29 research outputs found

    Forecasting Electricity Demand in the Russian Federation and Its Regions Taking Into Account Electrification Expansion

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    A global priority of electrification expansion in all areas is also stated in the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation. The study aims to forecast electricity demand in Russia taking into account possible electrification options in economic sectors. The article presents a multi-stage procedure and a concise review of methodological approaches to the long-term assessment of electricity demand, which considers the impact of complex interrelationships in social, economic and technological policies. In particular, this approach focuses on the regional level, where the interests of energy producers and consumers are reconciled. The current and promising directions of electricity use in Russian regions and economic sectors were analysed based on various statistics and forecasts. The conducted analysis demonstrated the stability of sectoral and territorial energy consumption patterns, as well as a decrease and convergence of values of gross regional product (GRP) energy intensity. Energy consumption of regions varies due to significant differences in industrial specialisation and living standards of the population. The highest energy consumption is observed in developed regions (Central Federal District) or regions with a large share of energy-intensive industries (Siberian Federal District). According to the accepted economic development and electrification expansion strategies for the period 2025–2040, on average, electricity demand in Russian regions is expected to increase by 1.4–1.8 % annually. It is anticipated that the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts will show the highest growth rates of energy consumption due to the accelerated development of these territories. Predicted dynamics of the gross domestic product (GDP) energy intensity in Russia confirms its compliance with global trends. The research findings may prove useful in creating programmes and development strategies for the country and its regions.

    Forecasting Electricity Demand in the Russian Federation and Its Regions Taking Into Account Electrification Expansion

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    A global priority of electrification expansion in all areas is also stated in the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation. The study aims to forecast electricity demand in Russia taking into account possible electrification options in economic sectors. The article presents a multi-stage procedure and a concise review of methodological approaches to the long-term assessment of electricity demand, which considers the impact of complex interrelationships in social, economic and technological policies. In particular, this approach focuses on the regional level, where the interests of energy producers and consumers are reconciled. The current and promising directions of electricity use in Russian regions and economic sectors were analysed based on various statistics and forecasts. The conducted analysis demonstrated the stability of sectoral and territorial energy consumption patterns, as well as a decrease and convergence of values of gross regional product (GRP) energy intensity. Energy consumption of regions varies due to significant differences in industrial specialisation and living standards of the population. The highest energy consumption is observed in developed regions (Central Federal District) or regions with a large share of energy-intensive industries (Siberian Federal District). According to the accepted economic development and electrification expansion strategies for the period 2025–2040, on average, electricity demand in Russian regions is expected to increase by 1.4–1.8 % annually. It is anticipated that the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts will show the highest growth rates of energy consumption due to the accelerated development of these territories. Predicted dynamics of the gross domestic product (GDP) energy intensity in Russia confirms its compliance with global trends. The research findings may prove useful in creating programmes and development strategies for the country and its regions.

    Synthesis and structure of analcime and analcime-zirconia composite derived from coal fly ash cenospheres

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    Cubic analcime and analcime-zirconia composite with the Si/Al ratio of 2.04 and 2.16, respectively, was synthesized by hydrothermal treatment of coal fly ash cenospheres (Si/Al = 2.7) at 150° C. The scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), synchronous thermal analysis (STA) methods were used to study the morphology, composition and structure of the products. Two main types of analcime bearing particles were obtained, such as hollow microspheres with attached analcime icositetrahedra of 5–50 mm in size and individual analcime crystals of a narrow particle size distribution (Dm = 41 mm) with incorporated zirconia (4.8 wt% Zr). The high quality of the crystalline fractions allowed an accurate full-profile PXRD analysis of complete analcime crystal structure and composition including anisotropic displacement parameters of all atoms and H-positions of water molecules

    The Composition and Structure of Ferrospheres Formed by Industrial Combustion of Ekibastuz Coal

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    Изучены ферросферы, полученные в виде фракций высокой чистоты из промышленной летучей золы каменного угля Экибастузского бассейна. Установлено, что главной фазой ферросфер является феррошпинель (46-49 %), в которой часть железа замещена на Al и Mg, о чем свидетельствует более низкий параметр кристаллической решетки по сравнению с магнетитом. Основная часть кремния, алюминия и значительная часть железа входят в состав аморфного вещества ферросфер, составляющего 41-42 % в изученных фракциях. Методами сканирующей электронной микроскопии и энергодисперсионной рентгеновской спектроскопии исследованы ферросферы трех типов (дендритного, блочного и дендритно- блочного строения), составляющие около 80 % изученных фракций. Установлено, что брутто-составы этих ферросфер соответствуют относительно низкоплавким (1100- 1300 ºC) составам, находящимся на границах областей кристаллизации вюстита, фаялита, железистого кордиерита, герцинита в тройной диаграмме состояния FeO–Al2O3–SiO2. Превалирующим типом глобул являются дендритные (48-63 %), которые состоят из тонких однонаправленных или разветвленных кристаллических индивидов Al, Mg-ферритовой шпинели. Дендритные кристаллы содержат Mg в 2-3 раза и Al в 1,1-2,1 раза выше по сравнению с участками аморфного вещества. Блочные ферросферы, имеющие близкий состав с дендритными глобулами, состоят из крупных высокожелезистых блоков феррошпинели, в которых содержание Mg и Al в 2-4 раза ниже, чем в межблочном аморфном веществе. Важным фактором, влияющим на строение ферросфер, выступает дисперсность их главного прекурсора – сидерита FeCO3The ferrospheres recovered from industrial fly ash of Ekibastuz coal have been studied in the form of high-purity fractions. It is found that the main phase of ferrospheres is a ferrite spinel (46-49 %), in which a part of iron is replaced by Al and Mg, as evidenced by the lower lattice parameter as compared with magnetite. A major amount of the silicon, aluminum and a substantial amount of the iron are included in amorphous substance of ferrospheres constituting 41-42 % in the studied fractions. Three types of ferrospheres (dendritic, block-like and dendritic-block structure) constituting about 80 % of the studied fractions have been investigated by SEM-EDS. It was found that the gross compositions of these ferrospheres correspond to a relatively low melting (1100-1300 ºC) composition points located on the border areas of crystallization for wustite, fayalite, ferrous cordierite and hercynite in the FeO-Al2O3-SiO2 ternary diagram. The predominant type of globules is dendritic (48-63 %), they consist of a thin unidirectional individuals or branched crystalline Al, Mg-ferrite spinel. Dendritic crystals contain Mg 2-3 times and Al 1.1-2.1 times higher compared with the amorphous regions. Block-like ferrospheres having a similar composition with dendritic globules consist of large, high-iron blocks of ferrospinels, in which Mg and Al content in the 2-4 times lower than in the interblock amorphous substance. An important factor influencing the structure ferrospheres is the dispersion of their main precursor – siderite FeCO

    Языки мира: Языки манде

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    International audienceThe book continues the encyclopaedic multi-volume publication “Languages of the World”, which is being prepared at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This volume is dedicated to the Mande languages spoken in the Western sub-Saharan Africa. A large part of the articles represent very first descriptions of the respective languages based on the field data collected by the authors. Each description follows the typologically-oriented template implemented throughout the “Languages of the World” volumes. A set of maps illustrating the geographic distribution of the Mande languages is appended to the volume. The book is addressed to a broad audience of linguists, historians, and cultural anthropologists, as well as anyone interested in African languages.Книга является очередным томом многотомного энциклопедического издания «Языки мира», которое создается в Институте языкознания РАН. Данный том содержит описание языков семьи манде, распространенных в Западной субсахарской Африке. Значительная часть его статей представляет собой первые описания языков, составленные на основе материалов, собранных авторами в экспедициях. Статьи написаны в соответствии с единой типологически ориентированной схемой, которая применяется во всех томах издания «Языки мира» и обеспечивает сопоставимость характеристик различных языков. Информация о языках дополняется языковыми картами. Том представляет собой одновременно и фундаментальный научный труд, и издание с широким кругом читателей, включающим лингвистов различной специализации, историков, этнографов, преподавателей, студентов и аспирантов, а также всех интересующихся африканскими языками

    Composition, Structure, and Formation Routes of Blocklike Ferrospheres Separated from Coal and Lignite Fly Ashes

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.The structure−composition relationship of blocklike ferrospheres (FSs) isolated from fly ash from the coal and lignite combustion has been studied systematically by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Groups of globules for which the gross composition of polished sections corresponds to the general equations for the relationship of the concentrations SiO2 = f(Al2O3) and CaO = f(SiO2) are highlighted from FSs of two series. It is shown that blocklike FSs are formed during the sequential transformation of dispersed products of thermal conversion of mineral precursor associates: pyrite, quartz, and Ca, Al-humates in the case of brown coal; and pyrite, siderite, quartz, and calcite in the case of coal. Anorthite is the aluminosilicate precursor of blocklike FSs of both series. The dependence CaO = f(SiO2) that reflects the influence of glass-forming components reveals six groups of FSs. An analysis of SEM images of polished globule sections demonstrates that an increase in the concentration of glass-forming components in all groups is accompanied by gradual changes in the structure of globules, from a large blocklike type to a fine crystalline type with a high glass-phase content. The size and shape of crystallites are controlled by the size of a local melt area where the total concentration of spinel-forming oxides exceeds 85 wt %. An increase in the glass-phase concentration and a decrease in the crystallite size in globules with FeO ≤ 46−50 wt % are explained by expansion of the segregation region in the FeO−Fe2O3−SiO2 system as the oxidation potential rises

    Interaction of Titanium (IV) Chloride Vapor with Cotton Cellulose and Catalytic Properties of the Titanium Dioxide Obtained

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    Изучен медленный (8-10 сут) процесс взаимодействия паров тетрахлорида титана с сухой целлюлозой мерсеризованного хлопкового волокна и проведено его сравнение с аналогичным жидкофазным процессом. В обоих случаях оксихлориды титана формируются в основном на поверхности волокон целлюлозы. Установлено, что в процессе отжига таких волокон на воздухе при 500 ºC образуются тонкие пленки диоксида титана (анатаз, 100-200 нм), которые деформируются и теряют исходную цилиндрическую форму; их поперечный размер сокращается примерно вдвое по сравнению с диаметром исходного волокна. Полученные пленки характеризуются удельной поверхностью по БЭТ 25,6 м2/г, из них микропор – 5,3 м2/г, объемом пор диаметром менее 451 нм – 0,078 см3/г. Показана возможность использования полученных волокон в качестве фотокатализатора окисления метиленового синегоThe slow (8-10 days) interaction of TiCl4 vapors and dry cotton cellulose has been studied. The process is compared to the liquid phase one. In both cases titanium oxychlorides are mainely formed on the surface of the cellulose fibers at room temperature. Heating of such fibers in air at 500 ºC produces long anatase titania deformed hollow fibers consisted of fine films of 100-200 nm thickness. The BET surface of the fibers is of 25.6 m2/g including micropores surface of 5.3 m2/g, and a pore volume of diameter less then 451 nm is of 0.078 cm3/g. The efficient photocatalytic oxidation of methylene blue over synthesized titania fibers is demonstrate

    Catalytic Oxidation of Flax Shives into Vanillin and Pulp

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    This research deals with a process of catalytic oxidation of flax shives to vanillin and pulp. Catalytic oxidation of flax shives with molecular oxygen allows two main products to be obtained—vanillin with a yield of up to 12 wt.% of lignin, and pulp. Final forms of the catalyst particles (Cu2O and CuO) are agglomerates or monocrystals 0.5–5 µm in size. Acid prehydrolysis of the shives does not affect the oxidation, in contrast to pine-wood oxidation. Lignin prehydrolysis and oxidation was suggested as illustrate this difference. The dependence of the vanillin formation rate on stirring speed was studied. Minimum alkali consumption in the process was attained with a mild stirring speed of the reaction mass

    The Composition and Structure of Ferrospheres Formed by Industrial Combustion of Ekibastuz Coal

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    Изучены ферросферы, полученные в виде фракций высокой чистоты из промышленной летучей золы каменного угля Экибастузского бассейна. Установлено, что главной фазой ферросфер является феррошпинель (46-49 %), в которой часть железа замещена на Al и Mg, о чем свидетельствует более низкий параметр кристаллической решетки по сравнению с магнетитом. Основная часть кремния, алюминия и значительная часть железа входят в состав аморфного вещества ферросфер, составляющего 41-42 % в изученных фракциях. Методами сканирующей электронной микроскопии и энергодисперсионной рентгеновской спектроскопии исследованы ферросферы трех типов (дендритного, блочного и дендритно- блочного строения), составляющие около 80 % изученных фракций. Установлено, что брутто-составы этих ферросфер соответствуют относительно низкоплавким (1100- 1300 ºC) составам, находящимся на границах областей кристаллизации вюстита, фаялита, железистого кордиерита, герцинита в тройной диаграмме состояния FeO–Al2O3–SiO2. Превалирующим типом глобул являются дендритные (48-63 %), которые состоят из тонких однонаправленных или разветвленных кристаллических индивидов Al, Mg-ферритовой шпинели. Дендритные кристаллы содержат Mg в 2-3 раза и Al в 1,1-2,1 раза выше по сравнению с участками аморфного вещества. Блочные ферросферы, имеющие близкий состав с дендритными глобулами, состоят из крупных высокожелезистых блоков феррошпинели, в которых содержание Mg и Al в 2-4 раза ниже, чем в межблочном аморфном веществе. Важным фактором, влияющим на строение ферросфер, выступает дисперсность их главного прекурсора – сидерита FeCO3The ferrospheres recovered from industrial fly ash of Ekibastuz coal have been studied in the form of high-purity fractions. It is found that the main phase of ferrospheres is a ferrite spinel (46-49 %), in which a part of iron is replaced by Al and Mg, as evidenced by the lower lattice parameter as compared with magnetite. A major amount of the silicon, aluminum and a substantial amount of the iron are included in amorphous substance of ferrospheres constituting 41-42 % in the studied fractions. Three types of ferrospheres (dendritic, block-like and dendritic-block structure) constituting about 80 % of the studied fractions have been investigated by SEM-EDS. It was found that the gross compositions of these ferrospheres correspond to a relatively low melting (1100-1300 ºC) composition points located on the border areas of crystallization for wustite, fayalite, ferrous cordierite and hercynite in the FeO-Al2O3-SiO2 ternary diagram. The predominant type of globules is dendritic (48-63 %), they consist of a thin unidirectional individuals or branched crystalline Al, Mg-ferrite spinel. Dendritic crystals contain Mg 2-3 times and Al 1.1-2.1 times higher compared with the amorphous regions. Block-like ferrospheres having a similar composition with dendritic globules consist of large, high-iron blocks of ferrospinels, in which Mg and Al content in the 2-4 times lower than in the interblock amorphous substance. An important factor influencing the structure ferrospheres is the dispersion of their main precursor – siderite FeCO

    Microsphere Zirconomolybdate Sorbents for Extraction of Lanthanides (III) from Aqueous Solutions

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    Методом гидротермального синтеза (150 °С, 72 ч) получены микромезопористые циркономолибдаты с удельной поверхностью около 200 м2/г и размером пор в интервале 10-40 Å (Dmax ~ 15 Å), а также микросферические композиции путем нанесения циркономолибдатов на микросферический полый носитель с макропористой оболочкой (Dпор ~ 2-10 μm). В качестве носителя использовали продукт травления NH4F-HCl-H2O узкой фракции ценосфер (-0,08+0,071 мм) из летучей золы Рефтинской ГРЭС с преимущественным содержанием морфологического типа «ценосферы с пористой оболочкой и гладкой поверхностью». Изучены сорбционные свойства циркономолибдата и микросферических композиций с различным отношением Mo/Zr в отношении катионов Nd3+ как имитатора трехвалентных актиноидов. Установлено, что тонкослойное нанесение циркономолибдата на носитель и увеличение отношения Mo/Zr в его составе способствует повышению коэффициента распределения (до 104 мл/г) и эффективности процесса сорбции Nd3+ (до 85 %)Micromesoporous zirconomolybdates with a specific surface area of 200 m2/g and pore sizes in the range of 10-40 Å (Dmax~15 Å) were synthesized under hydrothermal conditions (150 °С, 72 h). Microsphere composites were prepared by deposition of the zirconomolybdates on a microsphere hollow carrier with a macroporous shell (Dpore ~ 2-10μm) resulted from the NH4F-HCl-H2O etching of a cenosphere narrow fraction (-0,08+0,071 mm) separated from coal fly ash of Reftinskaya power station. The morphological type “cenospheres with a porous shell and a smooth surface” predominates in the fraction. The sorption properties of zirconomolybdates and microsphere composites with different Mo/Zr ratio were studied regarding Nd3+ cations as a surrogate of trivalent actinides. It was established that the thin-layer mode of zirconomolybdate deposition on the carrier and the increasing of a Mo/Zr ratio in its composition provides the enhanced distribution coefficient (up to 104 ml/g) and efficiency of Nd3+ sorption (up to 85 %