6 research outputs found

    Cellular model system to dissect the isoform-selectivity of Akt inhibitors

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    The protein kinase Akt plays a pivotal role in cellular processes. However, its isoforms’ distinct functions have not been resolved to date, mainly due to the lack of suitable biochemical and cellular tools. Against this background, we present the development of an isoform-dependent Ba/F3 model system to translate biochemical results on isoform specificity to the cellular level. Our cellular model system complemented by protein X-ray crystallography and structure-based ligand design results in covalent-allosteric Akt inhibitors with unique selectivity profiles. In a first proof-of-concept, the developed molecules allow studies on isoform-selective effects of Akt inhibition in cancer cells. Thus, this study will pave the way to resolve isoform-selective roles in health and disease and foster the development of next-generation therapeutics with superior on-target properties

    MIC26 and MIC27 are bona fide subunits of the MICOS complex in mitochondria and do not exist as glycosylated apolipoproteins

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    Impairments of mitochondrial functions are linked to human ageing and pathologies such as cancer, cardiomyopathy, neurodegeneration and diabetes. Specifically, aberrations in ultrastructure of mitochondrial inner membrane (IM) and factors regulating them are linked to diabetes. The development of diabetes is connected to the ‘Mitochondrial Contact Site and Cristae Organising System’ (MICOS) complex which is a large membrane protein complex defining the IM architecture. MIC26 and MIC27 are homologous apolipoproteins of the MICOS complex. MIC26 has been reported as a 22 kDa mitochondrial and a 55 kDa glycosylated and secreted protein. The molecular and functional relationship between these MIC26 isoforms has not been investigated. In order to understand their molecular roles, we depleted MIC26 using siRNA and further generated MIC26 and MIC27 knockouts (KOs) in four different human cell lines. In these KOs, we used four anti-MIC26 antibodies and consistently detected the loss of mitochondrial MIC26 (22 kDa) and MIC27 (30 kDa) but not the loss of intracellular or secreted 55 kDa protein. Thus, the protein assigned earlier as 55 kDa MIC26 is nonspecific. We further excluded the presence of a glycosylated, high-molecular weight MIC27 protein. Next, we probed GFP- and myc-tagged variants of MIC26 with antibodies against GFP and myc respectively. Again, only the mitochondrial versions of these tagged proteins were detected but not the corresponding high-molecular weight MIC26, suggesting that MIC26 is indeed not post-translationally modified. Mutagenesis of predicted glycosylation sites in MIC26 also did not affect the detection of the 55 kDa protein band. Mass spectrometry of a band excised from an SDS gel around 55 kDa could not confirm the presence of any peptides derived from MIC26. Taken together, we conclude that both MIC26 and MIC27 are exclusively localized in mitochondria and that the observed phenotypes reported previously are exclusively due to their mitochondrial function

    Correction: Modification of Ad5 Hexon Hypervariable Regions Circumvents Pre-Existing Ad5 Neutralizing Antibodies and Induces Protective Immune Responses

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    The development of an effective malaria vaccine is a high global health priority. Vaccine vectors based on adenovirus type 5 are capable of generating robust and protective T cell and antibody responses in animal models and are currently being evaluated in clinical trials for HIV and malaria. They appear to be more effective in terms of inducing antigen-specific immune responses as compared with non-Ad5 serotype vectors. However, the high prevalence of neutralizing antibodies to Ad5 in the human population, particularly in the developing world, has the potential to limit the effectiveness of Ad5-based vaccines. We have generated novel Ad5-based vectors that precisely replace the hexon hypervariable regions with those derived from Ad43, a subgroup D serotype with low prevalence of neutralizing antibody in humans. We have demonstrated that these hexon-modified adenovectors are not neutralized efficiently by Ad5 neutralizing antibodies in vitro using sera from mice, rabbits and human volunteers. We have also generated hexon-modified adenovectors that express a rodent malaria parasite antigen, PyCSP, and demonstrated that they are as immunogenic as an unmodified vector. Furthermore, in contrast to the unmodified vector, the hexon-modified adenovectors induced robust T cell responses in mice with high levels of Ad5 neutralizing antibody. We also show that the hexon-modified vector can be combined with unmodified Ad5 vector in prime-boost regimens to induce protective responses in mice. Our data establish that these hexon-modified vectors are highly immunogenic even in the presence of pre-existing anti-adenovirus antibodies. These hexon-modified adenovectors may have advantages in sub-Saharan Africa where there is a high prevalence of Ad5 neutralizing antibody in the population