26 research outputs found

    Outreach and Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions

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    This paper uses stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) to examine whether there is a trade-off between outreach to the poor and efficiency of microfinance institutions (MFIs). Using a sample of more than 1,300 observations, our study suggests that outreach and efficiency of MFIs are indeed negatively correlated.

    Convergence of the performance of microfinance institutions:A decomposition analysis

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    In this paper, we focus on investigating whether and to what extent patterns of performance microfinance institutions converge over time. In particular, we analyze whether patterns of performance are related to changes in operating efficiency, capital deepening, and/or technological change for a large international sample of micro finance institutions for the period 2003-2012. We apply intertemporal Data Envelopment Analysis, a methodology that has been used extensively in the literature explaining patterns of economic growth, but has not been applied yet in microfinance research. We decompose performance changes into operating efficiency changes, changes in capital intensity and/or technological change and find that capital deepening is the most important source of improved performance, especially during the first half, while capital deepening and technological innovations are important during the second half of the period. We also find strong evidence for convergence of performance between microfinance institutions. These trends concur with important changes in microfinance, such as increased commercialization, competition with commercial banks, and involvement of private investors

    Competition and Performance of Microfinance Institutions

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    Abstract This paper examines the effect of competition among microfinance institutions However, ways that ensure lending standards, enhance information sharing and promote efficiency may help overcome the adverse effect of competition without risking growth of the microfinance sector. JEL Codes: G21, L1, O16

    Ranolazine and Silent Ischemia

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    This research note examines the relevance of microfinance as a means to cope with natural disasters, using the event of the cyclone Phailin, which struck India in 2013. The results indicate that microfinance helps reduce the negative effects of extreme weather-related shocks. In light of the somewhat disappointing outcomes suggested by several recent rigorous impact studies, this research paints a more positive picture of the importance of microfinance as an insurance mechanism to deal with weather-related risks.</p

    A note on the assumed distributions in stochastic frontier models

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    Stochastic frontier models all need an assumption on the distributional form of the (in)efficiency component. Generally this efficiency component is assumed to be half normally, truncated normally, or exponentially distributed. This paper shows that the exponential distribution is, just like the half normal distribution, a special case of the truncated normal distribution. Moreover, this paper discusses the implications that this finding has on estimation

    A Note on the Assumed Distributions in Stochastic Frontier Models

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