22 research outputs found

    Economic Thresholds for First-Generation European Corn Borers

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    Economic thresholds for European corn borer are based on the following factors: • Cash value of the crop – Yield in bushels per acre x price in dollars per bushel • Cost of treatment – Cost of insecticide + cost of application • Average number of live corn borer larvae per plan

    Gypsy Moth in South Dakota

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    The gypsy moth has been the most destructive insect pest of trees and shrubs in the eastern United States following its introduction in 1869. Large infestations are capable of completely defoliating deciduous trees over extensive areas. Defoliation alters the environment, reducing shade and affecting water quality. Defoliation also weakens trees and predisposes them to attack from other insects and diseases, often resulting in tree mortality. A major annoyance in urban and recreational areas, in addition to the unsightliness of defoliated trees, is the presence of masses of caterpillars and fecal droppings resulting from heavy gypsy moth infestations. In addition, some people are allergic to the irritating hairs of the caterpillars

    Preventing Stored Grain Insect Infestations

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    Estimated lsoses to stored grain from insects and mold exceeded $500 million dollars in 1990. Much of this loss could have been prevented with an integrated approach to stored grain pest management including sanitation, prevention, and regular monitoring of grain

    Insect Control for South Dakota Small Grain, 1997

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    Grasshopper Management for South Dakota Winter Wheat Products

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    Grasshopper populations historically have been one of the insect pests which winter wheat producers in South Dakota have had to manage, particularly when fall is preceded by a dry summer. Typical hatching areas are road ditches, dry grasslands, and other uncultivated locations. As hoppers mature in late summer and fall, vegetation in these areas begins to dry, and adult grasshoppers move to areas of greener and more lush vegetation. Winter wheat fields bordering hatching beds are prime areas for grasshoppers in the fall as other vegetation drie

    Insect Control for Oilseed Crops, 1997: Sunflower, Soybeans, Flax, Canola, Safflower

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    Second Generation European Corn Borer Management

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    The European corn borer is a destructive pest that reduces corn yields each year in the Midwest. Larvae feed on leaves and tunnel into stalks and ear shanks. Stalk tunneling often interferes with nutrient transport and predisposes these plants to lodging. Additionally, yields may be impacted from damage to corn shanks thus leading to late-season ear drop

    Scouting Adult Corn Rootworms

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    Corn rootworms are the number one insect pest of commercial corn producers in the cornbelt. Two species are involved in South Dakota, the northern corn rootworm, Diabrotica barberi Smith and Lawrence, and the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica vergifera LeConte

    First Generation European Corn Borer Management

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    The European corn borer is a destructive pest of corn in the Midwest. Larvae feed on leaves and tunnel into stalks and ear shanks. Stalk tunneling often interferes with nutrient transport and predisposes these plants to lodging. Additionally, yields may be impacted form damage to corn shanks thus leading to late-season ear drop. Although the corn borer damages corn each year, it is largely ignored by many South Dakota growers

    Insect Pest Management Alternatives

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    Managing insect pests has changed significantly since the introduction of inexpensive synthetic insecticides. Making insect management decisions is easier. Traditional methods of insect management such as crop rotation, cultural control, and use of resistant varieties are relied upon less frequently because insecticides are so effective. However, insecticide use has negative aspects such as insecticide resistance, resurgence of pest species, and harmful effects on non-target organisms. These problems as well as recent public concern over the use of synthetic chemicals in agricultural production systems are encouraging the re-evaluation of traditional methods of insect pest management