9 research outputs found

    Guaranteeing Convergence of Iterative Skewed Voting Algorithms for Image Segmentation.

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    <p>In this paper we provide rigorous proof for the convergence of an iterative voting-based image segmentation algorithm called Active Masks. Active Masks (AM) was proposed to solve the challenging task of delineating punctate patterns of cells from fluorescence microscope images. Each iteration of AM consists of a linear convolution composed with a nonlinear thresholding; what makes this process special in our case is the presence of additive terms whose role is to "skew" the voting when prior information is available. In real-world implementation, the AM algorithm always converges to a fixed point. We study the behavior of AM rigorously and present a proof of this convergence. The key idea is to formulate AM as a generalized (parallel) majority cellular automaton, adapting proof techniques from discrete dynamical systems.</p

    Local Histograms for Classifying H&E Stained Tissues.

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    We introduce a rigorous mathematical theory for the analysis of local histograms, and consider the appropriateness of their use in the automated classification of textures commonly encountered in images of H&E stained tissues. We first discuss some of the many image features that pathologists indicate they use when classifying tissues, focusing on simple, locally-defined features that essentially involve pixel counting: the number of cells in a region of given size, the size of the nuclei within these cells, and the distribution of color within both. We then introduce a probabilistic, occlusion-based model for textures that exhibit these features, in particular demonstrating how certain tissue-similar textures can be built up from simpler ones. After considering the basic notions and properties of local histogram transforms, we then formally demonstrate that such transforms are natural tools for analyzing the textures produced by our model. In particular, we discuss how local histogram transforms can be used to produce numerical features that, when fed into mainstream classification schemes, mimic the baser aspects of a pathologist's thought process.</p

    Convergence behavior of the Active Mask segmentation algorithm

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    We study the convergence behavior of the Active Mask (AM) framework, originally designed for segmenting punctate image patterns. AM combines the flexibility of traditional active contours, the statistical modeling power of region-growing methods, and the computational efficiency of multiscale and multiresolution methods. Additionally, it achieves experimental convergence to zero-change (fixed-point) configurations, a desirable property for segmentation algorithms. At its a core lies a voting-based distributing function which behaves as a majority cellular automaton. This paper proposes an empirical measure correlated to the convergence behavior of AM, and provides sufficient theoretical conditions on the smoothing filter operator to enforce convergence.</p

    Active mask segmentation of fluorescence microscope images.

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    We propose a new active mask algorithm for the segmentation of fluorescence microscope images of punctate patterns. It combines the (a) flexibility offered by active-contour methods, (b) speed offered by multiresolution methods, (c) smoothing offered by multiscale methods, and (d) statistical modeling offered by region-growing methods into a fast and accurate segmentation tool. The framework moves from the idea of the "contour" to that of "inside and outside," or masks, allowing for easy multidimensional segmentation. It adapts to the topology of the image through the use of multiple masks. The algorithm is almost invariant under initialization, allowing for random initialization, and uses a few easily tunable parameters. Experiments show that the active mask algorithm matches the ground truth well and outperforms the algorithm widely used in fluorescence microscopy, seeded watershed, both qualitatively, as well as quantitatively.</p

    Local histograms and image occlusion models.

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    <p>The local histogram transform of an image is a data cube that consists of the histograms of the pixel values that lie within a fixed neighborhood of any given pixel location. Such transforms are useful in image processing applications such as classification and segmentation, especially when dealing with textures that can be distinguished by the distributions of their pixel intensities and colors. We, in particular, use them to identify and delineate biological tissues found in histology images obtained via digital microscopy. In this paper, we introduce a mathematical formalism that rigorously justifies the use of local histograms for such purposes. We begin by discussing how local histograms can be computed as systems of convolutions. We then introduce probabilistic image models that can emulate textures one routinely encounters in histology images. These models are rooted in the concept of image occlusion. A simple model may, for example, generate textures by randomly speckling opaque blobs of one color on top of blobs of another. Under certain conditions, we show that, on average, the local histograms of such model-generated-textures are convex combinations of more basic distributions. We further provide several methods for creating models that meet these conditions; the textures generated by some of these models resemble those found in histology images. Taken together, these results suggest that histology textures can be analyzed by decomposing their local histograms into more basic components. We conclude with a proof-of-concept segmentation-and-classification algorithm based on these ideas, supported by numerical experimentation.</p

    A domain-knowledge-inspired mathematical framework for the description and classification of H&E stained histopathology images.

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    We present the current state of our work on a mathematical framework for identification and delineation of histopathology images-local histograms and occlusion models. Local histograms are histograms computed over defined spatial neighborhoods whose purpose is to characterize an image locally. This unit of description is augmented by our occlusion models that describe a methodology for image formation. In the context of this image formation model, the power of local histograms with respect to appropriate families of images will be shown through various proved statements about expected performance. We conclude by presenting a preliminary study to demonstrate the power of the framework in the context of histopathology image classification tasks that, while differing greatly in application, both originate from what is considered an appropriate class of images for this framework.</p

    Automated colitis detection from endoscopic biopsies as a tissue screening tool in diagnostic pathology

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    <p>We present a method for identifying colitis in colon biopsies as an extension of our framework for the automated identification of tissues in histology images. Histology is a critical tool in both clinical and research applications, yet even mundane histological analysis, such as the screening of colon biopsies, must be carried out by highly-trained pathologists at a high cost per hour, indicating a niche for potential automation. To this end, we build upon our previous work by extending the histopathology vocabulary (a set of features based on visual cues used by pathologists) with new features driven by the colitis application. We use the multiple-instance learning framework to allow our pixel-level classifier to learn from image-level training labels. The new system achieves accuracy comparable to state-of-the-art biological image classifiers with fewer and more intuitive features.</p

    A vocabulary for the identification and delineation of teratoma tissue components in hematoxylin and eosin-stained samples.

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    <p>We propose a methodology for the design of features mimicking the visual cues used by pathologists when identifying tissues in hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained samples.</p> <p>BACKGROUND: H&E staining is the gold standard in clinical histology; it is cheap and universally used, producing a vast number of histopathological samples. While pathologists accurately and consistently identify tissues and their pathologies, it is a time-consuming and expensive task, establishing the need for automated algorithms for improved throughput and robustness.</p> <p>METHODS: We use an iterative feedback process to design a histopathology vocabulary (HV), a concise set of features that mimic the visual cues used by pathologists, e.g. "cytoplasm color" or "nucleus density". These features are based in histology and understood by both pathologists and engineers. We compare our HV to several generic texture-feature sets in a pixel-level classification algorithm.</p> <p>RESULTS: Results on delineating and identifying tissues in teratoma tumor samples validate our expert knowledge-based approach.</p> <p>CONCLUSIONS: The HV can be an effective tool for identifying and delineating teratoma components from images of H&E-stained tissue samples.</p

    Automatic identification and delineation of germ layer components in H&E stained images of teratomas derived from human and nonhuman primate embryonic stem cells

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    We present a methodology for the automatic identification and delineation of germ-layer components in H&E stained images of teratomas derived from human and nonhuman primate embryonic stem cells. A knowledge and understanding of the biology of these cells may lead to advances in tissue regeneration and repair, the treatment of genetic and developmental syndromes, and drug testing and discovery. As a teratoma is a chaotic organization of tissues derived from the three primary embryonic germ layers, H&E teratoma images often present multiple tissues, each of having complex and unpredictable positions, shapes, and appearance with respect to each individual tissue as well as with respect to other tissues. While visual identification of these tissues is time-consuming, it is surprisingly accurate, indicating that there exist enough visual cues to accomplish the task. We propose automatic identification and delineation of these tissues by mimicking these visual cues. We use pixel-based classification, resulting in an encouraging range of classification accuracies from 74.9% to 93.2% for 2- to 5-tissue classification experiments at different scales.</p