15,543 research outputs found

    A proposal of sensitive indicators of the rehabilitation nursing care of people in the surgical process, to be included in the ontology of aging

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    Given the complex surgical scenario observed today, it is necessary to change the urgent definition of a specific ontology, especially in terms of aging. The interventions of the Specialist Nurse in Rehabilitation Nursing to the person in the surgical process are primordial for the maintenance of the functional capacities, prevention of complications and impediment of incapacities. However, it is necessary to provide individualized and fostered care in a practice of excellence, and the consequent organized reading of records of an aging ontology for decision making on rehabilitation indicators. Method: a systematic review of the literature was carried out using the EBSCO host (MEDLINE with Full Text, CINAHL Plus with Full Text and MedicLatina), using the PI [C] O method, and 11 articles were selected. Results: 41 indicators were identified to be included in the ontology classes of aging: pain control, patient and family education, support and communication, reduction of postoperative complications, gain of functionality, restoration of physical function, mobility, multidisciplinary intervention and the frequency of interventions. Conclusion: it is considered that it was imperative to identify sensitive indicators for rehabilitation nursing care, based on scientific evidence and thus provide an opportunity for nurses to reflect on their daily practices and conduct their actions towards excellence in care, to propose a set of 41 classes internationally on the ontology of aging

    Contributions to the ontology of aging, the sensitive indicators of rehabilitation nursing care, in terms of self-care, in people with respiratory disorders

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    With the increase in the average life expectancy, the appearance of chronic diseases and, in particular, in the respiratory forum and its disadvantages in the autonomy and self-care of patients, brought an important paradigm for health care and, in particular, rehabilitation nursing, with implications for the development of ontologies of aging. Thus, it is imperative to systematize them in scientifically measurable indicators to demonstrate the benefit that rehabilitation nursing brings to improve patients' quality of life, thus ensuring excellence. Each area of scientific health should contribute to the construction of aging ontology. Objective: to identify indicators sensitive to nursing care of rehabilitation, in terms of self-care, in relation to those with respiratory pathology, to be integrated into the ontology of aging. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was performed using the EBSCO (full-text MEDLINE, CINAHL, Full-Text Plus, British Nursing Index), using the PI [C] O method with 6 emergent articles. Results: A total of 20 indicators were identified, including: Ability to perform activities, increase physical and functional independence, symptom management, reduction of complications, increase in quality of life, which can be allocated as a proposal for classes of the aging ontology. Conclusion: Knowledge of indicators sensitive to nursing care recognition of the importance of rehabilitation nursing in increasing self-care and autonomy for people with respiratory pathology, and research in this area is fundamental for its effectiveness and efficiency, and its integration in the ontologies of aging is fundamental

    A parity conserving dimer model with infinitely many absorbing states

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    We propose and study a model where, for the first time, two aspects are present: parity conservation and infinitely many absorbing states. Whereas steady-state simulations show that the static critical behaviour is not affected by the presence of multiple absorbing configurations, the influence of the initial state associated with the presence of slowly decaying memory effects is clearly displayed in time dependent simulations. We report results of a detailed investigation of the dependence of critical spreading exponents on the initial particle density.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures.p

    Noncommutativity and Duality through the Symplectic Embedding Formalism

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    This work is devoted to review the gauge embedding of either commutative and noncommutative (NC) theories using the symplectic formalism framework. To sum up the main features of the method, during the process of embedding, the infinitesimal gauge generators of the gauge embedded theory are easily and directly chosen. Among other advantages, this enables a greater control over the final Lagrangian and brings some light on the so-called "arbitrariness problem". This alternative embedding formalism also presents a way to obtain a set of dynamically dual equivalent embedded Lagrangian densities which is obtained after a finite number of steps in the iterative symplectic process, oppositely to the result proposed using the BFFT formalism. On the other hand, we will see precisely that the symplectic embedding formalism can be seen as an alternative and an efficient procedure to the standard introduction of the Moyal product in order to produce in a natural way a NC theory. In order to construct a pedagogical explanation of the method to the nonspecialist we exemplify the formalism showing that the massive NC U(1) theory is embedded in a gauge theory using this alternative systematic path based on the symplectic framework. Further, as other applications of the method, we describe exactly how to obtain a Lagrangian description for the NC version of some systems reproducing well known theories. Naming some of them, we use the procedure in the Proca model, the irrotational fluid model and the noncommutative self-dual model in order to obtain dual equivalent actions for these theories. To illustrate the process of noncommutativity introduction we use the chiral oscillator and the nondegenerate mechanics