26,158 research outputs found

    New Q-ball Solutions in Gauge-Mediation, Affleck-Dine Baryogenesis and Gravitino Dark Matter

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    Affleck-Dine (AD) baryogenesis along a d=6 flat direction in gauge-mediated supersymmetry-breaking (GMSB) models can produce unstable Q-balls which naturally have field strength similar to the messenger scale. In this case a new kind of Q-ball is formed, intermediate between gravity-mediated and gauge-mediated type. We study in detail these new Q-ball solutions, showing how their properties interpolate between standard gravity-mediated and gauge-mediated Q-balls as the AD field becomes larger than the messenger scale. It is shown that E/Q for the Q-balls can be greater than the nucleon mass but less than the MSSM-LSP mass, leading to Q-ball decay directly to Standard Model fermions with no MSSM-LSP production. More significantly, if E/Q is greater than the MSSM-LSP mass, decaying Q-balls can provide a natural source of non-thermal MSSM-LSPs, which can subsequently decay to gravitino dark matter without violating nucleosynthesis constraints. The model therefore provides a minimal scenario for baryogenesis and gravitino dark matter in the gauge-mediated MSSM, requiring no new fields.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Some corrections and additional discussion. Version published in JCA

    Deterministic dense coding and entanglement entropy

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    We present an analytical study of the standard two-party deterministic dense-coding protocol, under which communication of perfectly distinguishable messages takes place via a qudit from a pair of non-maximally entangled qudits in pure state |S>. Our results include the following: (i) We prove that it is possible for a state |S> with lower entanglement entropy to support the sending of a greater number of perfectly distinguishable messages than one with higher entanglement entropy, confirming a result suggested via numerical analysis in Mozes et al. [Phys. Rev. A 71 012311 (2005)]. (ii) By explicit construction of families of local unitary operators, we verify, for dimensions d = 3 and d=4, a conjecture of Mozes et al. about the minimum entanglement entropy that supports the sending of d + j messages, j = 2, ..., d-1; moreover, we show that the j=2 and j= d-1 cases of the conjecture are valid in all dimensions. (iii) Given that |S> allows the sending of K messages and has the square roof of c as its largest Schmidt coefficient, we show that the inequality c <= d/K, established by Wu et al. [ Phys. Rev. A 73, 042311 (2006)], must actually take the form c < d/K if K = d+1, while our constructions of local unitaries show that equality can be realized if K = d+2 or K = 2d-1.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures. Published versio

    A very deep Chandra observation of Abell 1795: The Cold Front and Cooling Wake

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    We present a new analysis of very deep Chandra observations of the galaxy cluster Abell 1795. Utilizing nearly 750 ks of net ACIS imaging, we are able to resolve the thermodynamic structure of the Intracluster Medium (ICM) on length scales of ~ 1 kpc near the cool core. We find several previously unresolved structures, including a high pressure feature to the north of the BCG that appears to arise from the bulk motion of Abell 1795's cool core. To the south of the cool core, we find low temperature (~ 3 keV), diffuse ICM gas extending for distances of ~ 50 kpc spatially coincident with previously identified filaments of H-alpha emission. Gas at similar temperatures is also detected in adjacent regions without any H-alpha emission. The X-ray gas coincident with the H-alpha filament has been measured to be cooling spectroscopically at a rate of ~ 1 Solar Masses/ yr, consistent with measurements of the star formation rate in this region as inferred from UV observations, suggesting that the star formation in this filament as inferred by its Hα\alpha and UV emission can trace its origin to the rapid cooling of dense, X-ray emitting gas. The H-alpha filament is not a unique site of cooler ICM, however, as ICM at similar temperatures and even higher metallicities not cospatial with Hα\alpha emission is observed just to the west of the H-alpha filament, suggesting that it may have been uplifted by Abell 1795's central active galaxy. Further simulations of cool core sloshing and AGN feedback operating in concert with one another will be necessary to understand how such a dynamic cool core region may have originated and why the H-alpha emission is so localized with respect to the cool X-ray gas despite the evidence for a catastrophic cooling flow.Comment: 14 Pages, 10 Figures, Resubmitted to ApJ after first referee report, Higher Resolution Figures available upon reques

    The Influence of Formulation, Buffering, pH and Divalent Cations on the Activity of Endothall on Hydrilla.

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    Endothall has been used as an aquatic herbicide for more than 40 years and provides very effective weed control of many weeds. Early research regarding the mechanism-of-action of endothall contradicts the symptomology normally associated with the product. Recent studies suggest endothall is a respiratory toxin but the mechanism-of-action remains unknown. To further elucidate the activity of endothall, several endothall formulations were evaluated for their effects on ion leakage, oxygen consumption and photosynthetic oxygen evolution from hydrilla shoot tips. The influence of pH, buffering and divalent cations was also evaluated. (PDF contains 6 pages.

    Exoplanetary atmosphere target selection in the era of comparative planetology

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    The large number of new planets expected from wide-area transit surveys means that follow-up transmission spectroscopy studies of their atmospheres will be limited by the availability of telescope assets. We argue that telescopes covering a broad range of apertures will be required, with even 1m-class instruments providing a potentially important contribution. Survey strategies that employ automated target selection will enable robust population studies. As part of such a strategy, we propose a decision metric to pair the best target to the most suitable telescope, and demonstrate its effectiveness even when only primary transit observables are available. Transmission spectroscopy target selection need not therefore be impeded by the bottle-neck of requiring prior follow-up observations to determine the planet mass. The decision metric can be easily deployed within a distributed heterogeneous network of telescopes equipped to undertake either broadband photometry or spectroscopy. We show how the metric can be used either to optimise the observing strategy for a given telescope (e.g. choice of filter) or to enable the selection of the best telescope to optimise the overall sample size. Our decision metric can also provide the basis for a selection function to help evaluate the statistical completeness of follow-up transmission spectroscopy datasets. Finally, we validate our metric by comparing its ranked set of targets against lists of planets that have had their atmospheres successfully probed, and against some existing prioritised exoplanet lists.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables. Revision 3, accepted by MNRAS. Improvements include always using planetary masses where available and reliable, treatment for sky backgrounds and out-of-transit noise and a use case for defocused photometr

    Paradox in Wave-Particle Duality

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    We report on the simultaneous determination of complementary wave and particle aspects of light in a double-slit type "welcher-weg" experiment beyond the limitations set by Bohr's Principle of Complementarity. Applying classical logic, we verify the presence of sharp interference in the single photon regime, while reliably maintaining the information about the particular pinhole through which each individual photon had passed. This experiment poses interesting questions on the validity of Complementarity in cases where measurements techniques that avoid Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and quantum entanglement are employed. We further argue that the application of classical concepts of waves and particles as embodied in Complementarity leads to a logical inconsistency in the interpretation of this experiment

    Helmholtz solitons in optical materials with a dual power-law refractive index

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    A nonlinear Helmholtz equation is proposed for modelling scalar optical beams in uniform planar waveguides whose refractive index exhibits a purely-focusing dual powerlaw dependence on the electric field amplitude. Two families of exact analytical solitons, describing forward- and backward-propagating beams, are derived. These solutions are physically and mathematically distinct from those recently discovered for related nonlinearities. The geometry of the new solitons is examined, conservation laws are reported, and classic paraxial predictions are recovered in a simultaneous multiple limit. Conventional semi-analytical techniques assist in studying the stability of these nonparaxial solitons, whose propagation properties are investigated through extensive simulations

    A Systematic Review of Ecological and Production Outcomes under Rest-Grazing Systems

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    With increasing pressure on grazing lands throughout the world, there is a growing need to balance sustainable management of livestock to meet food production and environmental impacts. Grazing management practices that incorporate periods of planned rest between grazing events (RG) may achieve both ecological and production goals simultaneously. We conducted a systematic review of global literature that compared ecological and production outcomes of RG systems with either continuously grazed (CG) or ungrazed (UG) areas. In addition, we evaluated the extent to which ecological and livestock production outcomes have been assessed simultaneously in these studies and identified future research needs. A large proportion of the literature reported no difference (neutral response) between the different management systems. However, where differences did occur, the response of biodiversity, land condition and livestock production metrics was more often positive under RG than CG. When RG was compared to UG areas, differences were predominantly positive for plant biodiversity metrics, but negative for invertebrate biodiversity, ground cover and plant biomass. Only a small proportion of studies considered the effect of RG on both ecological and production outcomes simultaneously. An understanding of both ecological and production trade-offs associated with different grazing management strategies is essential to make informed decisions about best-management practices for joint production and ecological outcomes across the world’s grazing lands