279 research outputs found


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    The article analyzes the course of pregnancy and birth outcomes among women after interventional treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. It is concluded that cardiac arrhythmias, including complex and hemodynamic significance are not a contraindication for pregnancy in cases of adequate interventional treatment. The pregnancy and childbirth among these patients are favorable and perinatal outcomes do not differ from those of healthy women.В статье проанализировано течение беременности и исход родов у женщин после интервенционных методов лечения сердечных аритмий. Сделаны выводы, что нарушения сердечного ритма, в том числе сложные и гемодинамически значимые, не являются противопоказанием к беременности в случаях адекватного интервенционного лечения. Течение беременности и родов у таких пациенток благоприятно, перинатальные исходы мало отличаются от таковых у здоровых женщин.У статті проаналізовано перебіг вагітності і результат пологів у жінок після інтервенційних методів лікування серцевих аритмій. Зроблено висновки, що порушення серцевого ритму, в тому числі складні і гемодинамічно значущі, не є протипоказанням до вагітності у випадках адекватного інтервенційного лікування. Перебіг вагітності та пологів у таких пацієнток сприятливий, перинатальні наслідки мало відрізняються від таких у здорових жінок


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    First specimen of a new generation of low- molecular heparin bemyparin was applied with a prophylactic purpose after caesarean sections at 24 women with middle and high risk of thromboembolic vein complications and at 5 pregnant women with a deep ileophemoral thrombosis (4), artificial heart valve (1). Fora prophylaxis if mass of body of pregnant women was less than 70 kg and middle degree of risk gave 2500 МЕ/day, if mass was more than 70 kg or high risk -3500 МЕ/day. The prophylacsis began in 6 hours after operation and continued 3-7 days. For treatment of bemyparin gave 3500 МЕ/day during 2-5 weeks. Cases of pulmonary embolism, other tromboembolic vein complications were not present. The abundant bleeding was not present. The insignificant bleeding is marked in 2 cases (6, 9 %), hemorrhage in places of injections - in 12 cases (41,4%). Other complications of bemyparin therapy (thrombocytopeia, hyperkaliemia) were not observed. A conclusion about high prophylactic efficiency and safety of bemyparin in obstetric practice is done.Первый представитель новой генерации низкомолекулярных гепаринов - “Бемипарин” был применен с профилактической целью после операции кесарева сечения у 24женщин группы среднего и высокого риска тромботических венозных осложнений и с лечебной целью у 5 беременных с глубоким илеофеморальным тромбозом (4), искусственным клапаном сердца (1). Для профилактики при массе тела беременной менее 70 кг и средней степени риска вводили по 2500 МЕ/сут., при массе более 70 кг или высоком риске - 3500 МЕ/сут. Профилактическое введение начинали через 6 часов после операции и продолжали 3-7 дней. Для лечения бемипарин вводили по 3500 МЕ/сут. в течение 2-5 недель. Случаев тромбоэмболии легочной артерии, других тромботических венозных осложнений не было. Обильных кровотечений не было. Незначительные кровотечения отмечены в 2 случаях (6,9 %), мелкие геморрагии в местах инъекций - в 12-ти (41,4 %). Других осложнений терапии бемипарином (тромбоцитопения, гиперкалиемия) не наблюдали. Сделан вывод о высокой профилактической эффективности и безопасности бемипарина в акушерской практике.Перший представник ново генераці низькомолекулярних гепаринів - “Беміпарин” був використаний з профілактичною метою після операці кесаревого розтину у 24 жінок групи середнього та високого ризику тромботичних венозних ускпадненьта з лікувальною метою у 5 вагітних з глибоким ілеофеморальним тромбозом (4), штучним клапаном серця (1).Для профілактики при масі тіла вагітно менше 70 кг і середньому ступені ризику вводили по 2500 МЕ/добу, при масі більше 70 кгабо високому ризику - 3500 МЕ/добу. Профілактичне введення починали через 6 годин після операці і продовжували 3-7 днів. Для лікування беміпарин вводили по 3500 МЕ/добу протягом 2-5 тижнів. Випадків тромбоемболі легенево артері , інших тромботичних венозних ускладнень не було. Масивних кровотеч не було. Незначні кровотечі відмічені в 2 випадках (6,9%), дрібні геморагі в місцях ін’єкцій - в 12-ти (41,4%). Іншихускладненьтерапі беміпарином (тромбоцитопенія, гіперкаліемія) не спостерігали. Зроблено висновок про високу профілактичну ефективність та безпечність беміпарину в акушерській практиці


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    The analysis of the maternal mortality by cardio-vascular diseases in Ukraine during from 1990 to 2007 was given. The mostfrequnet pathology of cardio-vascular system, which cause to maternal loss, was determined. The ways of prevention the death in pregnant women, parturients and women after delivery with cardio-vascular diseases were set.Проведен анализ материнской смертности от сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний в Украине за период с 1990 по 2007 год. Выявлена наиболее частая патология сердечно-сосудистой системы, приводящая к материнским потерям. Намечены пути предупреждения смерти беременных, рожениц и родильниц от сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний.Проведено аналіз материнської смертності від серцево-судинних захворювань в Україні з 1990 по 2007 роки. Виявлена найчастіша патологія серцево-судинної системи,яка призводить до материнських втрат. Назначені шляхи попередження смерті вагітних, роділь і породіль від серцево-судинних захворювань

    "Charged" Particle's Tunneling from Rotating Black Holes

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    The behavior of a scalar field theory near the event horizon in a rotating black hole background can be effectively described by a two dimensional field theory in a gauge field background. Based on this fact, we proposal that the quantum tunneling from rotating black hole can be treated as "charged" particle' s tunneling process in its effectively two dimensional metric. Using this viewpoint and considering the corresponding "gauge charge" conservation, we calculate the non-thermal tunneling rate of Kerr black hole and Myers-Perry black hole, and results are consistent with Parikh-Wilczek's original result for spherically symmetric black holes. Especially for Myers-Perry black hole which has multi-rotation parameters, our calculation fills in the gap existing in the literature applying Parikh-Wilczek's tunneling method to various types black holes. Our derivation further illuminates the essential role of effective gauge symmetry in Hawking radiation from rotating black holes.Comment: 15 pages, no figure; any comments are welcome

    Spectrum of Charged Black Holes - The Big Fix Mechanism Revisited

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    Following an earlier suggestion of the authors(gr-qc/9607030), we use some basic properties of Euclidean black hole thermodynamics and the quantum mechanics of systems with periodic phase space coordinate to derive the discrete two-parameter area spectrum of generic charged spherically symmetric black holes in any dimension. For the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole we get A/4G=π(2n+p+1)A/4G\hbar=\pi(2n+p+1), where the integer p=0,1,2,.. gives the charge spectrum, with Q=±pQ=\pm\sqrt{\hbar p}. The quantity π(2n+1)\pi(2n+1), n=0,1,... gives a measure of the excess of the mass/energy over the critical minimum (i.e. extremal) value allowed for a given fixed charge Q. The classical critical bound cannot be saturated due to vacuum fluctuations of the horizon, so that generically extremal black holes do not appear in the physical spectrum. Consistency also requires the black hole charge to be an integer multiple of any fundamental elementary particle charge: Q=±meQ= \pm me, m=0,1,2,.... As a by-product this yields a relation between the fine structure constant and integer parameters of the black hole -- a kind of the Coleman big fix mechanism induced by black holes. In four dimensions, this relationship is e2/=p/m2e^2/\hbar=p/m^2 and requires the fine structure constant to be a rational number. Finally, we prove that the horizon area is an adiabatic invariant, as has been conjectured previously.Comment: 21 pages, Latex. 1 Section, 1 Figure added. To appear in Class. and Quant. Gravit

    Thermal Fluctuations and Black Hole Entropy

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    In this paper, we consider the effect of thermal fluctuations on the entropy of both neutral and charged black holes. We emphasize the distinction between fixed and fluctuating charge systems; using a canonical ensemble to describe the former and a grand canonical ensemble to study the latter. Our novel approach is based on the philosophy that the black hole quantum spectrum is an essential component in any such calculation. For definiteness, we employ a uniformly spaced area spectrum, which has been advocated by Bekenstein and others in the literature. The generic results are applied to some specific models; in particular, various limiting cases of an (arbitrary-dimensional) AdS-Reissner-Nordstrom black hole. We find that the leading-order quantum correction to the entropy can consistently be expressed as the logarithm of the classical quantity. For a small AdS curvature parameter and zero net charge, it is shown that, independent of the dimension, the logarithmic prefactor is +1/2 when the charge is fixed but +1 when the charge is fluctuating.We also demonstrate that, in the grand canonical framework, the fluctuations in the charge are large, ΔQΔASBH1/2\Delta Q\sim\Delta A\sim S_{BH}^{1/2}, even when =0 =0. A further implication of this framework is that an asymptotically flat, non-extremal black hole can never achieve a state of thermal equilibrium.Comment: 25 pages, Revtex; references added and corrected, and some minor change

    Brick Walls on the Brane

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    The so-called ``brick-wall model'' is a semi-classical approach that has been used to explain black hole entropy in terms of thermal matter fields. Here, we apply the brick-wall formalism to thermal bulk fields in a Randall-Sundrum brane world scenario. In this case, the black hole entity is really a string-like object in the anti-de Sitter bulk, while appearing as a Schwarzchild black hole to observers living on the brane. In spite of these exotic circumstances, we establish that the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy law is preserved. Although a similar calculation was recently considered in the literature, this prior work invoked a simplifying assumption (which we avoid) that can not be adequately justified.Comment: 18 pages, Latex; references and discussion added but conclusions unchanged; references missing in V4 have been restore

    dS-Holographic C-Functions with a Topological, Dilatonic Twist

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    Recently, the holographic aspects of asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes have generated substantial literary interest. The plot continues in this paper, as we investigate a certain class of dilatonically deformed ``topological'' de Sitter solutions (which were introduced in hep-th/0110234). Although such solutions possess a detrimental cosmological singularity, their interpretation from a holographic perspective remains somewhat unclear. The current focus is on the associated generalized CC-functions, which are shown to maintain their usual monotonicity properties in spite of this exotic framework. These findings suggest that such topological solutions may still play a role in our understanding of quantum gravity with a positive cosmological constant.Comment: Latex, 30 pages; reference added and minor changes to tex

    Anti-de Sitter black holes, perfect fluids, and holography

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    We consider asymptotically anti-de Sitter black holes in dd-spacetime dimensions in the thermodynamically stable regime. We show that the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and its leading order corrections due to thermal fluctuations can be reproduced by a weakly interacting fluid of bosons and fermions (`dual gas') in Δ=α(d2)+1\Delta=\alpha(d-2)+1 spacetime dimensions, where the energy-momentum dispersion relation for the constituents of the fluid is assumed to be ϵ=κpα\epsilon = \kappa p^\alpha. We examine implications of this result for entropy bounds and the holographic hypothesis.Comment: Minor changes to match published version. 9 Pages, Revte

    Direct Evidence for Specific Interactions of the Fibrinogen αC-Domains with the Central E Region and with Each Other †

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    The carboxyl-terminal regions of the fibrinogen Aα chains (αC regions) form compact αC-domains tethered to the bulk of the molecule with flexible αC-connectors. It was hypothesized that in fibrinogen two αC-domains interact intramolecularly with each other and with the central E region preferentially through its N-termini of Bβ chains, and that removal of fibrinopeptides A and B upon fibrin assembly results in dissociation of the αC regions and their switch to intermolecular interactions. To test this hypothesis, we studied the interactions of the recombinant αC region (Aα221-610 fragment) and its sub-fragments, αC-connector (Aα221-391) and αC-domain (Aα392-610), between each other and with the recombinant (Bβ1-66)2 and (β15-66)2 fragments and NDSK corresponding to the fibrin(ogen) central E region, using laser tweezers-based force spectroscopy. TheαC-domain, but not the αC-connector, bound to NDSK, which contains fibrinopeptides A and B, and less frequently to desA-NDSK and (Bβ1-66)2 containing only fibrinopeptides B; it was poorly reactive with desAB-NDSK and (β15-66)2 both lacking fibrinopeptides B. The interactions of the αC-domains with each other and with the αC-connector were also observed, although they were weaker and heterogeneous in strength. These results provide the first direct evidence for the interaction between the αC-domains and the central E region through fibrinopeptides B, in agreement with the above hypothesis, and indicate that fibrinopeptides A are also involved. They also confirm the hypothesized homomeric interactions between the αC-domains and display their interaction with the αC-connectors, which may contribute to covalent cross-linking of α polymers in fibrin