20 research outputs found

    Synapse-Associated Expression of an Acetylcholine Receptor-Inducing Protein, ARIA/Heregulin, and Its Putative Receptors, ErbB2 and ErbB3, in Developing Mammalian Muscle

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    AbstractDeveloping motor axons induce synaptic specializations in muscle fibers, including preferential transcription of acetylcholine receptor (AChR) subunit genes by subsynaptic nuclei. One candidate nerve-derived signaling molecule is AChR-inducing activity (ARIA)/heregulin, a ligand of the erbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases. Here, we asked whether ARIA and erbB kinases are expressed in patterns compatible with their proposed signaling roles. In developing muscle, ARIA was present not only at synaptic sites, but also in extrasynaptic regions of the muscle fiber. ARIA was synthesized, rather than merely taken up, by muscle cells, as indicated by the presence of ARIA mRNA in muscle and of ARIA protein in a clonal muscle cell line. ARIA-responsive myotubes expressed both erbB2 and erbB3, but little EGFR/erbB1 or erbB4. In adults, erbB2 and erbB3 were localized to the postsynaptic membrane. ErbB3 was restricted to the postsynaptic membrane perinatally, at a time when ARIA was still broadly distributed. Thus, our data are consistent with a model in which ARIA interacts with erbB kinases on the muscle cell surface to provide a local signal that induces synaptic expression of AChR genes. However, much of the ARIA is produced by muscle, not nerve, and the spatially restricted response may result from the localization of erbB kinases as well as of ARIA. Finally, we show that erbB3 is not concentrated at synaptic sites in mutant mice that lack rapsyn, a cytoskeletal protein required for AChR clustering, suggesting that pathways for synaptic AChR expression and clustering interact

    An atypical receiver domain controls the dynamic polar localization of the Myxococcus xanthus social motility protein FrzS

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    The Myxococcus xanthus FrzS protein transits from pole-to-pole within the cell, accumulating at the pole that defines the direction of movement in social (S) motility. Here we show using atomic-resolution crystallography and NMR that the FrzS receiver domain (RD) displays the conserved switch Tyr102 in an unusual conformation, lacks the conserved Asp phosphorylation site, and fails to bind Mg2+ or the phosphoryl analogue, Mg2+·BeF3. Mutation of Asp55, closest to the canonical site of RD phosphorylation, showed no motility phenotype in vivo, demonstrating that phosphorylation at this site is not necessary for domain function. In contrast, the Tyr102Ala and His92Phe substitutions on the canonical output face of the FrzS RD abolished S-motility in vivo. Single-cell fluorescence microscopy measurements revealed a striking mislocalization of these mutant FrzS proteins to the trailing cell pole in vivo. The crystal structures of the mutants suggested that the observed conformation of Tyr102 in the wild-type FrzS RD is not sufficient for function. These results support the model that FrzS contains a novel ‘pseudo-receiver domain’ whose function requires recognition of the RD output face but not Asp phosphorylation

    Myasthenia gravis-like syndrome induced by expression of interferon gamma in the neuromuscular junction.

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    Abnormal humoral responses toward motor end plate constituents in muscle induce myasthenia gravis (MG). To study the etiology of this disease, and whether it could be induced by host defense molecules, we examined the consequences of interferon (IFN) gamma production within the neuromuscular junction of transgenic mice. The transgenic mice exhibited gradually increasing muscular weakness, flaccid paralysis, and functional disruption of the neuromuscular junction that was reversed after administration of an inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase, features which are strikingly similar to human MG. Furthermore, histological examination revealed infiltration of mononuclear cells and autoantibody deposition at motor end plates. Immunoprecipitation analysis indicated that a previously unidentified 87-kD target antigen was recognized by sera from transgenic mice and also by sera from the majority of human MG patients studied. These results suggest that expression of IFN-gamma at motor end plates provokes an autoimmune humoral response, similar to human MG, thus linking the expression of this factor with development of this disease

    Aberrant differentiation of neuromuscular junctions in mice lacking s-laminin/laminin β2

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    SYNAPSE formation requires a complex interchange of information between the pre- and postsynaptic partners. At the skeletal neuromuscular junction, some of this information is contained in the basal lamina (BL), which runs through the synaptic cleft between the motor nerve terminal and the muscle fibre. During regeneration following injury, components of synaptic BL can trigger several features of postsynaptic differentiation in the absence of the nerve terminal, and of presynaptic differentiation in the absence of the muscle fibre(1-3). One nerve-derived component of synaptic BL, agrin, is known to affect postsynaptic differentiation3, but no muscle-derived components have yet been shown to influence motor nerve terminals. A candidate for such a role is s-laminin (also called laminin beta 2), a homologue of the B1 (beta 1) chain of the widely distributed BL glycoprotein, laminin(30). s-laminin is synthesized by muscle cells(5) and concentrated in synaptic BL(4). In vitro, recombinant s-laminin fragments are selectively adhesive for motor neuron-like cells, inhibit neurite outgrowth promoted by other matrix molecules, and act as a 'stop signal' for growing neurites(6,7). By generating and characterizing mice with a targeted mutation of the s-laminin gene, we show here that s-laminin regulates formation of motor nerve terminals