enhancement in Turkey

    Horticultural Characteristics of Summer Apple Cultivars from Turkey

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    Early varieties with a short active vegetation period are not exposed to abiotic stress factors for instance drought, high temperature, etc., caused by global climate change, and biotic stress factors such as codling moth (Cydia pomonella) and apple scab (Venturia inequalis) that cause serious economic losses. Therefore, their places are extremely important regarding sustainable, economical and quality production. In this context, four early varieties of apple (‘Vista Bella’, ‘Summer Red’, ‘Williams Pride’ and ‘Jersey Mac’) grown in Eskisehir—Turkey where has continental climate were characterized in terms of horticultural characteristics. The difference observed in flowering and harvest times between years showed that average air temperatures are essential on phenological characteristics. Furthermore, high temperature accelerates development physiology of fruit. Major important characteristics, namely, fruit length, width, weight, soluble solid content, antioxidant activity, vitamin C and total phenolic content were found in the range of 39.19–50.88 mm, 51.48–60.81 mm, 80.59–86.16 g, 11.87–12.19%, 50.69–80.57%, 2.24–4.79 mg 100 mL−1 and 259.23–871.42 mg GAE (gallic acid equivalent) L−1, respectively. ‘Summer Red’ and ‘Williams Pride’ varieties were found to be good in terms of pomological characteristics, while ‘Vista Bella’ came to the fore with its chemical properties. On the other hand, ‘Jersey Mac’ has shown superior performance in terms of both pomological and chemical characteristics. Pomological characteristics are affected more by ecological differences, while chemical characteristics vary according to the changes in the pomological properties. Pomological characteristics were found to have a significant positive correlation with each other but negatively correlated with chemical characteristics