87 research outputs found

    Fire Hose instability driven by alpha particle temperature anisotropy

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    We investigate properties of a solar wind-like plasma including a secondary alpha particle population exhibiting a parallel temperature anisotropy with respect to the background magnetic field, using linear and quasi-linear predictions and by means of one-dimensional hybrid simulations. We show that anisotropic alpha particles can drive a parallel fire hose instability analogous to that generated by protons, but that, remarkably, the instability can be triggered also when the parallel plasma beta of alpha particles is below unity. The wave activity generated by the alpha anisotropy affects the evolution of the more abundant protons, leading to their anisotropic heating. When both ion species have sufficient parallel anisotropies both of them can drive the instability, and we observe generation of two distinct peaks in the spectra of the fluctuations, with longer wavelengths associated to alphas and shorter ones to protons. If a non-zero relative drift is present, the unstable modes propagate preferentially in the direction of the drift associated with the unstable species. The generated waves scatter particles and reduce their temperature anisotropy to marginally stable state, and, moreover, they significantly reduce the relative drift between the two ion populations. The coexistence of modes excited by both species leads to saturation of the plasma in distinct regions of the beta/anisotropy parameter space for protons and alpha particles, in good agreement with in situ solar wind observations. Our results confirm that fire hose instabilities are likely at work in the solar wind and limit the anisotropy of different ion species in the plasma.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Solar wind turbulence from MHD to sub-ion scales: high-resolution hybrid simulations

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    We present results from a high-resolution and large-scale hybrid (fluid electrons and particle-in-cell protons) two-dimensional numerical simulation of decaying turbulence. Two distinct spectral regions (separated by a smooth break at proton scales) develop with clear power-law scaling, each one occupying about a decade in wave numbers. The simulation results exhibit simultaneously several properties of the observed solar wind fluctuations: spectral indices of the magnetic, kinetic, and residual energy spectra in the magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) inertial range along with a flattening of the electric field spectrum, an increase in magnetic compressibility, and a strong coupling of the cascade with the density and the parallel component of the magnetic fluctuations at sub-proton scales. Our findings support the interpretation that in the solar wind large-scale MHD fluctuations naturally evolve beyond proton scales into a turbulent regime that is governed by the generalized Ohm's law.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures; introduction and conclusions changed, references updated, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Two-dimensional Hybrid Simulations of Kinetic Plasma Turbulence: Current and Vorticity vs Proton Temperature

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    Proton temperature anisotropies between the directions parallel and perpendicular to the mean magnetic field are usually observed in the solar wind plasma. Here, we employ a high-resolution hybrid particle-in-cell simulation in order to investigate the relation between spatial properties of the proton temperature and the peaks in the current density and in the flow vorticity. Our results indicate that, although regions where the proton temperature is enhanced and temperature anisotropies are larger correspond approximately to regions where many thin current sheets form, no firm quantitative evidence supports the idea of a direct causality between the two phenomena. On the other hand, quite a clear correlation between the behavior of the proton temperature and the out-of-plane vorticity is obtained.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Solar Wind Conferenc

    High-resolution hybrid simulations of kinetic plasma turbulence at proton scales

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    We investigate properties of plasma turbulence from magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) to sub-ion scales by means of two-dimensional, high-resolution hybrid particle-in-cell simulations. We impose an initial ambient magnetic field, perpendicular to the simulation box, and we add a spectrum of large-scale magnetic and kinetic fluctuations, with energy equipartition and vanishing correlation. Once the turbulence is fully developed, we observe a MHD inertial range, where the spectra of the perpendicular magnetic field and the perpendicular proton bulk velocity fluctuations exhibit power-law scaling with spectral indices of -5/3 and -3/2, respectively. This behavior is extended over a full decade in wavevectors and is very stable in time. A transition is observed around proton scales. At sub-ion scales, both spectra steepen, with the former still following a power law with a spectral index of ~-3. A -2.8 slope is observed in the density and parallel magnetic fluctuations, highlighting the presence of compressive effects at kinetic scales. The spectrum of the perpendicular electric fluctuations follows that of the proton bulk velocity at MHD scales, and flattens at small scales. All these features, which we carefully tested against variations of many parameters, are in good agreement with solar wind observations. The turbulent cascade leads to on overall proton energization with similar heating rates in the parallel and perpendicular directions. While the parallel proton heating is found to be independent on the resistivity, the number of particles per cell and the resolution employed, the perpendicular proton temperature strongly depends on these parameters.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Ap

    Studio della trasformazione di 1,2-propandiolo ad acido metacrilico mediante processo multi-stadio

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    In questo elaborato di tesi è stata studiata la reazione di trasformazione diretta di 1,2-propandiolo ad acido propionico in fase gas, la quale necessita di una catalisi combinata acido-redox. Per questo motivo sono stati testati catalizzatori bifunzionali: eteropoliacidi, ossidi misti W-V-O con struttura HTB e alluminofosfati drogati con V e Co. Tuttavia, la buona riuscita del processo sembra essere impedita da reazioni di scissione ossidativa, che potrebbero avvenire sul reagente 1,2-propandiolo, sul prodotto intermedio, la propionaldeide, e probabilmente anche sul prodotto di ossidazione selettiva, l’acido propionico. Per comprendere le relazioni cinetiche esistenti tra prodotti di reazione e reagente sono state svolte delle prove in funzione del tempo di contatto. Inoltre è stata studiata separatamente la reazione di ossidazione dell’intermedio del processo: la propionaldeide. In seguito è stato iniziato lo studio che riguarda la reazione di condensazione aldolica tra l’acido propionico e la formaldeide generata in situ a partire da metanolo, al fine di ottenere acido metacrilico. La reazione è stata testata utilizzando un catalizzatore a base di AlPO, studiando il comportamento catalitico in funzione del rapporto di alimentazione dei reagenti, della temperatura e del tempo di contatto

    Analytic thin wall false vacuum decay rate

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    We derive a closed-form false vacuum decay rate at one loop in the thin wall limit, where the true and false vacua are nearly degenerate. We obtain the bounce configuration in DD dimensions, together with the Euclidean action with a higher order correction, counter-terms and renormalization group running. We extract the functional determinant via the Gel'fand-Yaglom theorem for low and generic orbital multipoles. The negative and zero eigenvalues appear for low multipoles and the translational zeroes are removed. We compute the fluctuations for generic multipoles, multiply and regulate the orbital modes. We find an explicit finite renormalized decay rate in D=3,4D = 3, 4 and give a closed-form expression for the finite functional determinant in any dimension.Comment: 22 pages plus 5 appendices, published in JHEP. In v4 we updated the final result in D=4, after the addition of a term missed in the previous versions. The result in D=3 is unchange
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