204 research outputs found

    From Amateurs to Connoisseurs: Modeling the Evolution of User Expertise through Online Reviews

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    Recommending products to consumers means not only understanding their tastes, but also understanding their level of experience. For example, it would be a mistake to recommend the iconic film Seven Samurai simply because a user enjoys other action movies; rather, we might conclude that they will eventually enjoy it -- once they are ready. The same is true for beers, wines, gourmet foods -- or any products where users have acquired tastes: the `best' products may not be the most `accessible'. Thus our goal in this paper is to recommend products that a user will enjoy now, while acknowledging that their tastes may have changed over time, and may change again in the future. We model how tastes change due to the very act of consuming more products -- in other words, as users become more experienced. We develop a latent factor recommendation system that explicitly accounts for each user's level of experience. We find that such a model not only leads to better recommendations, but also allows us to study the role of user experience and expertise on a novel dataset of fifteen million beer, wine, food, and movie reviews.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    VBPR: Visual Bayesian Personalized Ranking from Implicit Feedback

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    Modern recommender systems model people and items by discovering or `teasing apart' the underlying dimensions that encode the properties of items and users' preferences toward them. Critically, such dimensions are uncovered based on user feedback, often in implicit form (such as purchase histories, browsing logs, etc.); in addition, some recommender systems make use of side information, such as product attributes, temporal information, or review text. However one important feature that is typically ignored by existing personalized recommendation and ranking methods is the visual appearance of the items being considered. In this paper we propose a scalable factorization model to incorporate visual signals into predictors of people's opinions, which we apply to a selection of large, real-world datasets. We make use of visual features extracted from product images using (pre-trained) deep networks, on top of which we learn an additional layer that uncovers the visual dimensions that best explain the variation in people's feedback. This not only leads to significantly more accurate personalized ranking methods, but also helps to alleviate cold start issues, and qualitatively to analyze the visual dimensions that influence people's opinions.Comment: AAAI'1

    Community Detection in Networks with Node Attributes

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    Community detection algorithms are fundamental tools that allow us to uncover organizational principles in networks. When detecting communities, there are two possible sources of information one can use: the network structure, and the features and attributes of nodes. Even though communities form around nodes that have common edges and common attributes, typically, algorithms have only focused on one of these two data modalities: community detection algorithms traditionally focus only on the network structure, while clustering algorithms mostly consider only node attributes. In this paper, we develop Communities from Edge Structure and Node Attributes (CESNA), an accurate and scalable algorithm for detecting overlapping communities in networks with node attributes. CESNA statistically models the interaction between the network structure and the node attributes, which leads to more accurate community detection as well as improved robustness in the presence of noise in the network structure. CESNA has a linear runtime in the network size and is able to process networks an order of magnitude larger than comparable approaches. Last, CESNA also helps with the interpretation of detected communities by finding relevant node attributes for each community.Comment: Published in the proceedings of IEEE ICDM '1

    Image Labeling on a Network: Using Social-Network Metadata for Image Classification

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    Large-scale image retrieval benchmarks invariably consist of images from the Web. Many of these benchmarks are derived from online photo sharing networks, like Flickr, which in addition to hosting images also provide a highly interactive social community. Such communities generate rich metadata that can naturally be harnessed for image classification and retrieval. Here we study four popular benchmark datasets, extending them with social-network metadata, such as the groups to which each image belongs, the comment thread associated with the image, who uploaded it, their location, and their network of friends. Since these types of data are inherently relational, we propose a model that explicitly accounts for the interdependencies between images sharing common properties. We model the task as a binary labeling problem on a network, and use structured learning techniques to learn model parameters. We find that social-network metadata are useful in a variety of classification tasks, in many cases outperforming methods based on image content.Comment: ECCV 2012; 14 pages, 4 figure

    Detecting Cohesive and 2-mode Communities in Directed and Undirected Networks

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    Networks are a general language for representing relational information among objects. An effective way to model, reason about, and summarize networks, is to discover sets of nodes with common connectivity patterns. Such sets are commonly referred to as network communities. Research on network community detection has predominantly focused on identifying communities of densely connected nodes in undirected networks. In this paper we develop a novel overlapping community detection method that scales to networks of millions of nodes and edges and advances research along two dimensions: the connectivity structure of communities, and the use of edge directedness for community detection. First, we extend traditional definitions of network communities by building on the observation that nodes can be densely interlinked in two different ways: In cohesive communities nodes link to each other, while in 2-mode communities nodes link in a bipartite fashion, where links predominate between the two partitions rather than inside them. Our method successfully detects both 2-mode as well as cohesive communities, that may also overlap or be hierarchically nested. Second, while most existing community detection methods treat directed edges as though they were undirected, our method accounts for edge directions and is able to identify novel and meaningful community structures in both directed and undirected networks, using data from social, biological, and ecological domains.Comment: Published in the proceedings of WSDM '1
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