535 research outputs found

    Per operative discovery of Placenta Praevia Percreta: A case report

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    Placenta percreta is a rare pathological entity with challenging diagnostic and therapeutic requirements especially for resource limited settings. We present here the case of a 40 year old woman with a per operative diagnosis of placenta accreta during a caesarian section indicated for placenta praevia. We highlight the diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties associated with this condition especially in low resource settings. Physicians performing caesarian sections should be prepared for complex intra-operative findings in high risk patients

    Community Participation in HIV/AIDS Programs

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    Complete acute uterine inversion

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    Training Cameroonian researchers on pragmatic knowledge translation trials: a workshop report

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    Limited health research capacity in one of the factors that prevents developing countries from attaining  optimal health outcomes and achieving the Millennium Development Goals. We report here, the details of a  workshop on pragmatic knowledge translation trials for Cameroonian researchers, the material covered and additional resources to support capacity development. At the end of this workshop, knowledge gains were noted and participants were able to initiate proposals for funding. These proposals were aimed at improving the clinical management of diabetes, hypertension and malaria.Key words: Pragmatic trials, knowledge translation, capacity building, Cameroon, worksho

    Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus: investigating the uptake and utilization of maternal and child health services in Tiko health district, Cameroon

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    Introduction: despite evidence that interventions to prevent mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV are effective in ensuring a healthy child and keeping mothers alive, there are many challenges to achieving successful interventions in Cameroon. The study was conducted to investigate factors that affect access to and utilization of maternal and child health (MCH) and PMTCT services among women in Tiko health district in Cameroon. Methods: we conducted a cross-sectional, descriptive study on women of reproductive age who had experienced a pregnancy using a self-administered, structured questionnaire, in health facilities offering PMTCT services and in communities within the district. Results: four hundred and thirteen women were interviewed. The majority, 98.4%, of them attended antenatal care (ANC) during their most recent pregnancy. Of these women, 87.4% of them made at least four ANC visits. HIV testing during the first visit among the ANC attendees was 85.5%.  Approximately, 92.1% of women who tested for HIV received their results on the same day. All participants reported to have given birth in a health facility during their most recent pregnancy. No education (Odds Ratio [OR] 0.11; 95% CI 0.01-0.83) and acquisition of primary education (OR 0.25; 95% CI 0.06-0.88) was associated with better male partner involvement in PMTCT. Conclusion: the uptake of MCH/PMTCT services was high in this study. Further exploration of these levels is warranted so that this model of care and engagement can be replicated in other parts of the country where uptake is low

    Diabetic retinopathy at the Yaoundé Central Hospital in Cameroon: epidemiology and angiographic findings

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    We carried out a cross-sectional analytical survey using data from patients who had done Fluorescein Angiography at the Yaounde Central Hospital Diabetic Retinopathy Prevention and Management Project between October 2007 and January 2010 to identify the risk factors, incidence and severity of different types of diabetic retinopathy. Data from 239 males (57.0%) and 180 females (43.0%) with diabetic retinopathy were included. Their mean age was 58.2 years. A majority of them were living with type II diabetes (96.2%). The mean duration of diabetes was 8.2 years. About sixty percent had both diabetes and hypertension. The average level of glycated haemoglobin was 9.72% (range 6-17.7%). Amongst the 419 patients with diabetic retinopathy, 292(69.7%) had non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. One hundred and twelve (26.7%) of those with proliferative diabetic retinopathy had a formal indication for laser photocoagulation. Fifteen patients (3.6%) presented with complicated forms of proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic maculopathy was present in 30 patients (7.2%). Diabetic retinopathy is a frequent complication of diabetes in our setting which stems from inadequate emphasis on preventive measures. The technical requirements for managing some of the existing complications are still unavailable. Fluorescein Angiography is an important diagnostic tool which should be popularized.Pan African Medical Journal 2012; 13:5

    Evaluating the test re-test reliability and inter-subject variability of health care provider manual fluid resuscitation performance

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    BACKGROUND: Health Care Providers (HCPs) report that manual techniques of intravascular fluid resuscitation are commonly used during pediatric shock management. The optimal pediatric fluid resuscitation technique is currently unknown. We sought to determine HCP test-retest reliability (repeatability) and inter-subject variability of fluid resuscitation performance outcomes to inform the design of future studies. METHODS: Fifteen consenting HCPs from McMaster Children’s Hospital, in Hamilton, Canada participated in this single-arm interventional trial. Participants were oriented to a non-clinical model representing a 15 kg toddler, which incorporated a 22-gauge IV catheter. Following a standardization procedure, participants administered 600 mL (40 mL/kg) of saline to the simulated child under emergency conditions using prefilled 60-mL syringes. Each participant completed 5 testing trials. All testing was video recorded, with fluid administration time outcome data (in seconds) extracted from trial videos by two blinded outcome assessors. Data describing catheter dislodgement events, volume of saline effectively delivered, and participant demographics were also collected. The primary outcome of fluid administration time test-retest reliability was analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and intra-class correlation (ICC), with good reliability defined as ICC > 0.70. RESULTS: Differences in HCP fluid administration times are attributable to inter-subject variability rather than intra-subject variability based on one-way ANOVA analysis, F (14,60) = 43.125; p < 0.001. Test-retest reliability of subjects was excellent with ICC = 0.97 (95% CI: 0.95-0.99); p < 0.001. CONCLUSIONS: Findings demonstrate excellent test-retest reliability of HCP fluid resuscitation performance in a setting involving a non-clinical model. Investigators can justify a single evaluation of HCP performance in future studies. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1756-0500-7-724) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The contribution of community health workers to the control of Buruli ulcer in the Ngoantet area, Cameroon

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    Introduction: Buruli ulcer (BU) is a skin disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans. It is the third most common mycobacterial infection aftertuberculosis and leprosy. Community Health Workers (CHWs) hold the potential to support patients and their families at the community level.Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study to assess the participation of CHWs in the early diagnosis and treatment of BU inNgoantet, Cameroon. The CHWs performance was measured using: the number of cases referred to the Ngoantet Health Centre, the percentageof accomplished referrals, the percentage of cases referred by CHWs confirmed by the staff of Ngoantet Health Centre. Data was analyzed usingEpi-info version 3.4.1. and Microsoft Office Excel 2003. The study focused on 51 CHWs in the Ngoantet health area.Results: The referral rate was 95.0%. Most of the suspicious cases (91.5%) referred were confirmed by health workers. Most CHWs (78.4%) declared that they had identified at least one presumptive case of BU infection. Conclusion: We conclude that the CHWs can play a key role in scaling up BU control activities using a referral system. This study confirms the role of home visits and inspections in the early detection and treatment of BU
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