496 research outputs found

    Method for Assessing X-ray-Induced Hydroxyl Radical Scavenging Activity of Biological Compounds/Materials

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    A method for correctly assessing hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of antioxidative chemicals and/or biological compounds/materials was proposed. This method can simultaneously assess two factors, i.e. hydroxyl radical scavenging and 5,5-dimethyl-2-hydroxy-1-pyrrolidine-N-oxide (hydroxyl radical adduct of 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide) reducing ability, as antioxidative properties. In this paper, some biologically common hydrophilic molecules, cell culture media, and rat plasma were tested. X-ray induced hydroxyl radical can be detected using the electron paramagnetic resonance spin trapping technique. Using X-ray irradiation of the reaction mixture as the hydroxyl radical source, the true hydroxyl radical scavenging ability of the subjected antioxidant can be assessed. In addition, the method simultaneously measures the reduction of 5,5-dimethyl-2-hydroxy-1-pyrrolidine-N-oxide, to estimate the reducing ability of the antioxidant. Biological materials, such as sugars and proteins, could abolish hydroxyl radical at the biological concentration. Ascorbic acid showed reducing ability at the biological concentration. The simultaneous assessment of hydroxyl radical scavenging and reducing ability of antioxidants can be an informative index for antioxidants


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    在宅認知症高齢者の家族介護者は,介護するうえでさまざまな経験をしながら介護を継続している.その現場で起こっている現象に着目した報告は,未だ嚆矢の段階といえる.そこで,認知症高齢者を抱える家族の介護経験を通した気付きを明らかにするために,質的因子探索的に分析を行った.「認知症の人と家族の会A 県支部」会員の家族介護者70人から半構成的質問紙に対して回答が得られた.その結果,【制度の活用と課題】【患者の交流の場拡充の必要性】【認知症の啓蒙活動充実の必要性】【認知症や介護制度に対する自分の知識不足】【金銭的負担の大きさ】【周囲の協力の必要性】の6カテゴリーを抽出した.家族介護者の気付きを分析し考察した結果,満足して介護制度を活用している半面,制度の課題についても,気付きを持っていた.また,自己の知識不足も含めて社会の理解の重要性も必要であると感じていた.さらに,認知症の本人の交流の場などの充実が重要であるとも気付いていた.やはり,介護は経済的にも負担が大きいが,周囲に理解してもらい協力を得ることが大切であるということに気付いていた.As indicated by the referring to family care givers as“second patients”, family members are known to be providing nursing care while bearing various latent burdens. However, reports focusing on events that occur in the care setting are still only in the initial stages. Therefore, a qualitative factor exploratory analysis was conducted by focusing on findings based on the experiences of caregivers in order to identify thoughts and impressions obtained through the experience of providing care of family members caring for elderly dementia patients. The analysis was targeted at 70 members of the“A Prefecture Branch of a Dementia Patient and Family Member Group”from whom replies were obtained to a semi-structured questionnaire. As a result, 6 categories were extracted from the replies, consisting of“use of programs”,“enhancement of opportunities for exchanges among patients”, “substantiation of dementia educational activities”,“regrets over lack of knowledge”,“monetary burden” and“cooperation of others”. As a result of analyzing and discussing the thoughts of family members from the viewpoint of findings obtained through the providing of care, it was found that the thoughts of family members regarding dementia programs are complex, and consist of numerous thoughts, including those indicating satisfaction as well as calling for improvements. However, the respondents also felt a need to place importance on social understanding, including an awareness of their own lack of knowledge. On the other hand, the respondents were also aware of the importance of providing greater opportunities for exchanges among patients themselves. In addition, although the providing of care is also associated with a considerable financial burden, it was also found that obtaining the understanding and cooperation of others in the community is also important

    Association between the three-dimensional facial shape and its color in a boundary group of young to middle-aged Asian women

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    Tanikawa C., Yamanami H., Nagashima M., et al. Association between the three-dimensional facial shape and its color in a boundary group of young to middle-aged Asian women. Heliyon 10, e32033 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e32033.Visual cues strongly influence an individual's self-esteem and have fundamental sociopsychological functions. The color and shape of the face are important information for visual cues and are hypothesized to be correlated with each other. However, few studies have examined these relationships. Thus, this study determined the association between color and shape of the face. For this purpose, we evaluated Chinese women in their 30s and 40s (n = 166). Three-dimensional (3D) image-capture devices that provide shape morphology along with standardized photographs (color information) were used to obtain 3D images of women. The coordinates and red‒green–blue color data on the 3D images were utilized to perform principal component (PC) analysis, and shape and color PCs were generated. A canonical variate analysis was then conducted to check for significant correlations between the shape and color PCs. As a result, 6 significant correlations were found (p < 0.05). In detail, in addition to the physical correlations (i.e., steric faces or faces with protrusion of the cheek showed greater shadows, retrognathism was related to a shadow under the lower lip and vice versa), biological correlations (fatty faces showed greater redness and remarkable marionette lines; faces with age-related sagging showed greater darkness, possibly related to cumulative ultraviolet radiation exposure of the skin; and robust mandibles and supraorbital ridges were related to thick eyebrows) were found. This insight can aid both medical and cosmetic practitioners in comprehending the intricate details conveyed by facial features, thereby facilitating more comprehensive diagnosis and treatment planning, including makeup

    Case of bilateral complete posterior dislocation of lens caused by elder abuse

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    We report a case of bilateral complete dislocation of lenses into the vitreous cavities due to elder abuse in a patient with senile dementia. According to the patient’s son, bilateral complete lens dislocation occurred after he hit his father in the head with socks in order to control his violent behavior. Although the patient was taken to our ophthalmological ward for a planned vitrectomy, restlessness and inability to remain in his room during the night led to his leaving the hospital. The patient has not returned but did receive a vitrectomy at another clinic. While the number of patients with senile dementia has dramatically increased, no specific remedy is currently available. When treating medical concerns of seniors with unknown backgrounds, elder abuse needs to be considered as a potential cause of such injuries