8,486 research outputs found

    Phytic acid degradation by phytase – as viewed by 31P NMR and multivariate curve resolution

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    The 31P NMR method is a most direct and useful method to describe the degradation of phytic acid to lower inositol phosphates by the action of the enzyme phytase. The use of chemometric and CARS visualizes and helps in the interpretation of the results. By means of LatentiX it has been possible to visualize the time-dependent hydrolysis of phytic acid and by PCA the complexity of the phytic acid is shown in the score plots. By modeling the spectra in CARS it is possible to identify and quantify each of the inositol phosphates

    The Dimension of Seriousness in Moral Education

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    A spanning approach to the acquisition of double definiteness in Norwegian

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    This study demonstrates how lexical spanning can be used to explain the various stages in the acquisition of double definiteness in Norwegian. The approach takes syntactic terminals to consist of submorphemic elements that are lexicalised by words or morphemes. Work on Scandinavian DPs has demonstrated that they involve two determiner-like projections. Within the spanning approach, simple, unmodified structures in Norwegian are distinguished from modified ones by the fact that one morpheme spans both projections in the first case, while two morphological exponents are required to spell them out separately in the second. Furthermore, it has been argued that the term double definiteness is a misnomer, and that the two determiners spell out separate subcomponents of definiteness, Uniqueness and Specificity. For developmental reasons, Norwegian children start out by lexicalising these features individually. The suffixal article spells out Specificity, while a phonologically zero determiner spells out Uniqueness. When adjectives are introduced into this grammar, the result is a system that only spells out the suffixal article overtly, that is, an Icelandic type system. This development is followed by a period with a great deal of instability as the grammar tries to determine how to lexicalise the various terminals in the determiner phrase.Este estudio demuestra como el abarcamiento léxico puede ser usado para explicar las diferentes etapas en la adquisición de la definitud doble en noruego. La propuesta considera que los terminales sintácticos constan de subelementos morfémicos que son lexicalizados por palabras o morfemas. El trabajo en los SDs del escandinavo ha demostrado que estos implican dos proyecciones de tipo determinante. Dentro de la aproximación de abarcamiento, estructuras simples, no modificadas en noruego son diferenciadas de aquellas modificadas por el hecho de que un morfema abarca ambas proyecciones en el primer caso, mientras que dos exponentes morfológicos son requeridos para deletrearlos por separado en el segundo caso. Además, se ha argumentado que el término definitud doble es un nombre inapropiado, y que los dos determinantes deletrean diferentes subcomponentes de la definitud, Unicidad y Especificidad. Por razones de desarrollo, los niños noruegos comienzan lexicalizando estos rasgos de forma individualizada. El artículo de sufijo deletrea Especificidad, mientras que un determinante cero fonológico deletrea Unicidad. Cuando los adjetivos son introducidos en esta gramática, el resultado es un sistema que sólo deletrea el artículo de sufijo de forma abierta, es decir, un sistema de tipo islandés. Este desarrollo es seguido de un periodo con una gran inestabilidad puesto que la gramática intenta determinar como lexicalizar los diferentes terminales en el sintagma determinante.Este estudo demonstra como a noção de spanning lexical pode ser usada para explicar as diversas etapas de aquisição da dupla definitude em norueguês. Nesta abordagem, os nós sintáticos terminais são formados por elementos sub-morfémicos que são lexicalizados por palavras ou morfemas. Trabalho prévio sobre os Sintagmas do Determinante nas línguas escandinavas demonstrou que estes envolvem duas projeções de determinante. Na noção de spanning lexical, as estruturas simples, sem modificação, distinguem-se das modificadas pelo facto de, nas primeiras, um morfema abranger duas projeções; nas segundas, são precisos dois expoentes morfológicos. Para além disso, tem sido defendido que o termo ‘dupla definitude’ não é adequado e que os dois determinantes soletram subcomponentes distintas da definitude, a Unicidade e a Especificidade. Em virtude do seu desenvolvimento, as crianças norueguesas lexicalizam estas duas componentes individualmente. O artigo com a forma de sufixo lexicaliza a especificidade; o determinante zero soletra a unicidade. Quando os adjetivos são introduzidos nesta gramática, o resultado é um sistema que apenas soletra o sufixo, isto é, um sistema do tipo do Islandês. Esta fase é seguida de um período de grande instabilidade à medida que a gramática em desenvolvimento tenta determinar de que forma lexicaliza os vários nós terminais do Sintagma do Determinante

    Til kamp mod lagerråd i æbler

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    På Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Fødevarer er der fokus på metoder til at minimere madspild. Der arbejdes blandt andet med varmtvandsbehandling til at reducere lagerråd i æbler

    Negative spiritual experiences: encounters with evil

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    As I looked at the present spiritual climate and did field-work in neo-shamanic courses in England and Denmark it became clear to me that there was, if not a denial, then definitely an understatement of the evil or negative aspects of human spirituality. Although some of my informants had, indeed, experienced frightening and destructive spiritual encounters they mostly did not share them with their fellow participants as the atmosphere of the courses was that of benevolence emanating from the spirit-world. In the lower world the spirits seemed to be waiting readily for the course participants who were then generously supported by the spirits in their endeavours. A sort of ecologically correct lower world paradise was displayed. This was in such conflict with my understanding of the traditional shaman, that I decided to look at the archives at the Religious Experience Research Centre founded by Alister Hardy in 1969 and search for negative experiences to discover if there was evidence of modern Western people having had encounters that somehow were a manifestation of evil, destructive spirits, or the devil. There are about 6,000 letters, of which I looked at over 4,000, as the archive is presently being updated and the records put on computer. These letters were sent to the Research Centre by people who responded to the call for descriptions of spiritual experiences by Sir Alister Hardy and others involved in the research from the 1960s onwards. In this collection I found about 170 accounts or discussions of evil. I initially decided to use the word 'negative' instead of evil in my title for this collection, but as I worked through the material, I reverted to the term that most writers use themselves: evil

    Eating Quality of Carrots (Daucus carota L.) Grown in One Conventional and Three Organic Cropping Systems over Three Years

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    The eating quality of carrots (Daucus carota L.) was investigated to evaluate the impact of cropping systems (one conventional and three organic systems) and growing years (2007, 2008, and 2009) on root size, chemical composition, and sensory quality. The content of dry matter, sugars, polyacetylenes, and terpenes as well as the sensory quality and root size were related to the climate during the three growing years. A higher global radiation and a higher temperature sum in 2009 as compared to 2007 and 2008 resulted in larger roots, higher contents of dry matter, sucrose, total sugars, and total polyacetylenes, and lower contents of terpenes, fructose, and glucose. No differences were found between conventional and organic carrots with regard to the investigated parameters. This result shows that organically grown carrots have the same eating quality as conventionally grown carrots, while being produced in a more sustainable way

    Freedom as a Value of Practice in Ethical Learning

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