46 research outputs found

    What are differences among Dioxins, Benzopyrenes and indoles in terms of Toxicity through the Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) system

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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    The deubiquitylating enzyme UCHL3 regulates Ku80 retention at sites of DNA damage.

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    Non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ), which can promote genomic instability when dysfunctional, is a major DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway. Although ubiquitylation of the core NHEJ factor, Ku (Ku70-Ku80), which senses broken DNA ends, is important for its removal from sites of damage upon completion of NHEJ, the mechanism regulating Ku ubiquitylation remains elusive. We provide evidence showing that the ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L3 (UCHL3) interacts with and directly deubiquitylates one of the Ku heterodimer subunits, Ku80. Additionally, depleting UCHL3 resulted in reduced Ku80 foci formation, Ku80 binding to chromatin after DSB induction, moderately sensitized cells to ionizing radiation and decreased NHEJ efficiencies. Mechanistically, we show that DNA damage induces UCHL3 phosphorylation, which is dependent on ATM, downstream NHEJ factors and UCHL3 catalytic activity. Furthermore, this phosphorylation destabilizes UCHL3, despite having no effect on its catalytic activity. Collectively, these data suggest that UCHL3 facilitates cellular viability after DSB induction by antagonizing Ku80 ubiquitylation to enhance Ku80 retention at sites of damage.This work was funded by Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up 15H06738 (R.N.), Grant-in Aid for Young Scientists (A) 16H05888 (R.N.), Daiichi Sankyo Foundation of Life Science (R.N.), Mochida Memorial Foundation for Medical and Pharmaceutical Research (R.N.), Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Grant C6/A11224 and C6/A18796 (P.W.), CRUK Project Grant C6/A14831 (R.N.). T.L.B. and Q.W. are funded by Wellcome Trust Investigator Award (200814_Z_16_Z). Research in the B.M.K. laboratory is supported by a John Fell Fund 133/075, the Wellcome Trust (097813/Z/11/Z) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/N034295/1). Research in the S.P.J. laboratory is funded by CRUK Program Grant C6/A18796, and Wellcome Trust Grant WT206388/Z/17/Z. Cancer Research UK Grant C6946/A24843 and Wellcome Trust Grant WT203144 provided core infrastructure funding

    Long-term predictive factors of the morphology based outcome in bare platinum coiled intracranial aneurysms: Evaluation by pre- and post-contrast 3D time-of-flight MR angiography

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    Purpose Our aim was to identify long-term predictive factors of the morphology-based outcome (MBO) of bare platinum coiled intracranial aneurysms. Materials and Methods A retrospective analysis of 96 bare platinum coiled intracranial aneurysms followed up from 1997 to 2016 using pre- and post-contrast 3D time-of-flight MR angiography (MRA) was performed. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with a positive history of surrounding coil mass enhancement (SCME) and poor MBO. Spearman's rank correlation test was used to analyze the relationship between the initial angiographic result (IAR) class, sequential change of the SCME category, and MBO grade. Results Factors independently associated with poor MBO were incomplete IAR (OR=14.94, 95%CI: 2.46, 289.21, P=0.002) and a history of SCME (OR=4.13, 95% CI: 1.05, 18.65, P=0.043). The MBO grade strongly correlated with the IAR class (correlation coefficient [r]=0.84, P<0.0001). MBO grade correlated with sequential change of the SCME category (r=0.56, P<0.0001). The sequential change of the SCME category correlated with IAR class (r=0.53, P<0.0001). Conclusion Although IAR and its class were strong long-term predictive factors of MBO, a history of SCME and upgrading of sequential change of SCME category were also long-term predictive factors of the MBO of bare platinum coiled intracranial aneurysms

    STIM/Orai-mediated calcium entry elicits spontaneous TSLP overproduction in epidermal cells of atopic dermatitis mice

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    Aim: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a pruritic, chronic inflammatory skin disease. Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) is highly expressed in the epidermis of patients with AD and induces T helper 2 (Th2) immune responses and itching. Although the mechanism underlying the stimulus-induced TSLP production in normal keratinocytes has been intensively studied, whether the production capability of TSLP is naturally enhanced in epidermal cells in AD conditions remains unclear. Previous studies demonstrated that a deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) causes AD-like pruritic skin inflammation in special diet-fed hairless mice. The aim of the study was to examine the TSLP production capability of epidermal cells isolated from diet-induced AD mouse model and its mechanism. Methods: Epidermal cells were isolated from normal and AD mice and incubated under unstimulated culture conditions to assess spontaneous TSLP production. Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and protein levels of TSLP were determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), respectively. Results: TSLP level was markedly increased in the skin of AD mice. When epidermal cells were isolated from AD mice and cultured without stimulation, Tslp gene expression was upregulated, and a large amount of TSLP protein was extracellularly released. Such TSLP overproduction was not observed in the epidermal cells of normal mice. TSLP overproduction in AD epidermal cells was almost completely inhibited by extracellular calcium chelation, interference with plasma membrane interaction of stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1), blockade of the calcium release-activated calcium (CRAC) channels Orai1 and Orai2, or treatment with a PUFA γ-linolenic acid (GLA). Conclusions: Epidermal cells isolated from AD mice can spontaneously produce TSLP through STIM/Orai-mediated calcium entry, and GLA may negatively regulate this TSLP production