13 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Novel Bio-friendly Two-step Process in the Removal of Heavy Metals from the Wastewater

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    Two-step treatment technique was developed for the treatment of water by Pseudomonas aeroginosa in a bioreactor in a first phase and then the bacterial treated water was treated with the vetiver grass, cattails and water hyacinth in second phase. Two-step process of bioremediation of 13 days was found to be satisfactory for As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn in compared to the direct treatments with vetiver grass, cattails and water hyacinth in 20 days. As the plants cannot work or tolerate the higher concentrations of heavy metals, so with the first step on an average 52.48% reduction of heavy metals were done within 5 days. It was observed that 100% removal of Pb was found by two-step process of Pseudomas aeroginosa with cattails and water hyacinth, respectively in 13 days, while 98.16% removal of Pb was found by direct plant treatment of water hyacinth in 20 days. It was clear that the two-step treatment for vetiver grass, cattails and water hyacinth were found as the most effective treatments

    Integrated Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Sediments from Gebeng Industrial Estate, Pahang, Malaysia

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    Gebeng is one of the most important industrial regions in Pahang, Malaysia. The study was conducted in the Gebeng industrial estate to investigate the effect of industrialization on heavy metal pollution in the surface sediments of the industrial area. In this study, it has been found that the sediments were highly contaminated especially by Co , Hg and As which is supported by the values of enrichment factors, contamination factors, geo-accumulation index, pollution load indexes and contamination assessment by sediment quality guidelines. According to the hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) the studied heavy metal pollution were ranked as Co> Hg> As> Pb> Zn> Cu> Cr> Cd> Ni>Ba and the sampling stations were ranked as WS1>DSRS3>DSRS1>USRS4>DSRS2>USRS3>WS3>WS2>USRS2>USRS1.Moreover, it was found that all the three zones (the wetland sediments, upstream river sediment and downstream river sediments) were polluted by heavy metals. Three principal components were extracted from principal component analysis, they accounted for more than 84% of the total variability and detected the industrial activities was the source of pollution. The results indicated that the industrial dumping is going on indiscriminately. The study will help in the strategic management of the industries through providing heavy metals pollution of sediments

    Effects of industrial wastewater on water and sediment qualities and effectiveness of bioremediation methods of industrial wastewater treatment, Gebeng, Pahang, Malaysia

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    Gebeng is a very important industrial estate of Pahang, Malaysia. A study was conducted in Gebeng industrial area in order to obtain the current status of industrial wastewater, surface water and sediments. Results of industrial wastewater and surface water were compared to Malaysian and different standards limits. Moreover, the industrial wastewater and surface water classification and contamination intensity were calculated. Sediment quality guidelines were used to compare the results of sediments. Some of water quality parameters such as BOD, COD, TSS, Pb, Cd, Cr and Hg were higher compared to standard limits in studied wastewater. BOD, COD, ammoniacal nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorous, nitrate, phosphate, As, Hg, Co, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cd and Cu were higher in surface water compared to standard threshold. For sediments, Co, Hg, As, Pb and Cu concentrations were higher than those of permissible levels. In addition, wastewater treatments were done by bio-remediation methods. It was performed first by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and secondly by Vetiver grass, Cattails and Water hyacinth. From the treatments of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the expected pollutants removal efficiency was found. Because of lower pollutants tolerant features vetiver grass and water hyacinth did not survive in 100 % wastewater while cattails were adapted to 100 % wastewater due higher contaminants tolerant characteristics. The 75 % wastewater with N-P-K mixed fertilizer treatment was found as the best treatments among vetiver grass and water hyacinth treatments. In case of cattails, 100 % wastewater with mixed fertilizer treatment showed the best performance. Statistical software (SPSS) was used to compute data and results. Least significance difference, first order kinetics, correlation analysis, principal component analysis, pollution load index, contamination factors, geo accumulation index and surface water enrichment factors were used to test the significance, validity of data, groupings of parameters and interpretation. In this study, a novel two steps technique was used which proven to give higher efficiency compared to direct treatments with plants. From this study, it could be concluded that the study area is moderately contaminated by industrial wastewater. Furthermore, the surface waters are classified as polluted (DOE-WQI) and sediments are very strongly and strongly polluted by Co and Hg respectively while Pb, Cd and As are found unpolluted to moderately polluted. So, recycling of wastewater, wastewater treatments by bioremediation techniques, close monitoring and supervision in every industry have to be introduced

    An Investigation of Water Quality Status in Gebeng Industrial Estate, Pahang, Malaysia

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    Gebeng is a rapidly growing industrial area in Pahang, Malaysia. The study was conducted to explore the pollution level and to find out the human interference on surface water quality. The highly polluted parameters were BOD, COD, DO, ammonical nitrogen, phosphate, Pb, Cu, Cd, Co and As and most of the stations categorized as polluted (Class III and IV). Heavy metals like Pb, Cu, Co, Cd and As were higher at upstream river zone and highly polluted nevertheless the downstream zone and surface water were comparatively less polluted. Industrial wastes and effluents increased the contamination levels of the studied water

    Status and Contamination Level of the Wastewater of Gebeng Industrial Estate, Pahang, Malaysia

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    The pH of the water of the studied stations was slightly acidic to neutral, while EC was included within recommended standard. The contamination intensity, pollution level, classification of water indicated that the wastewater having higher contamination level, especially, BOD, COD, NH3-N, PO4, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Co, Ni and Hg concentration were high in all samples with lower DO value. The high COD content indicated that the wastewater of Gebeng area contains higher wastes. However, the results were differed on the basis of seasons and types of industries. It was also found that Pb and Hg concentrations were higher in wet season in comparison to dry, while Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni, Ba and As concentrations were higher in dry season in comparison to wet. All sampling sites were categorized as highly polluted

    Surface Water Contamination Due to Industrial Activities in Gebeng Area, Kuantan, Malaysia

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    Gebeng is a rapidly growing industrial area of Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. The water bodies are being affected by anthropogenic activities. Industrial effluents and waste water having contaminants are incorporated with river water regularly. The study was carried out to explore the pollution level and to find out human interference on river water quality. To conduct the research, surface water was collected from 10 different strategic locations of the river. The physico-chemical characteristics of water including temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solids (TSS), turbidity, nitrate, ammonia-cal-N, phosphate, sulphate and some selected heavy metals were measured by using standard methods. Statistical analyses were done by using SPSS software (version 16.0). The study showed that heavy metals such as Pb, Cu, Co, Cd and As concentrations were higher at station 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and more polluted, and at the downstream station 8, 9 and 10 were less polluted due to tidal interference. According to DOE-INWQS all stations were categorized as polluted (Class III to and V). Moreover, the most affected parameters were pH, DO, COD, BOD, ammonical nitrogen, nitrate and phosphate. Human activities especially treated and untreated industrial wastes as well as the effluents from the point and non- point sources increased the contamination levels of the studied surface water

    Effect of Industrial Pollution on the Spatial Variation of Surface Water Quality

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    Surface water quality deterioration is the impact of anthropogenic activities at the study areas due to rapid industrialization. The study was done to know the spatial variation of the water quality of the Tunggak River and surrounding area because of industrial activities. In-situ parameters and ex-situ data of chemical, bio-chemical parameters and heavy metals were collected monthly to fulfill the objectives. The samples were collected from 10 selected stations and analyses were carried out using standard methods. Heavy metals were determined by using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). SPSS statistical software was used for data analysis. The results of the study revealed that industrial effluents were the major source of pollutants and caused of spatial variation among the stations. Less amount of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and higher concentration of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), ammoniacal-nitrogen and heavy metals made the water un-usable except irrigation. Analyzed surface water was classified based on Department of Environment-Water Quality Index (DOEWQI) Malaysia and found that the maximum stations except lower and uppermost were in class IV (highly polluted). Pollution rate was higher in the middle stations due to large number of industries were located in the middle and they discharged all their effluents in the river stream. Due to tidal interference in the lower stream and minimum industry in the upper stream pollution was less in those stations

    Spatial Variation of Water Quality Parameters in Gebeng Industrial Area, Pahang, Malaysia

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    The study was conducted to examine the physico-chemical parameters of surface water quality in the Gebeng Industrial area, Pahang, Malaysia. Water samples were collected monthly from the selected 10 sampling site in the study area. The selected parameters were analyzed based on in-situ and ex-situ analysis according to standard methods. The statistical software was used for data analyses. It was observed that, the non-point source pollutants were associated with runoff from construction sites of newly developed industrial areas and the point source contributing the major pollutants especially from industrial wastes. Low levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) and higher levels of chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids (TSS), ammoniacal nitrogen and selected heavy metals made the water pollution. According to Interim National Water Quality Standard (INWQS), the major part of the river specially the mid-region was categorized as class V (very highly polluted) while some part was found to be in class IV (highly polluted) and rest of class III (polluted) as well. Based on Malaysian Water Quality Index (WQI), the most stations except lower and uppermost were in class IV, and highly polluted

    Spatial Distribution of Soil Properties and Heavy Metals Content around the Chini Lake Watershed

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    This study was carried out to determine the soil properties and heavy metals content around the Chini Lake watershed, situated in the southeastern region of Pahang, Malaysia. The soil properties such as particle size distribution, texture, organic matter content (OM), density, porosity, pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), electrical conductivity (EC) and the presence of selected heavy metals such as Pb, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Cr and Cd were analyzed using the standard methods. The analyses showed that sand was dominant in the four soil series. The Lating series had the lowest sand content ranging from 2.02% to 3.48% both in the top soil and subsoil horizons. The highest percentage (46.49) of silt was recorded in the Kedah series and the lowest (17.71%) in the Kuala Brang series. There was higher clay content in the subsoil than in the surface soil for all the soils studied. All the soil series contained low organic matter, ranging from 1.10% to 9.34%. Soil physical properties showed higher bulk density values in the disturbed soil horizons than in the undisturbed forest soils. All the soils studied had low pH and low electrical conductivity. The CEC of all the soil series was low with values of less than 13.34 meq/100g soil. The results showed that areas affected by anthropogenic activities (oil palm estates, rubber plantations and cultivated areas) in the Chini Lake watershed contained higher concentrations of heavy metals than forested or uncultivated areas. The concentrations of heavy metals recorded in the study area were considered as potentially non-toxic