17 research outputs found

    What makes men attend early detection cancer screenings? An investigation into the roles of cues to action

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    The purpose of the present research was to examine which cues to action prompt men to undergo cancer screenings. The first study sought to identify the cues to action relevant to cancer screening (CS) by conducting structured interviews with 71 men aged 45 to 70 years. The second study investigated the relationships between the elicited cues to action and past CS experience in another sample of men (N = 144). Multivariate analyses of variance found significant differences in mean recall of seven out of ten cues by CS participation status. Recall was higher for participants than non-participants. For most cues the largest difference was found between non- and annual participants. Physician’s recommendation was most strongly associated with participation status, followed by the recommendation by family members. Information from health insurance providers was recalled more often by regular cancer screening participants. Mean recall of media cues was high across all groups and no significant differences were observed, pointing to a possible saturation effect of information from the media

    What role do social norms play in the context of men’s cancer screening intention and behavior? Application of an extended theory of planned behavior

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    Objective: Our research investigated the role of social norms in an extended theory of planned behavior (TPB) in the explanation of prostate/colorectal cancer screening (CS) intention and the prediction of CS uptake among men. Design: A cross-sectional study (Study 1) assessed sociodemographic and TPB variables (extended by descriptive norm) in 2,426 German men (mean age 56.3 years) who differed in their past CS behavior. A subsample of Study 1 (former nonattenders and irregular attenders, n = 1,032) were followed up 12 months later (Study 2). Main Outcome Measures: The authors measured cross-sectionally the intention to undergo a CS examination within the next 12 months (Study 1), and longitudinally self-reported uptake of prostate and/or colorectal CS within the last 12 months (Study 2). Results: When sociodemographic variables were controlled, TPB variables predicted a substantial amount of CS-intention (�R2 = .49). Descriptive norm explained variance beyond the classic TPB variables and interacted significantly with subjective norm. Significant predictors of CS uptake were intention and subjective norm with the latter having a different effect in the two subgroups: a high subjective norm (assessed at T1) was associated with higher CS attendance in (former) nonattenders but lower CS attendance in irregular attenders in the following 12 months. Conclusion: Social norms play an important role in men’s CS intention and behavior. For intention formation, descriptive norm is influential in addition to subjective norm. The fact that a high subjective norm resulted in a lower likelihood of screening among irregular attenders suggests possible reactance effects

    Prostatakarzinomfrüherkennung in Deutschland: Untersuchung einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsstichprobe

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    In der vorliegenden Analyse werden Einflussfaktoren auf die Inanspruchnahme der Prostatakarzinomfrüherkennung (Prostata-KFU) in Deutschland untersucht. Eine repräsentative Stichprobe von 10.659 Männern im Alter von 45–70 (Mittel = 55,2) Jahren wurde nach ihrer Prostata-KFU-Inanspruchnahme befragt. Dabei wurden soziodemographische Faktoren (Alter, familiärer Status, Einkommen, Bildung, Krankenkassenstatus), familiäre Krebsbelastung, Einfluss einer ärztlichen Empfehlung, sowie Teilnahme an einer allgemeinen Gesundheitsuntersuchung („Checkup 35“) erfasst. Zwei Drittel der Stichprobe gibt an, mindestens einmal eine DRU erhalten zu haben, knapp die Hälfte der Männer (48%) hat bereits einen PSA-Test durchführen lassen. Die Anzahl der Männer, die regelmäßig an einer Prostata-KFU teilnehmen, ist deutlich geringer (44% DRU, 33% PSA). Die Inanspruchnahme der Prostata-KFU steigt mit dem Alter an, dagegen haben sozioökonomische Variablen wie Bildung fast keinen Einfluss. Eine familiäre Krebsbelastung erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, an einer Prostata-KFU teilzunehmen. Die Regelmäßigkeit der Teilnahme bleibt davon unbeeinflusst. Die wichtigsten Prädiktoren der (regelmäßigen) Inanspruchnahme sind Arztempfehlung und Teilnahme an einer allgemeinen Gesundheitsuntersuchung („Checkup 35“)

    Which outcomes have been measured in hand eczema trials? A systematic review:A systematic review

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    The considerable heterogeneity of outcomes and measurement instruments in hand eczema trials substantially limits the evidence synthesis concerning therapeutic and preventive interventions. Therefore, the Hand Eczema Core Outcome Set (HECOS) initiative is developing a core outcome set for future trials. The first objective was to identify outcomes that were measured in previous trials, to group them in domains, and to identify their measurement instruments. We conducted a systematic review of controlled and randomized controlled hand eczema trials published since 2000. Sixty-one eligible studies were identified. Each assessed one or more of 47 outcomes in the "skin" domain. Eighteen trials (30%) additionally focused on preventive behaviour in risk occupations. Quality of life was measured in 13 studies (21%). Thirty-two distinct named instruments were applied, but 223 measurements (62%) were conducted with unnamed instruments. Only 32 studies (52%) defined a primary outcome. Twenty-nine trials (48%) provided some information on adverse events, but none gave any references concerning relevant methods. Our review confirms the need to harmonize outcome measurements in hand eczema trials. The findings form the basis for a consensus process to generate a core outcome set to improve the explanatory power and comparability of future hand eczema studies.</p

    Is the impact of atopic disease on children and adolescents' health related quality of life modified by mental health? Results from a population-based cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Eczema, asthma and hay fever are global health problems and their prevalence has increased considerably over the last decades. All appear to share an underlying atopic diathesis but their aetiology is considered to be multifactorial. They have been linked to decreases in health related quality of life (HRQoL) in adults, children/adolescents and/or parents of children. Research also suggests an association of the three conditions with mental health, which in turn is related to HRQoL decreases. We aimed to assess whether the impact of any of the three conditions on HRQoL is modified by presence of mental health problems. METHODS: The impact of occurrence of the three conditions within the past four weeks and 12 months on HRQoL, as measured by the 'Quality of Life in Children--Revised' (KINDL-R) questionnaire was analysed by use of the complex sample general linear model in a population-based sample (N=6518) of children and adolescents aged 11-17. Analyses were adjusted for the other atopic conditions, sociodemographic and clinical variables and stratified for mental health as measured by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) (normal n=5697, borderline n=609, abnormal n=193). RESULTS: Eczema and hay fever within the past four weeks were significantly associated with decreased total or certain subscales of KINDL-R after adjusting for all other variables when no mental health abnormalities were present while asthma was associated with better HRQoL in these individuals. However, when mental health problems were present, eczema was positively associated with several subscales and the positive impact of asthma was stronger. The presence of mental health problems accentuated the negative relationship between hay fever and HRQoL (stronger negative impact). However, due to decreasing numbers in the group with mental health problems only few associations reached statistical significance. CONCLUSIONS: While the results suggest mental health to have a modifying effect on the relationship between some atopic conditions and HRQoL caution needs to be exercised in interpreting the results: First, the groups with borderline or abnormal mental health were comparably smaller than the group with normal mental health. In the group with normal mental health small effects were more likely to become significant than in the other two groups. Secondly some problems regarding the validity of the self-report SDQ still remain

    Peer-relationship-problems account for quality of life impairments in pediatric psoriasis

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    Objective: Most research on HRQoL-impairments in psoriasis has been conducted in adult patients, small pediatric patient samples or samples not representative of the pediatric population at large. We thus aimed to comprehensively describe HRQoL in pediatric psoriasis compared to psoriasis-free children and adolescents, identify domains most commonly affected and analyze its impact on HRQoL while controlling for important other predictors of HRQoL in a representative pediatric sample. Methods: The impact of lifetime-prevalence of psoriasis on total and subscale HRQoL was analyzed by complex sample general linear models alone and adjusted for sociodemographic and clinical variables in a population based sample (n = 6518) of children and adolescents aged 11-17. Results: Total HRQoL and the physical domain were significantly affected by lifetime-psoriasis in univariate analysis. In multivariate analyses, lifetime-psoriasis significantly impacted on total HRQoL and the subscale 'quality of relationships with friends/peers'. Although substantial amounts of variance in HRQoL were explained by mental health, independent effects of lifetime-psoriasis remained after adjustment for this covariate. Total explained variance in total HRQoL was 20%. Conclusion: Our findings suggest psoriasis to be a significant burden as it affects HRQoL even when controlling for mental health. Most of this effect appears to be driven by perceived impairments in the quality of relationship with friends/peers. How this exactly occurs needs to be explored in future research. Meanwhile clinicians need to be more attentive to this effect of psoriasis. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Protocol for an assessment of the methodological quality of systematic reviews on timing of introduction of complementary foods for early childhood allergy prevention

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    This protocol outlines the anticipated steps needed for the critical appraisal of the methodological quality of existing SRs. We intend to include SRs, that examine the RCT evidence on the timing of introduction of complementary foods and the development of allergies