51 research outputs found

    Organizational support for work-family life balance as an antecedent to the well-being of tourism employees in Spain

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    The study of work-family conflict (WFC) and work-family policies (WFP) and their impact on the well-being of employees in the tourism sector is increasingly attracting the attention of researchers. To overcome the adverse effects of WFC, managers should promote WFP, which contribute to increased well-being at work and employees’ commitment. This paper aims to analyze the impact of WFP accessibility and organizational support on well-being directly and by mediating the organizational commitment that these policies might encourage. In addition, we also study whether these relationships vary according to gender and employee seniority. To test the hypotheses derived from this objective, we collected 530 valid and completed questionnaires from workers in the tourism sector in Spain, which we analyzed using structural equation modeling based on the PLS-SEM approach. The results show that human resource management must consider the importance of organizational support for workers to make WFP accessible and generate organizational commitment and well-being at work.El estudio del conflicto trabajo-familia ("WFC", por sus siglas en inglés) y de las políticas de trabajo-familia ("WFP", por sus siglas en inglés) y su impacto en el bienestar de los empleados del sector turístico está atrayendo cada vez más la atención de los investigadores. Para superar los efectos adversos del WFC, los directivos deberían promover las WFP, que contribuyen a aumentar el bienestar en el trabajo y el compromiso de los empleados. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el impacto de la accesibilidad al WFP y del apoyo organizativo sobre el bienestar directamente y a través de la mediación del compromiso organizativo que estas políticas podrían fomentar. Además, también se estudia si estas relaciones varían en función del género y de la antigüedad de los empleados. Para contrastar las hipótesis derivadas de este objetivo, recogimos 530 cuestionarios válidos y cumplimentados de trabajadores del sector turístico en España, que analizamos mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales basado en el enfoque PLS-SEM. Los resultados muestran que la gestión de los recursos humanos debe considerar la importancia del apoyo organizativo a los trabajadores para que el WFP sea accesible y genere compromiso organizativo y bienestar en el trabajo

    Determinants of the Propensity for Innovation among Entrepreneurs in the Tourism Industry

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    Tourism's increasing share of Gross Domestic Product throughout the world, its impact on employment and its continuous growth justifies the interest it raises amongst entrepreneurs and public authorities. However, this growth coexists with intense competition; as a result of which, tourism companies must continuously innovate in order to survive and grow. This is evident in the diversification of tourism products and destinations, the improvement of business processes and the incorporation of new technologies for intermediation, amongst other examples. This paper expounds on the factors that explain the propensity for innovation amongst tourism entrepreneurs and it may help governments to promote innovation that is based on those determining factors. The hypotheses are tested using a logistic regression on 699 international tourism entrepreneurs, taken from the 2014 Global Adult Population Survey of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor project. The propensity for innovation amongst tourism entrepreneurs has a statistically significant relationship to gender, age, level of education and informal investments in previous businesses

    I Can't Go to Work Tomorrow! Work-Family Policies, Well-Being and Absenteeism

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    Among the main causes of absenteeism are health problems, emotional problems, and inadequate work-family policies (WFP). This paper analyses the impact of the existence and accessibility of WFP on work absenteeism, by considering the mediating role of the well-being, which includes emotional as well as physical or health problems, that is generated by these policies. We differentiate between the existence of the WFP and its accessibility, as the mere existence of the WFP in an organisation is not enough. Additionally, workers must be able to access these policies easily and without retaliation of any kind. The model includes the hierarchy and the gender as moderating variables. To test the proposed hypotheses, a structural equation model based on the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) approach is applied to a sample of employees in the service sector in Spain. On the one hand, the findings show that the existence of WFP has no direct effect on absenteeism; however, accessibility to these policies does have a direct effect on absenteeism. On the other hand, both the existence and accessibility of WFP have positive direct effects on emotional well-being. In addition, emotional well-being is positively related to physical well-being which, in turn, promotes a reduction in absenteeism. Finally, significant differences in the relationship between the existence of WFP and emotional well-being confirm the special difficulty of female managers in reconciling family life and work life

    Determinants of Hotels and Restaurants entrepreneurship: A study using GEM data

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    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2011.08.003The objective of this work is to assess the influence of certain factors on the likelihood of being a Hotels and Restaurants (H&R) entrepreneur. The factors evaluated are demographic and economic variables, variables related to perceptions of the environment and personal traits, and variables measuring the individual’s intellectual and social capital. The work uses logistic regression techniques to analyze a sample of 33,711 individuals in the countries participating in the GEM project in 2008. The findings show that age, gender, income, perception of opportunities, fear of failure, entrepreneurial ability, knowing other entrepreneurs and being a business angel are explanatory factors of the probability of being an H&R entrepreneur.El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la influencia de determinados factores sobre la probabilidad de ser empresario de Hostelería y Restauración (H&R). Los factores evaluados son variables demográficas y económicas, variables relacionadas con percepciones del entorno y rasgos personales, y variables que miden el capital intelectual y social del individuo. El trabajo utiliza técnicas de regresión logística para analizar una muestra de 33.711 individuos de los países participantes en el proyecto GEM en 2008. Los resultados muestran que la edad, el género, los ingresos, la percepción de oportunidades, el miedo al fracaso, la capacidad emprendedora, conocer a otros emprendedores y ser un business angel son factores explicativos de la probabilidad de ser un emprendedor H&R

    Los Congresos Virtuales como herramienta docente para la difusión del conocimiento del alumno

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    Este trabajo destaca la importancia de la realización de congresos virtuales, para generar y compartir conocimientos y experiencias en un entorno docente, con alumnos postgraduados que tengan experiencia profesional en su campo. De forma ilustrativa, se detalla una experiencia práctica en un Máster online de la Universidad e Cádiz. Para la realización de los congresos virtuales se usó la herramienta de foros de la plataforma opensource de e-learning Moodle, que actualmente da cobertura al Campus Virtual de la Universidad de Cádiz

    I Quit! Effects of Work-Family Policies on the Turnover Intention

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    The retention of key human resources is a challenge and a necessity for any organisation. This paper analyses the impact of the existence and accessibility of work-family policies on the well-being of workers and their intention to leave the organisation. To test the proposed hypotheses, we applied a structural equation model based on the partial least squares path modelling (PLS-SEM) approach to a sample of 558 service sector workers. The results show that the existence and accessibility of work-family policies directly reduce the intention to leave the organisation. Moreover, this relationship also occurs indirectly, by mediating the well-being that is generated by these work-family policies. We also analysed the moderating role that gender and hierarchy could have in the above relationships. In addition to the above theoretical implications, this study has practical implications. The findings show that employees with family and work balance problems experience lower emotional well-being, more health problems and eventually higher turnover rates. To avoid these problems, management must focus not only on the implementation of work-family policies but also on their accessibility, without subsequent retaliation or prejudice to employees. Additionally, management should pay special attention to female managers, given their greater difficulty in balancing work and family life

    Moderating effects of gender and family responsibilities on the relations between work–family policies and job performance

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    https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2018.1505762This study analyzes the impact of work-family policies (WFP) on job performance, and the possible moderating role of gender and family responsibilities. Hypothesis testing was performed using a structural equation model based on a PLS-SEM approach applied to a sample of 1,511 employees of the Spanish banking sector. The results show that neither the existence nor the accessibility of the WFP has a direct, positive impact on performance, unlike what we expected, but both have an indirect effect via the well-being generated by these policies. We also find that neither gender nor family responsibilities have a significant moderating role on these relations, contrary to what we initially expected.Este estudio analiza el impacto de las políticas de trabajo-familia ("WFP", por sus siglas en inglés) sobre el rendimiento laboral, y el posible papel moderador del género y las responsabilidades familiares. La prueba de hipótesis se realizó mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales basado en un enfoque PLS-SEM aplicado a una muestra de 1.511 empleados del sector bancario español. Los resultados muestran que ni la existencia ni la accesibilidad del WFP tienen un impacto directo y positivo sobre el rendimiento, a diferencia de lo que esperábamos, pero ambos tienen un efecto indirecto a través del bienestar generado por estas políticas. También encontramos que ni el género ni las responsabilidades familiares tienen un papel moderador significativo sobre estas relaciones, al contrario de lo que esperábamos inicialmente

    Relación entre conciliación trabajo-familia, bienestar del empleado y desempeño laboral

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    Purpose To assess the impact of the existence of and access to different work-family policies on employee well-being and job performance. Design/methodology/approach Hypothesis testing was performed using a structural equation model based on a PLS-SEM approach applied to a sample of 1,511 employees of the Spanish banking sector. Findings The results obtained demonstrate that the existence and true access to different types of work-family policies such as flexible working hours (flexi-time), long leaves, and flexible work location (flexi-place) are not directly related to job performance, but indirectly so, when mediated by the well-being of employees generated by work-family policies. In a similar vein, true access to employee and family support services also has an indirect positive impact on job performance mediated by the well-being produced. In contrast, the mere existence of employee and family support services does not have any direct or indirect effect on job performance. Originality/value This study makes a theoretical and empirical contribution to better understand the impact that of the existence of and access to work-family policies on job performance mediated by employee well-being. In this sense, we posited and tested an unpublished theoretical model where the concept of employee well-being gains special relevance at academic and organizational level due to its implications for human resource management.Resumen Propósito Este trabajo analiza los efectos de la existencia y accesibilidad de diferentes tipos de políticas trabajo-familia (WFP) sobre el bienestar y el desempeño laboral. Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque Para contrastar las hipótesis propuestas se aplicó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, utilizando el enfoque PLS-SEM, a una muestra de 1.511 trabajadores del sector financiero español. Resultados Los resultados del análisis muestran que la existencia y accesibilidad de las WFP relativas a flexibilidad temporal, permisos largos y el lugar de trabajo no producen directamente mejoras en el desempeño, pero sí indirectamente a través del bienestar laboral que dichas políticas generan. Del mismo modo, la accesibilidad de las WFP relativas a servicios de apoyo al empleado y a su familia tiene también un efecto positivo indirecto sobre el desempeño, mediado por el bienestar generado. Sin embargo, la mera existencia de servicios de apoyo no incide ni directa ni indirectamente sobre el desempeño. Originalidad/Valor Este trabajo constituye una novedosa aportación teórica y empírica sobre el impacto de la existencia y accesibilidad de las WFP en el desempeño, considerando el papel mediador del bienestar laboral en esta relación. En este sentido, se propone y comprueba empíricamente un modelo teórico inédito en la literatura, en el que el concepto de bienestar laboral cobra especial relevancia tanto a nivel académico como por sus implicaciones prácticas para la dirección. Palabras clave: Conciliación trabajo-familia, rendimiento laboral, bienestar laboral, gestión de recursos humanos

    Causal propensity as an antecedent of entrepreneurial intentions

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    https://doi.org/10.1007/s11365-022-00826-1 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11365-022-00826-1The tourism sector is a sector with many opportunities for business development. Entrepreneurship in this sector promotes economic growth and job creation. Knowing how entrepreneurial intention develops facilitates its transformation into entrepreneurial behaviour. Entrepreneurial behaviour can adopt a causal logic, an effectual logic or a combination of both. Considering the causal logic, decision-making is done through prediction. In this way, entrepreneurs try to increase their market share by planning strategies and analysing possible deviations from their plans. Previous literature studies causal entrepreneurial behaviour, as well as variables such as creative innovation, proactive decisions and entrepreneurship training when the entrepreneur has already created his or her firm. However, there is an obvious gap at a stage prior to the start of entrepreneurial activity when the entrepreneurial intention is formed. This paper analyses how creativity, proactivity, entrepreneurship education and the propensity for causal behaviour influence entrepreneurial intentions. To achieve the research objective, we analysed a sample of 464 undergraduate tourism students from two universities in southern Spain. We used SmartPLS 3 software to apply a structural equation methodology to the measurement model composed of nine hypotheses. The results show, among other relationships, that causal propensity, entrepreneurship learning programmes and proactivity are antecedents of entrepreneurial intentions. These findings have implications for theory, as they fill a gap in the field of entrepreneurial intentions. Considering propensity towards causal behaviour before setting up the firm is unprecedented. Furthermore, the results of this study have practical implications for the design of public education policies and the promotion of business creation in the tourism sector. These policies should promote causal, proactive and creative behaviour in their entrepreneurship training. In this way, such policies would boost the entrepreneurial intention of individuals, which is an essential element to business creation

    How effectual will you be? Development and validation of a scale in higher education

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    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijme.2021.100547The literature on effectual theory offers validated scales to measure effectual or causal logic in entrepreneurs’ decision-making. However, there are no adequate scales to assess in advance the effectual or causal propensity of people with an entrepreneurial intention before the creation of their companies. We aim to determine the validity and reliability of an instrument to measure that propensity by first analysing those works that provide recognised validated scales with which to measure the effectual or causal logic in people who have already started up companies. Then, considering these scales, we designed a scale to evaluate the effectual or causal propensity in people who had not yet started up companies using a sample of 230 final-year business administration students to verify its reliability and validity. The validated scale has theoretical implications for the literature on potential entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention and practical implications for promoters of entrepreneurship who need to orient the behaviour of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs of established businesses who want to implement a specific strategic orientation, entrepreneurs who want to evaluate the effectual propensity of their potential partners and workers, and academic institutions interested in orienting the entrepreneurial potential of their students