34 research outputs found

    Assessing the feeding values of leaves, seeds and seeds-removed pods of Moringa stenopetala using in vitro gas production technique

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    This study presents the feeding values of leaves, seeds and seeds-removed pods of Moringa stenopetala for ruminants as evaluated by in vitro gas production technique. Feed samples were analyzed for proximate nutrients using official methods. Each feed samples (200 mg) were incubated in buffered rumen fluid for 96 h and fermentation characteristics were estimated using established in vitro gas production models. Metabolizable energy (ME), organic matter digestibility (OMD) and short chain fatty acids (SCFA) were calculated from corrected 24 h gas production data. The gross energy content (MJ/kg DM) was 24.9, 18.6 and 16.8 for seeds, leaves and seeds-removed pods, respectively. The crude protein ranged from 11.2% in seeds-removed pods to 39.5% in seeds, the average being 16.8%. The sugar content was 10.7 and 7.3% for leaves and seeds respectively. The OMD value was highest in leaves (74.3%) followed by seeds (52.3%) and seeds-removed pods (38.1%). The highest SCFA (103 mmol) was obtained from leaves and the lowest from seeds-removed pods (31 mmol). The ME (MJ/kg DM) ranged from 4.15 in seeds-removed pods to 9.94 in leaves. The average gas production from insoluble but with time fermentable fraction was 53.0, 32.4, and 26.1 ml/200 mg DM for leaves, seeds and seeds-removed pods, respectively. In vitro gas volumes at various incubation times were positively correlated with ash, sugar, nitrogen free extract and non-fiber carbohydrate; while they were negatively correlated with cellulose, hemicelluloses, neutral and acid detergent fibers. In conclusion, Moringa stenopetala leaves can be used as potential sources of protein and energy supplements to tropical livestock feeding system by replacing expensive conventional feed resources.Keywords: Chemical compositions, feeding values, in vitro gas production, leaves, M. stenopetala, seeds, seeds-removed pod

    Substitution Effect of Maize (Zea Mays) with Grain Milling By-Products on Egg Production and Hatchability of Eggs in White Leghorn Layer Hens

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    The substitution effect of maize grain with grain milling by-products (GMP) was investigated on egg production and fertility parameters in White Leghorn layer hens. To this effect, four treatment (T) diets were formulated to contain GMP (g/kg) at zero (T1), 100 (T2), 150 (T3) and 200 (T4) by partially replacing the maize grain. One-hundred forty four White Leghorn layer hens were allocated randomly to the treatment diets, replicated thrice consisting of 12 hens each. The experiment was conducted for 20 weeks. The results indicated that the hen-housed egg production and daily egg mass output was higher (p<0.001) in hens fed with T1 and T2 diets than those of T3 and T4. Birds fed with T1 diet produced heavier (p<0.001) eggs than those reared in T2, T3 and T4 diets, the former being significantly different with the latter two. The daily feed intake differed significantly among treatment diets being higher (p<0.001) in birds fed with T1 and T2 than that of T3 and T4 diets, which had similar values. No significant difference was observed in hen-housed egg production, daily egg mass output, and daily feed intake among hens fed with T1 and T2 diets. Similarly, no significance difference was observed in egg weight, total and daily feed intake between hens fed with T3 and T4 diets. The feed conversion ratio (FCR, kg feed/kg egg mass) were different among treatment diets in which the lowest value being observed in those chickens reared in T1 followed by T2 diets. Birds fed with T4 diet had the highest FCR as compared with the rest of the treatment groups. Fertility and hatchability of eggs set were similar among chickens reared in T1 and T2 diets; but were higher (p<0.05) than those of T3 and T4 which had similar values. However, hens fed with T4 diet had lower (p<0.05) value in hatchability of fertile eggs than the rest of other treatments. In conclusion, the substitution of maize grain with 10% GMP showed similar effect with that of the control group in all studied performance parameters. Thus, GMP could be safely incorporated in replacement of maize for layer hen diets up to 10%. Keywords: egg fertility; egg production; grain milling by-products; maize grain; White Leghorn chicken DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/10-9-02 Publication date:May 31st 202

    In vitro evaluation of utilizable crude protein using ruminal fluid in leaves, whole and seeds-removed pods of Moringa stenopetala and Moringa oleifera grown in the rift valley of Ethiopia

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    The prime objective of this study was to evaluate the effective utilizable crude protein (uCP) in leaves, whole and seeds-removed pods of Moringa stenopetala and Moringa oleifera using ruminal fluid in vitro. Samples were analyzed for proximate nutrients using official methods. The metabolizable energy (ME), organic matter digestibility (OMD), short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and effective uCP were estimated using the Hohenheim in vitro gas test method. The CP contents (g/kg DM) ranged from 104 in seeds-removed pods to 289 in leaves of M. oleifera. The highest gross energy (MJ/kg DM) was obtained from whole pods (18.0) and the lowest from leaves (16.8) of M. oleifera. Leaves and seeds-removed pods of M. stenopetala had significantly (

    Response of broiler chickens to raw, heat-treated and heat-treated dehulled sweet lupin seed (Lupins angustifolius) meals on feed intake, growth and carcass performances

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    The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of the partial substitution of soybean meal with raw and processed lupin seed (Lupinus angustifolius) meals on growth and carcass performances of Cobb 500 broiler chickens. Two hundred unsexed day-old chicks with similar body weight were randomly assigned to four treatment diets in completely randomized design with 5 replicates. The four dietary treatments diets were 0 % lupin seed meal (T1), 15 % raw lupin seed meal (RLS, T2), 15 % heat-treated dehulled lupin seed meal (HDLS, T3) and 15 % heat-treated lupin seed meal (HLS, T4). The CP content of RLS, HDLS, and HLS were 33.5, 37.1, and 35.4 %, respectively. The highest total and daily feed intake was observed in chickens reared in control diet (T1) while the lowest from T2 and T4 diets and differed (p<0.05) with the T1 diet. However, no significance effect was observed in feed conversion ratio among the treatment diets. Chickens fed with T1 diet had higher (p<0.05) final body weight, total and daily weight gains than those reared in T2 and T4 diets while these values were comparable to those fed on T3 diet. Similarly, higher (p<0.05) values were observed for slaughter weight, dressed carcass weight, drumsticks, keel bone meat, wings, neck and back and thorax in chickens fed with T1 diet than those of T2 and T4 diets; but these values did not differ with chickens fed on the T3 diet. The gizzard weight was similar between chickens fed with T1 and T3 diets while those on T2 and T4 diets had lower (p<0.05) values than those of T1 diet. The highest liver weight was observed in T1 diet while the lowest in T2 and differed (p<0.05). In conclusion it would be economically beneficial to replace 15 % of the soybean meal with heat-treated dehulled blue lupin seed meal in broilers ration under tropical environmen

    Characterization of the Indigenous Goat Populations of South Gonder Based on their Morphometric Traits and Body Indices

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      አህፅሮት በዳሰሳ ላይ የተደገፈ ጥናት በደቡብ ጎንደር ዞን የሞርፎሜትሪክ ባህሪያት እና የአካል መረጃ ጠቋሚዎች መሠረት በማድረግ በአገር በቀል ፍየል የምርት አቅም ላይ የምርምር ሥራ ተካሂዷል፡፡ የፍየሎችን የርባታ ባህሪያትን በተመለከተ ከ153 አባወራዎች በመጠይቅ የተደገፈ መረጃ የተሰበሰበ ሲሆን፤ የሞርፎሜትሪክ ባህሪያት መለኪያዎች ከፋርጣ ወረዳ 152፤ ከፎገራ ወረዳ 154፤ እና ከሊቦ ከምከም ወረዳ 204 በአጠቃላይ ከሁለቱም ፆታዎች በ510 ፍየሎች ላይ መረጃ ተወስዷል፡፡ በዚሁ መሠረት 19 የፍየል አካላት መለኪያ ኢንዴክሶች የሞሮፎሞትሪክ ባህሪያትን መሠረት በማድረግ ተሰልቷል፡፡ በጥናቱ በተገኘው ውጤት መሠረት የሴት ፍየሎች ለመጀሪያ ጊዜ የወለዱበት ዕድሜ 13.6 ወር ሲሆን በሁለት ወሊዶች መካከል ያለው ልዩነት 8.39 ወራት ነበር፡፡ ባንድ ጊዜ የተወለዱት የፍየል ግልገሎች መጠን 1.54 እንደሆነ ታውቋል፡፡ የፍየሎች ፆታ ከጀሮ ርዝመት፤ ከዳሌ ስፋት እና ከእግር አገዳ ቅልጥም ክብ ዙሪያ በሰተቀር በሌሎች ባህሪት ላይ ጉልህ ተፅዕኖ ነበረው (p<0.001)፡፡ በተጨማሪም ከጀሮ ርዝመት በሰተቀር የፍየሎች ዕድሜ በሁሉም የሞርፎሜትሪክ ባህሪያት ላይ የነበረው ተፅዕኖ ከፍተኛ ነበር (p<0.001)፡፡ የፎገራ ወረዳ ፍየሎች በክብደት፤ በደረት ክብ ዙሪያ፤ ከፊት እግር ጀርባ ቁመት፤ በአካል ርዝመት፤ በደርት ስፋት፤ ከኋላ እግር ፊት ቁመት፤ በዳሌ ርዝመት እና በጡት ርዝመት ከሊቦ ከምከም ወረዳ ፍየሎች የበለጡ ነበሩ፡፡ የሊቦ ከምከም ፍየሎች ከፎገራና ፋርጣ ፍየሎች ጋር ሲነፃፀሩ ጥናት በተደረገባቸው በአብዛኛዎቹ የሞርፎሜትሪክ ባህሪያት ዝቀተኛ እንደነበሩ ከጥናቱ የተገኘው ውጤት ያመላክታል፡፡ የደረት ክብ ዙሪያ እና የፊት እግር ጀርባ ቁመት ልኬቶች የሴት እና የወንድ ፍየሎችን የክብደት መጠን ለመተንበይ ቀዳማይ ባህሪያት እንደሆኑ ተለይተው ታውቀዋል፡፡ በተገኘው የፍየል አካላት መለኪያ ኢንዴክሶች መሠረት፤ የደቡብ ጎንደር ፍየሎች አጭር እግር ያላቸው እና ለወይና ደጋ አየር ንብረት የሚስማሙ ሲሆኑ ለስጋ ምርት አቅም እንዳላቸው ታውቋል፡፡ በማጠቃለያም፤ በደቡብ ጎንደር ዞን የሚገኙ አገር በቀል ፍየሎች ለስጋ ምርት እምቅ አቅም ሊኖራቻው እንደሚችል የጥናቱ ውጤት በጉልህ አመላክቷል፡፡   Abstract A survey-based study was undertaken to explore the potentials of indigenous goat populations of the South Gondar zone based on morphometric traits and body indices. Reproductive traits were obtained from 153 households through a questionnaire while morphometric measurements were taken from 510 goats of both sexes drawn from Farta (n=152), Fogera (n=154), and Libokemkem (n=204) districts. Nineteen structural and functional indices were computed from morphometric measurements. In this study, age at first kidding and kidding intervals was 13.6 and 8.39 months, respectively with an average litter size of 1.54. Sex had a significant (p<0.001) effect on all quantitative traits except ear length (EL), rump width, and canon circumference. Except for EL, the age effect was significant (p<0.001) for all morphometric traits. Goats at Fogera district had higher live weight (LW), heart girth (HG), height at withers (HW), body length, chest width, rump height, rump length, and teat length than those at Libokemkem. Goats from Libokemkem district were inferior for most of the studied morphometric traits as compared to those at Fogera and Farta. Both HG and HW were identified as best predictors of LW in both sexes. Based on the values of structural indices, the goat populations could be characterized as meat phenotype with short legs being well adapted to midland altitudes. In conclusion, goats reared in the South Gondar zone could have the genetic potential for meat production with high prolificacy

    The effect of dietary inclusion of mango (Magnifera indica L.) fruit waste on feed intake, growth and feed efficiency of Cobb-500 broiler chickens

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    Animal response trials aimed at investigating the effect of different levels of mango fruit waste (MFW) on growth performance and carcass characteristics of Cobb-500 broiler chickens were carried out. One-hundred sixty day-old chicks with similar body weight were randomly distributed to four treatment diets each with four replications. The four treatments were T1 (100% maize + 0% MFW), T2 (90% maize + 10 % MFW), T3 (80% maize + 20% MFW) and T4 (70% maize + 30% MFW). The experiment was conducted for 7 weeks, during which feed intake and body weight were measured. At the end of the experimental period, 2 chicks from each replication were randomly selected and slaughtered to evaluate the effect of MFW on carcass yields. The average individual daily feed intake was 65.3, 65.6, 70.8 and 66.9 g for T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively. At the age of 7 weeks, chicks fed on T1, T2, T3 and T4 diets had individual body weights of 1178, 1165, 1066 and 860 g, respectively. Average daily individual weight gain for the respective T1, T2, T3 and T4, was 21.0, 17.6, 16.0 and 13.7 g. The feed conversion ratio (g feed/g gain) was 3.49, 3.96, 4.50 and 5.23 g for T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively. The dressing percentage of T1, T2, T3 and T4 was 58.6, 62.1, 65.1 and 65.9, respectively. No significance differences were observed in all carcass traits between chickens fed on control diet and treatment diets. Chickens fed on control diet had significantly higher abdominal fat than those of treatment diets. Higher mortality rate was noted in T1 (10%) followed by T2 (2.5%). No mortalities were observed in those chickens fed on T3 and T4 diets. Mango fruit waste can be incorporated up to 20% of the diets of grower broiler chickens without affecting nutrient intake and growth.Keywords: Mango Fruit Waste; Maize; Cobb-500 Broiler Chickens; Growth Performance; Carcass Trait

    The effect of partial substitution of plant protein by fishmeal prepared out of cooked and sun dried fish offal on feed intake and carcass traits of Rhode Island Red chicks

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    Effects of cooked and sun dried fish offal, fishmeal, on intake, growth and carcass traits of Rhode Island Red (RIR) chicks was evaluated at Wolayta Soddo, southern Ethiopia. After 14 days of uniform brooding of unsexed day old RIR chicks, a feeding trial, with 6 dietary groups (T1 to T6), 5 replicates each and 10 chicks per replicate, was run for 11 weeks when daily group feed intakes were recorded. Results showed that chicks fed T1 had significantly (p£ 0.01) lowest (68.5g dry matter (DM) , 13.3g crude protein (CP), 0.54g calcium (Ca), 0.35g phosphorus (P) and 231kcal metabolizable energy (ME) head-1) but those on T6 had the highest daily intakes (77g DM, 14.8g CP, 1.81g Ca, 0.58g P and 243kcal ME head-1). Slaughter weight was 1022g, 1234g, 1202g, 1295g, 1272g, and 1272g head-1 for T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6, respectively. Commercial carcass weight (breast + thighs + drum sticks + wings + back) of the control (552g/head) was significantly (p£ 0.01) lower than fishmeal groups (683g, 671g, 729g, 717g and 711g for T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6, respectively). Difference in weights of drum sticks, thighs, wings and back separately were significantly (p< 0.01) higher for fishmeal groups. Breast weight of T1 (160g) was significantly (p< 0.01) lower than T2 (196g), T3 (203g), T4 (219g), T5 (213) and T6 (217g). Total edible carcass weight, including skin, liver and gizzard of T1 was significantly lower (676g head-1, p£ 0.01) than the rest of the groups (837g, 807g, 874g, 860g and 850g head-1 for T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6, respectively). Significantly (p£ 0.05) lower Dressing % was obtained from T1 (54.0%) than T2 (55.3%), T3 (55.7%), T4 (56.2%), T5 (56.5%) and T6 (55.8%). Dressing percentage (on the basis of edible carcass) of T1 (66.1%) was also significantly (p£ 0.05) lower than T2 (67.8%), T3 (67.1%), T4 (67.5%), T5 (67.6%) and T6 (66.8%). Males had significantly (p< 0.01) higher slaughter weight (1294g) and carcass weight (721g) than females (1138g and 633g, respectively), but they had similar breast weights and dressing %. It can thus be concluded that fishmeal inclusion in to diets of growing RIR chicken up to the levels of 16.6% of the DM of the diet did not affect health or carcass traits; however, best results were obtained at 9.96%

    Genetic improvement approaches of indigenous cattle breeds for adaptation, conservation and sustainable utilization to changing climate in Ethiopia

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    This paper attempts to review the cattle genetic improvement approaches for sustainable utilization, adaptation, and conservation in the face of changing climatic conditions. Livestock production is affected by climate change, which poses a greater threat to populations that rely on them for their overall food security. Climate change negatively affects cattle production directly through its impact on animal physiology, behavior, and health and indirectly through its effect on feed and water availability, quality and quantity of pasture, forage crops, and rangeland due to increased temperature droughts. Improvement of cattle genetic resources that are efficient and well adapted to extreme temperatures, low-quality diets, and disease challenges is critical to effectively cope with climate change. Designing suitable breeding strategies will facilitate improving the performance of cattle breeds and enhance their tolerance to the dynamics of climate change. Replacement of local cattle breeds with exotic ones and unplanned crossbreeding with them without enough consideration of environmental conditions are among the major factors contributing to the loss of locally adapted breeds that possess certain adaptive traits. Maintenance of indigenous cattle’s genetic diversity, which underpins resistance to environmental stresses is a viable strategy to mitigate the possible effects of future climatic challenges. In contrast to the traditional selection, genomic selection increases the accuracy of selection with the largest genetic gain, for the low heritability traits such as adaptability and longevity. In conclusion, any breeding strategies should be relevant in terms of breed suitability, performance, and adaptability in the given production environment to sustain cattle production

    Product Utilization, Constraints and Opportunities of Village Chicken under Traditional Management System in Gantaafeshum District of Eastern Tigray, Ethiopia

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    A survey was conducted on product utilization, constraints and opportunities of village chicken in Gantaafeshum district of Eastern Tigray, Ethiopia.  Data were collected from a total 160 chicken owners by using semi-structured questionnaire. Utilization of eggs as a nutritional food (40%) and medicine (68.1%) was practiced out of the total respondents. Mostly eggs and birds were used for sale and replacement, respectively. About 56.4, 31.9 and 11.7% of eggs produced were used for sale, hatching, and consumption, respectively. The farmers’ sale their chicken mostly when there is an instant cash need in the house (64.4%), when disease outbreak occurs (12.5%) and during the major crop planting season (23.1%). Predation and disease were the main constraints of chicken production followed by shortage of capital, lack of extension service and market distance. It was concluded that efforts have to be made on predator and disease control, improved management, access to credit services and creating market linkage. Keywords: Product utilization, Indigenous chickens, scavenging, traditional managemen

    Prevalence and associated factors of diabetic nephropathy at Tikur Anbessa Comprehensive Specialized University Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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    Introduction: Given the global prevalence of diabetes, diabetic nephropathy and its consequences are among the major causes of morbidity and mortality in diabetic populations. However, the prevalence and determinants of diabetic nephropathy in Ethiopia are little studied, and were the main objectives of this study. Methods: A cross-sectional study design was followed among 340 randomly selected diabetic patients attending the national diabetes referral clinics at the diabetes centre of Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, using an interviewer-administered structured questionnaire. A total of 340 patients were involved, of whom 200 (59%) were females and 256 (75%) had type 2 diabetes mellitus. Urine and blood samples were drawn from the study population and the corresponding biochemical analyses were conducted at the Ethiopian Public Health Research Institute. Results: The mean age of the participants was 51.6 years (range 18–94 years). The median duration of their diabetes was 11 years (range 1–40 years). Forty-eight pecent of the patients were hypertensive. Only half of the hypertensive cases (53%) were using angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, either alone or in combination with other antihypertensive medicines. Eighty-two percent of the participants had poorly controlled diabetes, with glycated haemoglobin &gt;7%. None was using Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors or glucagon-like peptide agonists. Some (109, 32%) of the participants were diagnosed with diabetic nephropathy in addition to reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria. Age, dyslipidaemia, educational status, presence of diabetic retinopathy, and elevated triglyceride levels were found to be significant predictors of the condition (P &lt; 0.05). Conclusions: Diabetic nephropathy was present in nearly one-third of the diabetics in the study population. The management of diabetes with renoprotective agents, such as renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system inhibitors and SGLT2 inhibitors, are likely to be very important in this context