8 research outputs found

    Detection of permethrin resistance and phylogenetic clustering of turkish head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis; de Geer, 1767 populations

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    Baylan, Orhan/0000-0002-6529-7824; KARABELA, Semsi Nur/0000-0003-2562-3004WOS: 000525798800038PubMed: 32006522Head lice infestation caused by Pediculus humanus capitis de Geer, 1767 is one of the most common public health problems. the relationship between humans and head lice dates back millions of years ago that differentiated into different phylogenetic clades. Treatment of head lice infestation usually based on insecticide-based products, which promotes the resistance in the head lice populations. in the present study, we aimed to screen the presence of permethrin resistance among collected P. h. capitis specimens in Turkey. Three mutation sites (T917I, L920F, and M815I) were screened using real-time PCR and resistance was identified by melt analysis. of the studied specimens, resistance allele frequency (RAF) was found 0.98 for T917I, 0.99 for L920F, and 1.00 for M815I. the phylogenetic study revealed that Clade A and Clade B are present and overlap in Turkey. the present study is first to screen the resistance among Turkish head lice specimens. To not stimulate the pyrethroids resistance in head lice populations, early detection of resistance is crucial and will help the health professionals to choose suitable formula in the treatment. We suggest that the resistance status needs to be screened in randomly selected populations before any treatment application is given.Scientific Research Project Fund of the University of Health Sciences [2018/067]We thank Dr. Suha Kenan Arserim, Prof. Dr. Seray Toz and Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ozbel for their valuable helps. This study is supported by the Scientific Research Project Fund of the University of Health Sciences under project number 2018/067

    Comparing the Efficacy of Commercially Available Insecticide and Dimeticone based Solutions on Head Lice, Pediculus capitis: in vitro Trials

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    Objective: Head lice infestation is a public health and social problem for almost all countries worldwide. For its treatment, insecticide and dimeticone-based solutions are currently available in the markets in many countries. We aimed to compare the efficacy of commercially available anti-head lice shampoos containing insecticide and physically effective products with different percentages of dimeticone using an in vitro technique.Methods: Head lice specimens were collected from primary school children using special plastic and metal combs. Anti-head lice products were commercially purchased and used directly. The specimens were placed one by one in 5-cm Petri dishes containing a slightly wet filter paper and were kept in a plastic cage at 28;plusmn;2;deg;C and 50%;plusmn;20% relative humidity. A standardized protocol was used for testing all the products, and mortality data were obtained after 24 h. Two control tests were performed with each batch of trials. For each product and control, 10-20 head lice specimens were used, and the results were statistically analyzed.Results: Our study demonstrated that among all the tested products, two products containing mineral oils [5.5% dimeticone ;amp; silicone (patented product) and dimeticone (no percentage mentioned in the prospectus) ;amp; cyclopentasiloxane] were found to be more effective for killing head lice in vitro.Conclusion: Physically effective products can be repetitively used because they are non-toxic and resistance to them is not expected. To control the infestation at a public level, the use of these products needs to be encouraged with respect to their cost priceAmaç: Baş biti enfestasyonu tüm dünyada bir halk sağlığı ve sosyal problemdir. Tedavisi için insektisit bazlı ve dimetikon bazlı solüsyonlar kullanılmakta ve günümüzde birçok ülkede bulunabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada piyasada bulunan insektisit bazlı baş biti ürünleri ile farklı oranlarda dimetikon içeren fiziksel olarak etkili ürünlerin etkinliklerinin in vitro olarak karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır.Yöntemler: Baş biti örnekleri, özel taraklar yardımıyla ilkokul öğrencilerinden toplanmıştır. Ürünler ise piyasada bulunduğu şekli ile satın alınmış ve kullanılmıştır. Örnekler, içinde hafifçe ıslatılmış filter kağıdı bulunan 5 cm petri kaplarına tek tek konulmuş ve 28±2 °C ile %50±20 nem sağlanan ortamda tutulmuşlardır. Standardize edilen protokol bütün ürünler için aynı şekilde uygulanmış ve 24 saat sonra ölüm oranları not edilmiştir. Kontrol testlerinde örneklere herhangi bir şey uygulanmamıştır. Her ürün ve kontroller için 10-20 baş biti örneği kullanılmış ve sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmiştir.Bulgular: Çalışmamız mineral yağ içeren iki ürünün (%5,5 dimetikon ve silikon ile dimetikon (oranı prospektüste verilmemiş) ve siklopentasiloksan) baş bitlerinin öldürülmesinde daha etkili olduğunu göstermiştir.Sonuç: Toksik olmamaları ve herhangi bir direnç gelimesi beklenmediği için dimetikon bazlı ürünler tekrarlanarak kullanılabilir, ancak enfestasyonun halk sağlığı düzeyinde kontrol altına alınabilmesi için fiyat açısından rekabet edebilecek düzeye getirilerek bu ürünlerin kullanımının teşvik edilmesi gereklidi

    Treatment of head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) infestation: Is regular combing alone with a special detection comb effective at all levels?

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    WOS: 000351523900009PubMed ID: 25604670Head lice infestation (HLI) caused by Pediculus humanus capitis has been a public health problem worldwide. Specially designed combs are used to identify head lice, while anti-lice products are applied on the scalp for treatment. In the present study, we aimed to test whether combing only by precision detection comb (PDC) or metal pin comb (MPC) could be effective alternatives to the use of anti-lice products in children. A total of 560 children from two rural schools in Turkey were screened. In the PDC trial, children were combed every second day for 14 days, while in the MPC trial, combing was performed once in every four days for 15 days. Children were divided into two groups (dry combing and wet combing) for both trials and results were compared. The results showed no significant differences between dry and wet combing strategies for both combs for the removal of head lice (p>0.05). The number of adult head lice declined significantly on each subsequent combing day in both approaches, except on day 15 in the MPC trial. In the end, no louse was found in 54.1 and 48.9% of children in the PDC and MPC trials, respectively. Since family members of infested children were not available, they were not checked for HLI. Four times combing within 2 weeks with MPC combs was found effective for both treatment of low HLI and prevention of heavy HLI. In conclusion, regular combing by special combs decreases HLI level in children and is safely applicable as long-term treatment

    Okullarda Düzenli Aralıklarla Gerçekleştirilen Kontroller Saç Biti (Pediculus capitis) İnsidansını Düşürmekte Yeterli Olabilir mi?

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    In the present study, school children of similar age-groups from two villages of Manisa province, namely Osmancalı and Maldan, were examined in regular time periods to monitorize the changes in the incidence of head lice (Pediculus capitis). A total of 2091 children (1565 in Osmancalı and 526 in Maldan) were combed with a newly-designed lice comb (PDC;reg;, KSL Consulting, Helsinge, Denmark) four times in May and November in 2008 and 2009. The assessment of the results was conducted with SPSS;reg; v.15 program using CHAID and logistic regression analysis. The results of the periodic examinations of the children showed that the infestation rate of girls were found to be higher significantly compared to boys (P;lt;0.001), and the incidence of head lice infestation in boys from Osmancalı was found three times higher than the incidence in boys in Maldan (P=0.002). In addition, regular dry combing and treatment lowered the infestation rates among girls significantly (P=0.001). According to the results of the study, regular dry combing of school children with specially-designed lice combs may be essential for the control of this common infestation, especially in rural areasÇalışmamızda Manisa'nın Osmancalı ve Maldan köylerindeki ilköğretim okullarında aynı yaş grubundaki çocuklarda belirli aralıklarla saç biti (Pediculus capitis) taramaları yapılmış ve çocuklardaki bit varlığındaki değişimler izlenerek kaydedilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, 2008 ve 2009 yıllarının Mayıs ve Kasım aylarında o zaman için yeni geliştirilmiş bir bit tarağı (PDC®, KSL Consulting, Helsinge, Danimarka) kullanılarak yapılan düzenli taramalarda, (1565'i Osmancalı, 526'sı Maldan'dan) toplam 2091 çocuk çalışmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Sonuçların değerlendirilmesi SPSS® v.15 programının CHAID ve lojistik regresyon analizi kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Düzenli aralıklarla toplam 4 kez gerçekleştirilen taramalar sonucunda, kızlarda saç biti infestasyonunun erkeklerden çok daha yüksek düzeylerde olduğu (P0.001), Osmancalı'daki erkek öğrencilerdeki insidansın Maldan'daki erkeklerin yaklaşık 3 katı olduğu (P=0.002) gözlenmiştir. Ayrıca, düzenli tarama ve tedaviler sonucunda kızlardaki saç biti infestasyonunun anlamlı düzeyde azaldığı belirlenmiştir (P=0.001). Bu çalışmanın sonuçları, saç biti infestasyonunun kontrol altına alınmasında düzenli aralıklarla yapılan muayene ve tedavilerin özellikle kırsal kesimde başarılı olabileceğini göstermişti