16 research outputs found

    Identification of Amylase-Producing Thermophilic Bacteria through 16sRNA Gene Analysis: MGH3 Strain

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    Thermostable amylase plays a role in the industrial sector because it is resistant to high temperatures, has high enzyme activity in various parameters and is economical in production costs. The thermostable amylase used in industry is stable and thermo activity. Bacteria that produce thermostable amylase can come from hot springs with temperatures above 80°C, such as Semurup hot springs, Kerinci, Jambi province, Indonesia. Semurup hot spring (Jambi) has a temperature of 82°C and a pH of 8.6. This causes variations in the content of organic, inorganic, and mineral compounds in the Semurup hot springs. The varied mineral content causes thermophilic bacteria to survive and the genetic diversity of thermophilic bacteria varies. This study aimed to molecularly identify thermostable amylase-producing thermophilic bacteria by analyzing the 16sRNA gene. Identification of bacteria was carried out by analyzing the 16S rRNA gene of thermophilic bacteria, such as DNA Isolation, DNA Amplification, 16S rRNA Gene Analysis, Alignment, and Phylogenetic Tree. There were 4 different bases between the bacterial isolates MGH3 and Bacillus licheniformis ATCC 14580, namely bases no. 87, 120, 967, and 1374. The difference of 4 bases in the two bacterial isolates already shows that the two isolates have a close kinship. So, most likely the MGH3 bacterial isolate is Bacillus licheniformis strain MGH3

    Thermozyme Amylase from Enterobacter sp Extremophiles in Bioethanol Production

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    Bioethanol is an alternative fuel to replace fossil fuels due to the reduction of fossil fuels. Bioethanol is produced from starch and converted to sugar by thermozyme amylase. Thermozyme amylase produced by thermophile bacteria can be obtained from Pariangan hot springs which have a temperature of  55 °C, pH of 9.2, and have a high level of bacterial diversity. The aim of this study was to obtained isolates of thermozyme amylase-producing bacteria that have the potential for bioethanol production. The research method were bacteria isolation, amylase stability test, temperature and pH optimization, and bioethanol production. The result showed that Enterobacter sp has been isolated from Pariangan hot springs is stable up to 5 hours of incubation, temperature and pH optimum was 85 °C, pH 8.5, and fructose as a carbon source. Thermozyme amylase converts starch into sugar under optimum conditions with a yield of 9.8% bioethano


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    Amilase adalah enzim yang mengkatalis hidrolisis ikatan α-1,4-glikosidik pada pati menjadi glukosa. Amilase digunakan secara komersial pada industri makanan, penyamakan kulit, bioetanol, tekstil dan industri detergen. Amilase yang berasal dari bakteri termofil banyak digunakan dalam bidang industri karena stabil terhadap pH dan suhu tinggi, seperti bakteri yang berasal dari sumber air panas. Sumber air panas Semurup mempunyai suhu 80°C, pH 8,4, mengandung senyawa organik, anorganik dan kandungan mineral yang bervariasi. Hal ini menyebabkan tingginya keanekaragaman bakteri pada sumber air panas Semurup. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan isolat bakteri termofil penghasil amilase dengan aktivitas tertinggi, stabil terhadap suhu, menentukan jenis/strain bakteri, dan meningkatkan produksi amilase yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri termofil yang berasal dari sumber air panas Semurup. Metode penelitian yang telah dilakukan, yaitu isolasi dan penapisan bakteri termofil penghasil amilase, identifikasi bakteri, dan optimasi medium produksi bakteri termofil penghasil amilase. Hasil isolasi dan penapisan bakteri termofil diperoleh 28 isolat bakteri dan 24 isolat bakteri penghasil amilase. Isolat bakteri SEM11 merupakan salah satu dari 24 isolat bakteri penghasil amilase yang mempunyai aktivitas tertinggi dan stabil terhadap suhu hinggga 6 jam inkubasi. Hasil identifikasi menunjukan bahwa isolat bakteri SEM11 tergolong ke dalam bakteri strain baru, yaitu Bacillus licheniformis strain SEM11. Produksi amilase dari Bacillus licheniformis strain SEM11 meningkat pada suhu 80°C, pH 8.0, konsentrasi inokulum 10%, fruktosa sebagai sumber karbon, limbah cair tahu sebagai sumber nitrogen dan beras sebagai substrat. Amilase yang dihasilkan oleh Bacillus licheniformis strain SEM11 dapat dimanfaatkan pada industri karena bersifat termostabil terhadap suhu dan pH. Kata kunci : skrining, identifikasi bakteri, amilase, sumber air panas Semuru

    Exploration of Thermophilic Bacteria: Systematic Literature Review

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    The selection of enzymes derived from microbes has several advantages compared to those derived from animals and plants. One of the advantages is that the growth of enzymes will occur more quickly in bacteria because the cells rapidly undergo division and cell production will be easier to increase if needed in large quantities and the time needed for enzyme production will be shorter. Thermophilic microorganisms are known as bacteria that are tolerant of high temperatures, but on the other hand these bacteria are also able to survive at these temperatures. Where the purpose of research is to explain exploration of thermophilic bacteria. A review is conducted on the state-of-the-art methods using the preferred reporting items for reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guideline. Bacteria have important economic value in human life. Knowledge in this branch of science is useful in medicine, hygiene, food science and nutrition, agriculture, and industry. Based on the results of macroscopic, microscopic and biochemical characterization, it was found that many bacteria with various types recording to their habitat or place of development, exploraton of thermophilic bacteria was carried out so that they could be useful for the industrial world.    &nbsp

    Stem Education in Science Learning: Systematic Literature Review

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    As one of the efforts to produce Sumber Human Resources (HR) who have century competence 21st, a learning design is needed which integrates skills or 21st century skills. By including students are involved in remembering, understanding, apply, analyze, evaluate as well create both in scientific theory and at the time their daily life. A review is conducted on the state-of-the-art methods using the preferred reporting items for reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guideline. We review literature from several publications and analyze STEM approach is a very appropriate approach to use in 21st century learning. After applying STEM approach, students are expected to be able mastering scientific and technological literacy. In learning there is a process of interaction between educators and students and learning resources in a learning environment to achieve learning goals. Learning is done using learning strategies in facilitating the teaching and learning process. So that the process can be carried out properly and conveyed correctly, STEM learning is carried out which can integrate knowledge, skills and values of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to be able to solve a problem related to learning in the context of everyday life.    &nbsp


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    Penicillin G acylase is catalysed hydrolisis enzym penicillin G to 6-amino penicilanad acid (6-APA). 6-APA is precursor to made semisintheticpenicillin. Semisynthetic penicillin derivated of natural penicillin that get it bychange natural penicillin chemistry structure or sinthesis nuclear penicillin.Penicillin G acylase (PGA) produce of bacteria but bacteria produced numberpenicillin is limited so looking new bacteria penicillin produce is importen to do.Based it haved bacteria isolation in Padang town any rivers, include air batangKandis, air batang Kurao, air batang Kuranji, air batang Arau dan air batang Arudi kota Padang. This research do in Kopertis wilayah X laboratory. Activity assayPGA used Meevootisom methode is metode easy to selection, rapid and spesifikto selection bacteria strain PGA produced. Meevootisoom metode used Serratiamarsescens, is resisten to penicillin and sensitiv to 6-APA. Result of this researchis every isolated from all rivers contain PGA


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    Lack of understanding of concepts and facts in the Evolution subject leads to low activity and student learning achievement. That are caused students simply expect information from lectures who are still using regular discussion. The purpose of this research is to improve the activity and student learning achievement at the Evolution course. Learning activities that are studied, among others asking, answering questions, the moderator, presenter on discussions, and taking note of the lecturer. This type of research is a class action research in the class that may have activity and low learning achievement. Learning achievement assessed is cognitive aspect only the cognitive. Increasing of activity and student learning achievement will be done by using the method of group learning plenary discussion. It a method in which all participants can be used to describe a particular topic or concept so the understanding of the participants are expected to be the same. Application of the method plenary discussion on the course of evolution can improve the activity and student learning achievement of Biology education students of STKIP PGRI of West Sumatr

    Virtual Reality for Future Education: Systematic Literature Review

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    The development of information and communication technology is very rapid at this time contributed greatly to the development process of various kinds of learning media based on the application of technology as one of the innovations in education, Virtual Reality (VR) technology itself is a way in a way perform the appearance of learning pictures in the form of media three-dimensional or what is usually better known as 3D. Where the purpose of research is to explain Virtual Reality for Future Education. A review is conducted on the state-of-the-art methods using the preferred reporting items for reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Virtual Reality (VR) has the potential to enhance education by enabling greater learning potential than ever before, in addition to luring us into new realms. Learning can reach students' emotional core in novel and fascinating ways thanks to virtual reality. This study also states that learning subjects that can benefit the most from implementing Virtual Reality as learning media are science, social studies, and history. However, the potential is much greater.    &nbsp

    ChatGPT for Teachers and Students in Science Learning: A Systematic Literature Review

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    In Indonesia Science education has not reached a portion that is in accordance with the needs of science education. Science learning should not only focus on knowledge but must also be balanced with application in everyday life. With this application, students will know that what they learn in science is applied and useful for life. That way, students will continue to try to experiment because of their high curiosity so that students are able to produce scientific products. Science problems are not only experienced by students, but teachers who teach science at school also have science problems they face. For this reason, Chat GPT (Generative Pre-Trainer Transformer) is used as one of the Open AI (Artificial Intelligence) innovations, a research company engaged in the development of artificial intelligence. The purpose of this research is to explain GPT Chat for Teachers and Students in Science Learning. A review is conducted on the state-of-the-art methods using the preferred reporting items for reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The results of this research show that Chat GPT has main functions, Chat GPT also has many uses for teachers and students, and science learning has five domains of science education, which must be supported by appropriate technological sophistication


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    Sidik jari dan telapak tangan berperanan penting sebagai identitas seseorang, karena setiap orang memiliki sidik yang berbeda. Fungsi sidik jari dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mendiagnosis penyakit keturunan. Menurut penelitian yang sudah berkembang, kelompok yang memiliki penyakit keturunan memiliki ciri-ciri sulur tertentu. Pola-pola sulur permukaan telapak tangan terbentuk sejak umur embrio 13 minggu dan tidak berubah seumur hidup. Metode penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan mengamati tipe pola pada jari dan telapak tangan pada sampel yang diambil secara purposive. Penelitian pola-pola sulur permukaan telapak tangan yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan pola loop radial memiliki persentase terbesar yaitu 40,5%. Persentase tipe pola Loop radial yang paling tinggi sebesar 40,5 %.  Pola loop ulnar sebesar 39 % ,Whorl sebesar 20,5%   dan pola arch 0%. Frekuensi ditemukannya pola sulur pada telapak tanganadalah I3 =55,5% dan I4=60%