47 research outputs found


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    The community development has in view the encouragement and the involvement of the human resources management on the track meant for the individual and social development. The quantification of the human capital offers the necessary information for the design of a strategy oriented towards resources for the organisational development. In Romania, according to the information regarding the dynamic of the economic indicators, we notice a positive economic growth, but the inflation constitutes a problem from an internal as well as external point of view. By analysing the development performances of the last years, we discover progresses in innovation, research, in the entrepreneurial development of the company, in the degree of occupation of the human resources and the economic cohesion, in the sustainable economic development and in the liberation of the market. Indicators like the number and density of the population, the territorial distribution of the population, the structure of the population on genders, age groups, residential environments, ethnical structure, religion, social and economical structure and education, as well as the indicators referring to the housings shape a complete picture of the human potential development according to the European standards. Through the increase in competitiveness and of the globalisation, the workforce market suffers certain transformations from the integration point of view together with the other social sectors. The evolution of the society determines the building of a society and economy based on the knowledge according to the European social model values, in the field of the human resources management they will contribute to the social integration, to the development of new changes at the level of social dialogue. The last decades got us used to the reality of the “leaps”. In the most varied fields of the human’s life, we are the witnesses to some triumphal mutations and stupefying progresses that are taking place imperatively and simultaneously. Is there really a price to pay for the progress? Absorbed with a delirious speed in some kind of a time tunnel, the human being is forced to accept the idea that frontier of the impossible became extensible in all its meanings. The undreamed of and fantastical chances become common places from one day to another. These are the matters and thoughts tried to be answered in the lines of this articleHuman resources,management, education, ethic, damages, natural environment, responsibility, sustainable development


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    Despite tourism is one the activities which had a spectacular development in the last decades and although our country has a notable tourism potential, Romanian local and central public authorities` interest in this direction is very low. Apart from being a scientifically approach, the paper acts as a stimulant for local and central public authorities that promote sustainable tourism. The general trend in tourism evolution and in the attempt to strengthen its position within sustainable economic development process is to analyzing the tourism phenomenon at global level. This proves that at the moment, tourism is one of the most dynamic economy sectors, constantly dealing with changes and positive evolutions. Discovering the trends, the challenges facing international tourism in the third millennium, the determinant factors that will influence global tourism activities in the future, tourism categories that will grow fast in the first part of the 21st century, all must be taken into consideration by central and local public authorities when developing policies, strategies, plans and programs for developing tourism.sustainable tourism, local public administration management, sustainable tourism, economic integration, local and regional development.

    The Tourist Experience and the Challenges of the Environment

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    Like any other human activity, without containing intentional elements, tourism, being a consumer of space and tourist resources, participates implicitly in the degradation and the pollution of the environment of the tourist potential, either through the direct pressure of the tourists on the landscape, the flora and the fauna, or on other tourist objectives which can be damaged partially or totally, or through the wrong conception of revaluation and equipment of some areas, points or tourist objectives. The natural environment probably represents the greatest wealth of the Romanian tourism. The protection of the environment is thus crucial for tourism. The tourist experience has demonstrated, in time, that, regardless of the type of tourism people practise, a series of impacts results and they are felt by the society as well as by the natural environment. The development of tourism in a certain area must not affect the social and economic interests of the resident population, nor of the environment, and, most of all, of the natural resources which constitute the main attraction together with the historic and cultural sites.tourism, impact, destination, sustainable development, experience


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    Over the past six decades, tourism has experienced continued growth and diversification to become one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectors in the world. Over time, more and more destinations have opened up and invested in tourism development, turning modern tourism into a key driver for socioeconomic progress. Tourism has become one of the major international trade categories. Today, the export income generated by international tourism ranks fourth after fuels, chemicals and automotive products. For many developing countries, it is one of the main income sources and the number one export category, creating much needed employment and opportunities for development. There are many roles and various responsibilities in the management of the tourist destination and marketing. These are lead in different ways, in different countries, but, in general, they are divided among the national, regional and local levels. The national level is normally responsible for more strategic roles, while the local level is responsible for the operational elements.tourism, sustainability, re-launching strategy


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    One of the major themes which have more and more importance at a European level, but also at a national level, is the demographic evolution and its effects in the different fields of the social and economic life. The demographic trends which affect Romania, emphasized in the demographic prognoses, require a more complex approach, from the perspective of the development projects which the local authorities are initiating, within the operational programs, based especially on the objectives of the Regional Operational Program – REGIO. In order to clarify the connection between demography and development, between demography and tourism, we must underline the analysis of the demographic situation and the demographic prognoses on a medium and long term, which serve to the correct foundation of the plans and development strategies, regardless of the field of life and social activity, so exposed to the current metamorphoses.demography, tourism, tourist market, development, strategy

    The dynamics and manifestations of globalization

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    There are many factors which impart the globalization dynamics: the more accelerated liberalization tendencies of commercial exchanges, the development, without precedent, of the capital markets which claim a bigger liberty of movement, the internationalization of production and distribution of the great trans-national societies, the huge leap of service commerce and – finally – the means provided by the quick progresses in the field of technologies. Globalization provides – on new dimensions – opportunity for some wider markets, the possibility of producing and marketing a larger range of goods, increasing chances for attracting capitals and for access the high technologies. But, at the same time, globalization leads to eliminating the existent barriers out of the free competition’s way, entire sectors being threatened with disappearance or at least “drastic” rationalizations for increasing the efficiency.peer-reviewe

    Globalisation, where?

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    Over the years, globalisation was given different conceptions, which reached the point of the introduction of the verb “to globalise”- first time appeared in 1944, in Merriam Webster Dictionary. Previous to that it only existed the concepts of “global” and “globalisation”. Through global it is understood an extension of the different connections between cities, giving birth to a new phenomenon, but also a special attribute. The “global space” or “global geography” concepts appear and they eliminate the bad influences of distances between cities and connecting them to each other, drawing new maps on which the lines will mark ways of travels, migrations, movements, communications, exchanges, etc. The application of global in the geographic field, lading to the physical expansion of that, has generated the globalisation, which meant an increase of the number and volume of global fluxes, but also an increase of the impact f global forces upon local life. The main moments and forces of the expansion mark the turning and the reference points in the history of globalisation.peer-reviewe


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    The globalization, new destinations proliferation and new technologies have changed the competitive environment of the European countries. In the present, the most powerful tool in tourism's promotion is represented by the image of a country or region or touristic product. If we focus our attention on the international dimension, the strategies of defining an image or touristic promotion are: to create a new touristic image, re-position a traditional touristic destination, create a degree of awareness in a competitive environment, create brands (a brand for a region/state).tourism, globalisation, strategy

    Determining Factors of Economy Globalisation

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    Approached from an economic and financial point of view, globalisation can be defined as strengthening and widening the connections between the national economies on the global market of goods, services and especially the capitals. Globalisation has become an implacable objective process, which often unfolds at a very high speed, comprising the quasi-total of the world's states in its sphere. Under a strictly economic aspect, of the efficiency of allocation and use of the resources, the economic globalisation occurs as a rational phenomenon, which supplies a larger volume of goods and services with less and less resources. The economic globalisation, thus, means the globalisation of the process of creating the gross internal production of the world's states.globalisation, economic capital, efficiency, services.