917 research outputs found

    An analysis of media-generated and party-generated news in presidential primary election coverage

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    362 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008.I concluded that dramatic changes to teacher education and Music education in particular are necessary if Music teaching is to become the rewarding, stimulating, and enjoyable experience the teachers and students crave. This would involve re-conceiving education and teacher education with an emphasis on developing teacher judgment and critical capacity over reproduction of factual knowledge.U of I OnlyRestricted to the U of I community idenfinitely during batch ingest of legacy ETD

    Speech-Wrangling:Shutting Up and Shutting Out the Oral Tradition in Some Icelandic Sagas

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    This chapter considers the role of prolegomena and authorial interventions in constraining and contextualizing orally derived saga narratives in high medieval Iceland. It examines the question of whether prolegomena were intended to be included in oral renditions of the sagas and, if so, in whose ‘voice’ they were understood to be spoken. The ‘openness’ of a saga text — the extent of editorial freedom enjoyed by those concerned with extracting it from the oral milieu — has been much discussed; however, less attention has historically been paid to the freedom which the written texts then afforded any would-be reciter for emending or adapting their content when reading them aloud to a live audience. Prolegomena provide our most instructive source of contemporary commentary on how the written sagas should be understood and transmitted, and they therefore represent distinct and important critical texts in their own right, which inform our understanding of how ‘open’ or ‘fixed’ medieval Icelanders understood these extant written sagas to be.Brian McMahon, ‘Speech-Wrangling: Shutting Up and Shutting Out the Oral Tradition in Some Icelandic Sagas’, in Openness in Medieval Europe, ed. by Manuele Gragnolati and Almut Suerbaum, Cultural Inquiry, 23 (Berlin: ICI Berlin Press, 2022), pp. 65-84 <https://doi.org/10.37050/ci-23_04

    Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Usage of ECHO360 in Pre-clinical Medical Education

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    Recent advances in managing hepatitis B

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    In the past two years, several national and international bodies have made recommendations and published updated practice guidelines for hepatitis B. In addition, new drugs have become available for treatment of hepatitis B. This article will review the new recommendations for screening for hepatitis B and for first-line antiviral medications to use for treatment. In addition, I will discuss the recent recommendations on treating hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus co-infection and the screening of people receiving immunosuppressive therapy

    Spectroscopic and Computational Studies of Matrix-Isolated iso-CXBr3 (X=F,Cl,Br): Structure, Properties, and Photochemistry of Substituted Iso-Tribromomethanes

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    Iso-polyhalomethanes are important reactive intermediates in the condensed and gas-phase chemistry of halomethanes. Building upon our recent study of iso-bromoform, in this work the substituted iso-tribromomethanes (iso-CXBr3; X = F, Cl, Br) were characterized by matrix isolation infrared and UV/Vis spectroscopy, supported by ab initio calculations, to further probe the structure, spectroscopy, properties, and photochemistry of these important intermediates. Selected wavelength laser irradiation of CXBr3 samples in an inert rare gas (typically Ar; mixing ratio 1:500) held at ∼5 K yielded iso-CXBr3 (XBrC–Br–Br or Br2C–Br–X). The observed infrared and UV/Vis absorptions are in excellent agreement with computational predictions, and the energies of various stationary points on the CXBr3 Potential Energy Surfaces (PESs) were characterized computationally using DFT, MP2, and CCSD (T) methods in combination with triple-zeta quality basis sets. These calculations show that the isomers are minima on the PESs that lie ∼200 kJ/mol above the global CXBr3 minimum, yet are bound by some 50–70 kJ/mol in the gas-phase with respect to the CXBr2 + Br asymptote. Laser irradiation of the isomers resulted in back photoisomerization to CXBr3, and intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) calculations confirmed the existence of a first order saddle point connecting the two isomers. Calculations of important stationary points on the CXBr3 PESs show that in the gas-phase the isomerization barrier lies energetically near the threshold for simple bond fission. The iso-CXBr3 species are significantly stabilized in the condensed phase, due to the high degree of ion-pair character, as revealed by Natural Resonance Theory analysis

    Depression of aerobic metabolism and intracellular pH by hypercapnia in land snails, Otala lactea

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    The pulmonate land snail Otala lactea undergoes simultaneous hypercapnia, hypoxia, extracellular acidosis and metabolic depression during dormancy. We tested the effects of ambient hypercapnia and hypoxia on oxygen consumption (VO2) and on extracellular and intracellular pH of active (i.e. non-dormant) individuals. Active snails reduced VO2, by 50% within l h when exposed to 65mmHg (1 mmHg = 133.3Pa) ambient PCO2, and by 63% in 98mmHg. These levels of CO2 are within the range that occurs naturally in the lung and blood during dormancy. VO2 of hypercapnic snails remained below that of controls for the duration of exposure (up to 9 h) and returned to control levels within 1 h when CO2 was removed. Both pHe and whole-body pHi (measured using [14C]DMO) fell with increasing haemolymph PCO2 by approximately 0.7logPCO2 Critical (VO2- limiting) ambient PO2 of active snails was 90mmHg in the absence of CO2 and dropped to 50 mmHg when VO2 was reduced 45% by exposure to CO2. Estimated critical PO2 at the lower VO2 typical of dormancy is well below the typical lung PO2 of dormant Otala, suggesting that PO2 in the lung does not normally limit oxygen consumption during dormancy. These results support the hypothesis that hypercapnia or resulting respiratory acidosis depresses metabolic rate during dormancy, and argue against a limitation of VO2 by hypoxia
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