47 research outputs found

    Characteristics of the study population (N = 1552).

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    <p>ETS indicates environmental tobacco smoke exposure; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; BMI, body mass index;</p>a<p>Annual average over 10 years previous to the study.</p>b<p>average over 3 days previous to the HRV measurement.</p

    Adjusted<sup>a</sup> estimates of the mean percent difference of HRV associated with a 1 µg/m<sup>3</sup> increase in average exposure to traffic-related PM10<sup>b</sup> by <i>IL6</i>-174 G/C genotypes (N = 1549).

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    <p>HRV indicates heart rate variability: SDNN indicates standard deviation of all NN intervals (units ms); TP, total power (ms<sup>2</sup>); HF, high frequency power (ms<sup>2</sup>); LF, low frequency power (ms<sup>2</sup>).</p>a<p>adjusted for gender, age, age squared, BMI, BMI squared, smoking status, environmental tobacco smoke exposure, alcohol consumption, physical activity, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, uric acid levels, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, street and railway noise, seasonal effects and area.</p>b<p>Annual average over 10 years previous to the study.</p>c<p>p-values for the genotype- specific TPM<sub>10</sub> effect estimate.</p>d<p>p-values of interaction effects of the <i>IL6</i>-174 G/C polymorphism with TPM<sub>10</sub> on HRV were tested for additive, dominant and recessive genetic models; p-values of the most significant mode of inheritance are presented (additive<sup>1</sup> or dominant<sup>2</sup>).</p

    Unadjusted and adjusted<sup>a</sup> geometric means of the HRV indices and percent differences in HRV indices by traffic-related PM<sub>10</sub> (TPM<sub>10</sub>) and by <i>IL6</i>-174G/C genotypes (N = 1549).

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    <p>HRV indicates heart rate variability: SDNN indicates standard deviation of all NN intervals (units ms); TP, total power (ms<sup>2</sup>); HF, high frequency power (ms<sup>2</sup>); LF, low frequency power (ms<sup>2</sup>).</p>a<p>adjusted for gender, age, age squared, BMI, BMI squared, smoking status, environmental tobacco smoke exposure, alcohol consumption, physical activity, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, uric acid levels, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, street and railway noise, seasonal effects and area.</p>b<p>p-values of genotype-specific main effects of the <i>IL6</i>-174G/C polymorphism and TPM<sub>10</sub> on HRV (codominant genetic model).</p>c<p>p-values of main effects of the <i>IL6</i> -174G/C polymorphism on HRV indices were tested for additive, dominant and recessive genetic models; p-values of the most significant mode of inheritance are presented (<sup>1</sup>additive or <sup>2</sup>dominant).</p>d<p>per 1 µg/m<sup>3</sup> TPM<sub>10</sub> increase.</p>e<p>compared to reference genotype G/G.</p

    Effect modification by vigorous physical activity.

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    <p>MetS-W: Metabolic syndrome according to World Health Organization. MetS-I: Metabolic syndrome according to International Diabetes Federation. MetS-A: Metabolic syndrome according to Adult Treatment Panel-III criteria. Active defined as vigorous physical activity ≥30 minutes per week. Inactive defined as vigorous physical activity <30minutes per week. Fully adjusted models include age, sex, educational attainment, neighbourhood socio-economic index, occupational exposure to vapours, gases, dusts and fumes, smoking status, smoked pack-years, exposure to passive smoke, consumption of fruits and raw vegetables, and body mass index. PM<sub>10</sub>: particulate matter <10μm in diameter from all sources. All analyses were done with four-hour fasting participants. Participants’ study area was treated as a random effect in all models. Odds ratio values refer to increments of 10μg/m<sup>3</sup> in PM<sub>10</sub> exposure. Total N = 3684; N(physically-active) = 2115.</p

    Effect modification by smoking status.

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    <p>MetS-W: Metabolic syndrome according to World Health Organization. MetS-I: Metabolic syndrome according to International Diabetes Federation. MetS-A: Metabolic syndrome according to Adult Treatment Panel-III criteria. Fully adjusted models include age, sex, educational attainment, neighbourhood socio-economic index, occupational exposure to vapours, gases, dusts and fumes, exposure to passive smoke, consumption of fruits and raw vegetables, physical activity and body mass index. PM<sub>10</sub>: particulate matter <10μm in diameter from all sources. All analyses were done with four-hour fasting participants. Participants’ study area was treated as a random effect in all models. Odds ratio values refer to increments of 10μg/m<sup>3</sup> in PM<sub>10</sub> exposure. Total N = 3684; N(never-smoker) = 1623.</p

    Sensitivity Analyses.

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    <p>Fully adjusted models include age, sex, educational attainment, neighbourhood socio-economic index, occupational exposure to vapours, gases, dusts and fumes, smoking status, smoked pack-years, exposure to passive smoke, consumption of fruits and raw vegetables, physical activity and body mass index. MI: multiple imputations. IPW: inverse probability weighting. PM<sub>10</sub>: particulate matter <10μm in diameter from all sources. NO<sub>2</sub>: nitrogen dioxide. OR: odds ratio. CI: confidence interval. OR refer to increments of 10μg/m<sup>3</sup> in PM<sub>10</sub>, and NO<sub>2</sub> exposure respectively. All analyses were done with four-hour fasting participants.</p><p>Sensitivity Analyses.</p

    Effect modification by sex.

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    <p>MetS-W: Metabolic syndrome according to World Health Organization. MetS-I: Metabolic syndrome according to International Diabetes Federation. MetS-A: Metabolic syndrome according to Adult Treatment Panel-III criteria. Fully adjusted models include age, educational attainment, neighbourhood socio-economic index, occupational exposure to vapours, gases, dusts and fumes, smoking status, smoked pack-years, exposure to passive smoke, consumption of fruits and raw vegetables, physical activity and body mass index. PM<sub>10</sub>: particulate matter <10μm in diameter from all sources. NO<sub>2</sub>: nitrogen dioxide. All analyses were done with four-hour fasting participants. Participants’ study area was treated as a random effect in all models. Odds ratio values refer to increments of 10μg/m<sup>3</sup> in PM<sub>10</sub> exposure. Total N = 3684; N(males) = 1746.</p

    Effect modification by age group.

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    <p>MetS-W: Metabolic syndrome according to World Health Organization. MetS-I: Metabolic syndrome according to International Diabetes Federation. MetS-A: Metabolic syndrome according to Adult Treatment Panel-III criteria. Fully adjusted models include sex, educational attainment, neighbourhood socio-economic index, occupational exposure to vapours, gases, dusts and fumes, smoking status, smoked pack-years, exposure to passive smoke, consumption of fruits and raw vegetables, physical activity and body mass index. PM<sub>10</sub>: particulate matter <10μm in diameter from all sources. All analyses were done with four-hour fasting participants. Participants’ study area was treated as a random effect in all models. Odds ratio values refer to increments of 10μg/m<sup>3</sup> in PM<sub>10</sub> exposure. Total N = 3684; N(age≤50) = 1393.</p

    Background Characteristics of participants.

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    <p>MetS-W: World Health Organization-defined metabolic syndrome. MetS-I: International Diabetes Federation-defined metabolic syndrome. MetS-A: Adult Treatment Panel III-defined metabolic syndrome. ETS: environmental tobacco smoke. VGDF: vapours, gases, dusts or fumes. SEI: socio-economic index expressed as a percentage. PM<sub>10</sub>: particulate matter <10μm in diameter from all sources. NO<sub>2</sub>: nitrogen dioxide.</p><p><sup>a</sup>defined as IFG and any two of central obesity, hypertension, low HDL and high triglycerides.</p><p><sup>b</sup>defined as central obesity and any two of IFG, hypertension, low HDL and high triglycerides.</p><p><sup>c</sup>defined as any three of IFG, central obesity, hypertension, low HDL and high triglycerides.</p><p><sup>d</sup> defined as not having a, b and c.</p><p><sup>e</sup>defined by WHO as fasting blood glucose≥6.1mmol/L and/or diagnosis of type2diabetes; and by IDF and ATP-III as fasting blood glucose≥5.6mmol/L and/or diagnosis of type2diabetes. High triglycerides defined as fasting triglycerides≥1.7mmol/L or treatment for this condition.</p><p><sup>f</sup> defined by WHO as ≤ 0.9 mmol/L (males), ≤ 1.0 mmol/L (females); and by IDF and ATP-III as < 1.03 mmol/L (males), < 1.29 mmol/L (females), or treatment for this condition.</p><p><sup>g</sup>defined by WHO as ≥140/90, or treatment of previously diagnosed hypertension; and by IDF and ATP-III as blood pressure >130/85 mm Hg or previously diagnosed hypertension.</p><p><sup>h</sup>proportion in controls according to MetS-W/ MetS-I or MetS-A criteria respectively.</p><p>Background Characteristics of participants.</p