61 research outputs found

    Functional enrichment analysis and disease enrichment analysis in three scRNA-seq datasets.

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    Functional enrichment analysis and disease enrichment analysis in three scRNA-seq datasets.</p

    Table3_TRcaller: a novel tool for precise and ultrafast tandem repeat variant genotyping in massively parallel sequencing reads.XLSX

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    Calling tandem repeat (TR) variants from DNA sequences is of both theoretical and practical significance. Some bioinformatics tools have been developed for detecting or genotyping TRs. However, little study has been done to genotyping TR alleles from long-read sequencing data, and the accuracy of genotyping TR alleles from next-generation sequencing data still needs to be improved. Herein, a novel algorithm is described to retrieve TR regions from sequence alignment, and a software program TRcaller has been developed and integrated into a web portal to call TR alleles from both short- and long-read sequences, both whole genome and targeted sequences generated from multiple sequencing platforms. All TR alleles are genotyped as haplotypes and the robust alleles will be reported, even multiple alleles in a DNA mixture. TRcaller could provide substantially higher accuracy (>99% in 289 human individuals) in detecting TR alleles with magnitudes faster (e.g., ∼2 s for 300x human sequence data) than the mainstream software tools. The web portal preselected 119 TR loci from forensics, genealogy, and disease related TR loci. TRcaller is validated to be scalable in various applications, such as DNA forensics and disease diagnosis, which can be expanded into other fields like breeding programs. Availability: TRcaller is available at https://www.trcaller.com/SignIn.aspx.</p

    Table2_TRcaller: a novel tool for precise and ultrafast tandem repeat variant genotyping in massively parallel sequencing reads.XLSX

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    Calling tandem repeat (TR) variants from DNA sequences is of both theoretical and practical significance. Some bioinformatics tools have been developed for detecting or genotyping TRs. However, little study has been done to genotyping TR alleles from long-read sequencing data, and the accuracy of genotyping TR alleles from next-generation sequencing data still needs to be improved. Herein, a novel algorithm is described to retrieve TR regions from sequence alignment, and a software program TRcaller has been developed and integrated into a web portal to call TR alleles from both short- and long-read sequences, both whole genome and targeted sequences generated from multiple sequencing platforms. All TR alleles are genotyped as haplotypes and the robust alleles will be reported, even multiple alleles in a DNA mixture. TRcaller could provide substantially higher accuracy (>99% in 289 human individuals) in detecting TR alleles with magnitudes faster (e.g., ∼2 s for 300x human sequence data) than the mainstream software tools. The web portal preselected 119 TR loci from forensics, genealogy, and disease related TR loci. TRcaller is validated to be scalable in various applications, such as DNA forensics and disease diagnosis, which can be expanded into other fields like breeding programs. Availability: TRcaller is available at https://www.trcaller.com/SignIn.aspx.</p

    Table1_TRcaller: a novel tool for precise and ultrafast tandem repeat variant genotyping in massively parallel sequencing reads.DOCX

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    Calling tandem repeat (TR) variants from DNA sequences is of both theoretical and practical significance. Some bioinformatics tools have been developed for detecting or genotyping TRs. However, little study has been done to genotyping TR alleles from long-read sequencing data, and the accuracy of genotyping TR alleles from next-generation sequencing data still needs to be improved. Herein, a novel algorithm is described to retrieve TR regions from sequence alignment, and a software program TRcaller has been developed and integrated into a web portal to call TR alleles from both short- and long-read sequences, both whole genome and targeted sequences generated from multiple sequencing platforms. All TR alleles are genotyped as haplotypes and the robust alleles will be reported, even multiple alleles in a DNA mixture. TRcaller could provide substantially higher accuracy (>99% in 289 human individuals) in detecting TR alleles with magnitudes faster (e.g., ∼2 s for 300x human sequence data) than the mainstream software tools. The web portal preselected 119 TR loci from forensics, genealogy, and disease related TR loci. TRcaller is validated to be scalable in various applications, such as DNA forensics and disease diagnosis, which can be expanded into other fields like breeding programs. Availability: TRcaller is available at https://www.trcaller.com/SignIn.aspx.</p

    The Assessment Of Study Quality.

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    <p>The Assessment Of Study Quality.</p

    Description of Included Trials.

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    <p>Note: CMF = cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil regimen; FAC = 5-fluorouracil, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide regimen; FSH =  follicle-stimulating hormone; GnRH = gonadotropin-relea sing hormone; NA =  information not available; POF = premature ovarian failure; <sup>a</sup>This study has four arms: arm A received only chemotherapy ± GnRH analogue; arm B received chemotherapy+ tamoxifen ± GnRH analogue.</p

    Forest plot of effect sizes for the incidence of women with spontaneous menstruation.

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    <p>Forest plot of effect sizes for the incidence of women with spontaneous menstruation.</p

    Funnel plot and Egger’s test of effect sizes for the included studies.

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    <p>Funnel plot and Egger’s test of effect sizes for the included studies.</p

    Scatter plot of gene significance for Rb1 versus module membership in module ME57.

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    Scatter plot of gene significance for Rb1 versus module membership in module ME57.</p

    Correlation coefficient, significance level, and corresponding sample scatter plot of transcripts closely associated with Rb1 and different modules.

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    Correlation coefficient, significance level, and corresponding sample scatter plot of transcripts closely associated with Rb1 and different modules.</p
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