846 research outputs found

    Dorsalization of the neural tube by the non-neural ectoderm

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    The patterning of cell types along the dorsoventral axis of the spinal cord requires a complex set of inductive signals. While the chordamesoderm is a well-known source of ventralizing signals, relatively little is known about the cues that induce dorsal cell types, including neural crest. Here, we demonstrate that juxtaposition of the non-neural and neural ectoderm is sufficient to induce the expression of dorsal markers, Wnt-1, Wnt-3a and Slug, as well as the formation of neural crest cells. In addition, the competence of neural plate to express Wnt-1 and Wnt-3a appears to be stage dependent, occurring only when neural tissue is taken from stage 8–10 embryos but not from stage 4 embryos, regardless of the age of the non-neural ectoderm. In contrast to the induction of Wnt gene expression, neural crest cell formation and Slug expression can be induced when either stage 4 or stage 8–10 neural plates are placed in contact with the non-neural ectoderm. These data suggest that the non-neural ectoderm provides a signal (or signals) that specifies dorsal cell types within the neural tube, and that the response is dependent on the competence of the neural tissue

    Machine Learning Engineering with Python, 2nd Edition

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    Using mechanistic Bayesian networks to identify downstream targets of the Sonic Hedgehog pathway

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    Background: The topology of a biological pathway provides clues as to how a pathway operates, but rationally using this topology information with observed gene expression data remains a challenge. Results: We introduce a new general-purpose analytic method called Mechanistic Bayesian Networks (MBNs) that allows for the integration of gene expression data and known constraints within a signal or regulatory pathway to predict new downstream pathway targets. The MBN framework is implemented in an open-source Bayesian network learning package, the Python Environment for Bayesian Learning (PEBL). We demonstrate how MBNs can be used by modeling the early steps of the sonic hedgehog pathway using gene expression data from different developmental stages and genetic backgrounds in mouse. Using the MBN approach we are able to automatically identify many of the known downstream targets of the hedgehog pathway such as Gas1 and Gli1, along with a short list of likely targets such as Mig12. Conclusions: The MBN approach shown here can easily be extended to other pathways and data types to yield a more mechanistic framework for learning genetic regulatory models.Molecular and Cellular BiologyStem Cell and Regenerative Biolog

    Independent regulation of skeletal growth by Ihh and IGF signaling

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    AbstractThe insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) play a major role in regulating the systemic growth of mammals. However, it is unclear to what extent their systemic and/or local functions act in concert with other local growth factors controlling the sizes of individual organs. We have specifically addressed whether growth control of the skeleton by IGFs interacts genetically with that by Indian hedgehog (Ihh), a locally produced growth signal for the endochondral skeleton. Here, we report that disruption of both IGF and Ihh signaling resulted in additive reduction in the size of the embryonic skeleton. Thus, IGF and Ihh signaling appear to control the growth of the skeleton in parallel pathways

    β-Catenin is necessary to keep cells of ureteric bud/Wolffian duct epithelium in a precursor state

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    AbstractDifferentiation is the process by which tissues/organs take on their final, physiologically functional form. This process is mediated in part by the silencing of embryonic genes and the activation of terminal, differentiation gene products. Mammalian kidney development is initiated when the Wolffian duct branches and invades the overlying metanephric mesenchyme. The newly formed epithelial bud, known as the ureteric bud, will continue to branch ultimately differentiating into the collecting duct system and ureter. Here, we show that Hoxb7-Cre mediated removal of β-catenin from the mouse Wolffian duct epithelium leads to the premature expression of gene products normally associated with the differentiated kidney collecting duct system including the water channel protein, Aquaporin-3 and the tight junction protein isoform, ZO-1α+. Mutant cells fail to maintain expression of some genes associated with embryonic development, including several mediators of branching morphogenesis, which subsequently leads to kidney aplasia or hypoplasia. Reciprocally, expression of a stabilized form of β-catenin appears to block differentiation of the collecting ducts. All of these defects occur in the absence of any effects on the adherens junctions. These data indicate a role for β-catenin in maintaining cells of the Wolffian ducts and the duct derived ureteric bud/collecting duct system in an undifferentiated or precursor state

    Characterization of Pax-2 Regulatory Sequences That Direct Transgene Expression in the Wolffian Duct and Its Derivatives

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    AbstractThe Pax family of transcription factors plays important roles in vertebrate organogenesis. Pax-2 is a critical factor in the development of the mammalian urogenital system. Pax-2 is expressed in the epithelia of the ureter, the Müllerian duct, and the Wolffian duct and in the nephrogenic mesenchyme. Gene targeting in the mouse as well as natural mutations in mouse and man have demonstrated the requirement of Pax-2 in the development of these structures. Little is known about the molecular mechanisms regulating Pax-2 expression in the developing urogenital system. As a first step to reveal these mechanisms and to search for the elements and factors controlling Pax-2 expression we have characterized regulatory sequences of the Pax-2 gene in an in vivo reporter assay in the mouse. An 8.5-kb genomic region upstream of the Pax-2 transcription start site directed reporter gene activity in the epithelium of the pronephric duct at 8.25 days postcoitum (dpc) and in the Wolffian duct starting from 9.0 dpc. Expression in the Wolffian duct and its derivatives, the ureter, the collecting duct system, the seminal vesicles, the vas deferens, and the epididymis, was maintained at least until 18.5 dpc. Hence, an element(s) in the 8.5-kb upstream region is sufficient to initiate and maintain Pax-2 expression in the Wolffian duct and its derivatives. In order to more precisely map the Wolffian duct regulatory sequences, a deletion analysis of the 8.5-kb upstream region was performed in a transient in vivo reporter assay. A 0.4-kb subfragment was required for marker gene expression in the Wolffian duct. Misexpression of fgf8 under the control of the 8.5-kb upstream region resulted in polycystic kidneys, demonstrating the general usefulness of Pax-2 regulatory sequences in misexpression of foreign genes in the ureter and collecting duct system of the kidney in transgenic approaches in mice

    Hoxd11 specifies a program of metanephric kidney development within the intermediate mesoderm of the mouse embryo

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    AbstractThe mammalian kidney consists of an array of tubules connected to a ductal system that collectively function to control water/salt balance and to remove waste from the organisms' circulatory system. During mammalian embryogenesis, three kidney structures form within the intermediate mesoderm. The two most anterior structures, the pronephros and the mesonephros, are transitory and largely non-functional, while the most posterior, the metanephros, persists as the adult kidney. We have explored the mechanisms underlying regional specific differentiation of the kidney forming mesoderm. Previous studies have shown a requirement for Hox11 paralogs (Hoxa11, Hoxc11 and Hoxd11) in metanephric development. Mice lacking all Hox11 activity fail to form metanephric kidney structures. We demonstrate that the Hox11 paralog expression is restricted in the intermediate mesoderm to the posterior, metanephric level. When Hoxd11 is ectopically activated in the anterior mesonephros, we observe a partial transformation to a metanephric program of development. Anterior Hoxd11+ cells activate Six2, a transcription factor required for the maintenance of metanephric tubule progenitors. Additionally, Hoxd11+ mesonephric tubules exhibit an altered morphology and activate several metanephric specific markers normally confined to distal portions of the functional nephron. Collectively, our data support a model where Hox11 paralogs specify a metanephric developmental program in responsive intermediate mesoderm. This program maintains tubule forming progenitors and instructs a metanephric specific pattern of nephron differentiation

    Genomic characterization of Gli-activator targets in sonic hedgehog-mediated neural patterning

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    Sonic hedgehog (Shh) acts as a morphogen to mediate the specification of distinct cell identities in the ventral neural tube through a Gli-mediated (Gli1-3) transcriptional network. Identifying Gli targets in a systematic fashion is central to the understanding of the action of Shh. We examined this issue in differentiating neural progenitors in mouse. An epitope-tagged Gli-activator protein was used to directly isolate cis-regulatory sequences by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP). ChIP products were then used to screen custom genomic tiling arrays of putative Hedgehog (Hh) targets predicted from transcriptional profiling studies, surveying 50-150 kb of non-transcribed sequence for each candidate. In addition to identifying expected Gli-target sites, the data predicted a number of unreported direct targets of Shh action. Transgenic analysis of binding regions in Nkx2.2, Nkx2.1 (Titf1) and Rab34 established these as direct Hh targets. These data also facilitated the generation of an algorithm that improved in silico predictions of Hh target genes. Together, these approaches provide significant new insights into both tissue-specific and general transcriptional targets in a crucial Shh-mediated patterning process