38 research outputs found

    Fragile X Syndrome

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    Recent data from a national survey highlighted a significant difference in obesity rates in young fragile X males (31%) compared to age matched controls (18%). Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common cause of intellectual disability in males and the most common single gene cause of autism. This X-linked disorder is caused by an expansion of a trinucleotide CGG repeat (>200) on the promotor region of the fragile X mental retardation 1 gene (FMR1). As a result, the promotor region often becomes methylated which leads to a deficiency or absence of the FMR1 protein (FMRP). Common characteristics of FXS include mild to severe cognitive impairments in males but less severe cognitive impairment in females. Physical features of FXS include an elongated face, prominent ears, and post-pubertal macroorchidism. Severe obesity in full mutation males is often associated with the Prader-Willi phenotype (PWP) which includes hyperphagia, lack of satiation after meals, and hypogonadism or delayed puberty; however, there is no deletion at 15q11-q13 nor uniparental maternal disomy. Herein, we discuss the molecular mechanisms leading to FXS and the Prader-Willi phenotype with an emphasis on mouse FMR1 knockout studies that have shown the reversal of weight increase through mGluR antagonists. Finally, we review the current medications used in treatment of FXS including the atypical antipsychotics that can lead to weight gain and the research regarding the use of targeted treatments in FXS that will hopefully have a significantly beneficial effect on cognition and behavior without weight gain

    Presence of Middle Cerebellar Peduncle Sign in FMR1 Premutation Carriers Without Tremor and Ataxia

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    Here we report five cases of male FMR1 premutation carriers who present without clinical symptoms of the fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome (FXTAS), but who on MRI demonstrate white matter hyperintensities in the middle cerebellar peduncles (MCP sign) and other brain regions, a rare finding. MCP sign is the major radiological feature of FXTAS; it is therefore remarkable to identify five cases in which this MRI finding is present in the absence of tremor and ataxia, the major clinical features of FXTAS. Subjects underwent a detailed neurological evaluation, neuropsychological testing, molecular testing, and MRI evaluation utilizing T2 imaging described here. Additional white matter disease was present in the corpus callosum in four of the five cases. However, all cases were asymptomatic for motor signs of FXTAS

    Fragile X Syndrome

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    Fragile X syndrome and associated disorders: Clinical aspects and pathology.

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    This review aims to assemble many years of research and clinical experience in the fields of neurodevelopment and neuroscience to present an up-to-date understanding of the clinical presentation, molecular and brain pathology associated with Fragile X syndrome, a neurodevelopmental condition that develops with the full mutation of the FMR1 gene, located in the q27.3 loci of the X chromosome, and Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome a neurodegenerative disease experienced by aging premutation carriers of the FMR1 gene. It is important to understand that these two syndromes have a very distinct clinical and pathological presentation while sharing the same origin: the mutation of the FMR1 gene; revealing the complexity of expansion genetics