22 research outputs found

    Scanning electron microscopic analysis of the sealing ability of GuttaFlow and Acroseal endodontic sealers

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    Introduction: The sealing ability of endodontic sealers to dentinal surfaces of root canals is an important feature of these materials. Root canal sealers are necessary to seal the spaces between the dentinal walls and the obturating core material. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the sealing ability of two endodontic sealers to dentin walls and guttapercha cones using scanning electron microscopic analysis-SEM. Materials and Methods: 24 recently extracted human single-rooted teeth were instrumented and allocated to two groups; root canals were filled with either GuttaFlow (Roeko,Germany), a new endo-sealer (group 1), or Acroseal (Septodont, France), a calcium hydroxide based sealer, (group 2). The sealing ability and adhesion properties of the sealer-dentin interface were studied using SEM. Results: The specimens filled with GuttaFlow showed smooth contact lines at the sealer-dentin interface, and this material also showed strong bonding and good adaptation to guttapercha cones. Acroseal showed good adhesion to dentin walls, and bonding surface was represented as a slightly curved contact line, with some gaps on material-dentin walls and guttapercha cones interface. Conclusion: New GuttaFlow material possesses strong sealing ability and excellent adhesion to dentin walls and guttapercha cones. Acroseal showed good bonding to dentin and slightly weaker adhesion to guttapercha cones, in comparison to GuttaFlow

    Ispitivanje kvaliteta opturacije kanala korena zuba metodom gasne propustljivosti

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    Introduction. Prognosis of root canal treatment is highly dependent on the quality of endodontic space obturation. The main task of successful root canal treatment is to achieve adequate reparation processes in the apical periodontium. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of root canal obturation using the method of gas (argon) penetration through three different endodontic materials. Material and Methods. Thirty recently extracted human single-rooted teeth after root canal instrumentation were divided into three identical groups and obturated with three different endodontic materials: group I - GuttaFlow (RSA, Germany), group II - AH Plus (DeTray, Germany), group III - Acroseal (Septodont, France). The quality of root canal obturation was evaluated using the method of gas permeability. Results. The best results were obtained with GuttaFlow. The average penetration rate of argon was 186.7 seconds. Slightly higher gas porosity had AH Plus, 179.9 seconds, while the highest gas permeability was observed after the application of Acroseal, 178.5 seconds. However, there was no statistically significant difference in gas penetration among these endodontic materials (p>0.05). Conclusion. All three endodontic materials showed gas permeability in a given time interval. The best quality of obturation was achieved with GuttaFlow, while the lowest quality was obtained with Acroseal.Uvod. Prognoza lečenja kanala korena zuba umnogome zavisi od kvaliteta opturacije endodontskog prostora. UspeÅ”no izvedeno endodontsko lečenje omogućava i stimuliÅ”e odgovarajuće reparacijske procese u apikalnom periodoncijumu, Å”to je osnovni zadatak svakog lečenja kanala korena zuba. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se metodom merenja prodora gasa (argon) kroz tri različita endodontska materijala utvrdi i uporedi dobijeni kvalitet opturacije kanala korena zuba. Materijal i metode rada. Trideset sveže ekstrahovanih jednokanalnih humanih zuba je nakon endodontske instrumentacije svrstano u tri identične grupe, nakon čega su opturisani primenom tri različita endodontska materijala: I grupa - GuttaFlow (Roeko, Nemačka), II grupa - AH Plus (DeTray, Nemačka), III grupa - Acroseal (Septodont, Francuska). Kvalitet dobijene opturacije kanala korena zuba ispitivan je metodom merenja gasne propustljivosti. Rezultati. Najbolje rezultate pokazao je endodontski materijal GuttaFlow, sa prosečnom brzinom prodora gasa argona od 186,7 sekundi. NeÅ”to veću gasnu poroznost imala je pasta AH Plus, 179,9 sekundi, dok je najveća gasna propustljivost uočena nakon primene paste Acroseal - 178,5 sekundi. Međutim, između samih endodontskih materijala nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u brzini propuÅ”tanja gasa (p>0,05). Zaključak. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je kod sva tri endodontska materijala doÅ”lo do propuÅ”tanja gasa argona u određenom vremenskom intervalu. Najbolji kvalitet opturacije ostvaren je primenom GuttaFlow, dok je najslabiji rezultat dobijen nakon primene paste Acroseal

    Ispitivanje kvaliteta apeksne opturacije različitim endodontskim materijalima

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    The aim of this study was to determine the quality of apical obturation of different endodontic materials, using the colored solutions method. As a material, we used 40 single-rooted teeth, extracted from persons of different ages and sex. We did the root-canals preparation using standard endodontical procedure with KERR reamers and files. After we had prepared root canals, we filled them up, using the lentulo-spirals and Gutta-percha points. For the opturation, we used four different endodontic materials aŠŸ26, Ketac Endo, Endomethasone and Sealapex. Under the in vitro conditions, we checked the quality of the apical opturation, using the linear dye leakage method and 2 % methylen blue solution. According to results, we can conclude that endodontic materials AH26 (x=1, 37) and Ketac Endo (x=1,17) showed a significantly lower degree of apical leakage than Endomethasone (x=2. 51) and Sealapex (x=3,25).Cilj ovoga rada je bio da se metodom bojenih rastvora proveri kvalitet apeksne opturacije različitih endodontskih materijala. Kao materijal, koriŔćeno je 40 ekstrahovanih jednokorenih zuba osoba različitog uzrasta i pola. Preparacija kanala urađena je standardnom endodontskom procedurom - primenom KERR proÅ”irivača i turpija (15-50). Endodontski pripremljeni kanali su napunjeni pomoću lentulo-spirale i mono-gutaperka konusa, a za opturaciju su upotrebljena četiri različita endodontska materijala: AH26, Ketac Endo Endomethasonc i Sealapex. Kvalitet apeksne opturacije proveravan je u in vitro Listovima metodom linearnog prodora boje i primenom rastvora 2 % metilen plavila. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, može se zaključiti da su endodontski materijali Ketac Endo ( x= 1,17) i At 126 (x=l,37), pokazali značajno manji stepen apeksne propusti]ivosti od Endomethasone-a (x=2,51) i Scalapex-a(x=3,25)

    Primena MTA kao apeksnog čepa u opturaciji kanala korena zuba - in vitro studija

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    Introduction Prognosis of endodontically treated tooth is directly correlated to the quality of apical obturation. Modern concept of endodontics in particular way points out the quality of apical filling. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of root canal obturation with MTA apical plug using the method of gas (argon) penetration. Material and Methods Sixty-six freshly extracted single rooted (single canal) teeth were divided into the two experimental (30 teeth) and one control group (6). All canals were instrumented using hand and rotary files in step-back technique and copious irrigation of 1%NaOCl. In the first experimental group teeth were obturated using different sealers: Gutta Flow (Roeko), AH Plus (DeTrey), Acroseal (Septodont) and mono gutta-percha cone (10 canals each). In the second experimental group obturation involved 3 mm of MTA-Angelus apical plug while the remaining canal space was filled with the same three sealers as in the first group. The rate of gas permeability by Leak detector-Edwards LD 416 was measured in all teeth. Results The best seal was found in teeth obturated with Gutta Flow and MTA plug with average diffusion rate of 264.4 sec while the worst quality of obturation was found with Acroseal (178.5 sec-the highest gas permeability). All samples with MTA plug exhibited significantly lower leakage than the samples filled without MTA apical plug. Conclusion Root canals filled with MTA apical plug exhibited statistically significant lower gas permeability in comparison to the ones filled with sealer and guttapercha cones only.Uvod Prognoza uspeha endodontski treatiranih zuba je u direktnoj korelaciji sa kvalitetom opturisanog endodontskog prostora. Savremena koncepcija endodontskog tretmana poseban akcenat stavlja na kvalitet preparacije i opturacije apeksnog dela kanala. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se metodom merenja gasne propustljivosti (argona) proveri kvalitet opturacije kanala korena zuba nakon primene mineral-trioksid agregata (MTA) kao apeksnog čepa. Materijal i metod U istraživanje je uključeno 66 jednokorenskih-jednokanalskih zuba razvrstanih u dve grupe (po 30 zuba), dok je Å”est zuba koriŔćeno kao kontrola. Preparacija svih kanala je urađena ručnim instrumentima i primenom step-back tehnike uz obilnu irigaciju 1% NaOCl. U prvoj grupi zuba je opturacija realizovana silerima uz pomoć gutaperka konusa Gutta Flow-Roeko (10), AH Plus-DeTrey (10) i Acroseal-Septodont (10). Drugu grupu su činili zubi kod kojih je u apeksnom delu kanala aplikovan MTA, a potom su kanali ispunjeni primenom tri silera kao u prvoj grupi. Svi zubi iz obe grupe su podvrgnuti metodi merenja brzine gasne propustljivosti pomoću aparata Argon Leak Detector, Edwards LD 416. Rezultati Najbolju hermetičnost su pokazali uzorci kanala ispunjeni primenom Gutta Flow+MTA sa prosečnom brzinom (264,4 sek.), a najslabiji kvalitet opturacije sa Acroseal silerom (najveća gasna propustljivost 178,5 sek.). Svi uzorci druge grupe sa MTA čepom su pokazali statistički značajno manju propustljivost nego oni u prvoj grupi sa silerom i gutaperkom bez MTA čepa. Zaključak Opturacija kanala sa postavljenim MTA apeksnim čepom pokazala je značajno manju propustljivost gasa u poređenju sa uzorcima ispunjenim endodontskim silerom i gutaperka konusima

    Ispitivanje antibakterijskog svojstva endodontskih materijala

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    Introduction. Due to the inability to sterilize infected root canals during cleaning and shaping, contemporary endodontic materials are expected to possess certain antibacterial effect. Aim. The aim of this study was to evaluate antibacterial effect of four contemporary endodontic materials: Acroseal, AH-Plus, Gutta Flow and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) in vitro. Materials and Methods. Antibacterial effect of tested materials was evaluated against bacterial species Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 using the agar diffusion test. Results. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that freshly mixed Acroseal and AH-Plus exhibited significant antibacterial effect while Gutta Flow and MTA did not present any antimicrobial potential in this study. Conclusion. Endodontic sealers tested in this study, freshly mixed Acroseal and AH-Plus, possess certain antibacterial effect whereas in solid state this effect is not present.Uvod. Usled nemogućnosti potpunog obeskličavanja inficiranih kanala korena zuba tokom njihove mehaničko-medikamentozne obrade, od savremenih endodontskih materijala se očekuje da poseduju i odgovarajući antibakterijski efekat. Cilj. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se u in vitro uslovima ispita antibakterijski efekat četiri savremena endodontska materijala: Acroseal, AH-Plus, Gutta Flow i Mineral Trioxide Agregate (MTA). Materijal i metod. Antibakterijski potencijal testiranih materijala proveravan je na bakterijskom soju Enterococcus faecalisu ATCC 29212, primenom agar difuznog testa. Rezultati. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se uočiti da su u sveže zameÅ”enom stanju Acroseal i AH Plus ostvarili značajan antibakterijski efekat, dok Gutta Flow i MTA u ovom istraživanju nisu pokazali nikakvo antibakterijsko dejstvo. Kada su ispitivani materijali testirani u čvrstom stanju, nijedan od njih nije ispoljio antibakterijski efekat. Zaključak. Testirani materijali za opturaciju kanala korena zuba, Acroseal i AH-Plus, u sveže zameÅ”enom stanju imaju izvestan antibakterijski efekat, dok u čvrstom stanju ovaj efekat nije izražen

    The application of MTA as apical plug for root canal obturation: In vitro study

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    Introduction Prognosis of endodontically treated tooth is directly correlated to the quality of apical obturation. Modern concept of endodontics in particular way points out the quality of apical filling. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of root canal obturation with MTA apical plug using the method of gas (argon) penetration. Material and Methods Sixty-six freshly extracted single rooted (single canal) teeth were divided into the two experimental (30 teeth) and one control group (6). All canals were instrumented using hand and rotary files in step-back technique and copious irrigation of 1%NaOCl. In the first experimental group teeth were obturated using different sealers: Gutta Flow (Roeko), AH Plus (DeTrey), Acroseal (Septodont) and mono gutta-percha cone (10 canals each). In the second experimental group obturation involved 3 mm of MTA-Angelus apical plug while the remaining canal space was filled with the same three sealers as in the first group. The rate of gas permeability by Leak detector-Edwards LD 416 was measured in all teeth. Results The best seal was found in teeth obturated with Gutta Flow and MTA plug with average diffusion rate of 264.4 sec while the worst quality of obturation was found with Acroseal (178.5 sec-the highest gas permeability). All samples with MTA plug exhibited significantly lower leakage than the samples filled without MTA apical plug. Conclusion Root canals filled with MTA apical plug exhibited statistically significant lower gas permeability in comparison to the ones filled with sealer and guttapercha cones only

    Tranzijentna elastografija u neinvazivnoj proceni fibroze jetre kod bolesnika sa primarnom bilijarnom cirozom

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    In recent decades noninvasive methods for the assessment and monitoring of liver fibrosis have been developed and evaluated in numerous chronic liver diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of noninvasive markers for fibrosis assessment transient elastography (TE) and biochemical markers using liver biopsy as reference in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). Methods. One hundred and twenty-two patients underwent both liver biopsy and blood tests on the same day and TE in a month following the biopsy and the tests. Liver biopsies were reviewed by a single pathologist using the METAVIR scoring system for assessment of liver fibrosis. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), platelet ratio index (APRI), Forns scores, AST and alanine transaminase (ALT) ratio and TE were compared with liver fibrosis stage in order to determine the best noninvasive marker of liver fibrosis. Results. There was a statistically significant difference (p lt 0.05) for the APRI score, Forns index and TE according to stages of liver fibrosis. TE showed superior diagnostic performance when compared to other surrogate markers of liver fibrosis that were investigated. Optimal cut-off for TE were 4.25 and 5.9 kPa for diagnosing the presence of fibrosis and distinguishing mild/moderate and advanced stages of fibrosis respectively. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) of TE were 0.963 and 0.865, respectively. Conclusion. Based on our investigation the APRI score, Forns index and TE adequately predict fibrosis stage in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, but the most sensitive and specific parameter appears to be TE. Using noninvasive markers and methods in the evaluation of patients in daily clinical practice may reduce, but not eliminate, the need for invasive diagnostic procedures.Prethodnih decenija otkrivene su neinvanzivne metode za procenu i praćenje fibroze jetre kod hroničnih bolesti jetre. Cilj ove studije bila je procena dijagnostičke preciznosti neinvanzivnih metoda za određivanje fibroze jetre [tranzijentna elastografija (TE) i biohemijski markeri], pri čemu je kao zlatni standard koriŔćena biopsija jetre kod bolesnika sa primarnom bilijarnom cirozom. Metode. U studiju su bila uključena 122 bolesnika kod kojih su istog dana urađene biohemijske analize i biopsija jetre, a mesec dana kasnije urađena je TE. Za procenu fibroze jetre koriŔćen je METAVIR skor, a sve preparate biopsija proverio je jedan patolog. APRI skor - odnos aspartat aminotransferaze (AST) i trombocita, Forns indeks, odnos AST i alanin transaminaze (ALT) i TE poređene su sa stepenom fiboze jetre dobijene na osnovu biopsija jetre u cilju dobijanja najboljeg neinvanzivnog markera u proceni fibroze jetre. Rezultati. Dokazana je statistička značajnost (p lt 0.05) za APRI skor, Forns indeks i TE za procenu stepena fibroze jetre. TE je imala najbolji dijagnostički učinak u poređenju sa ostalim markerima koje smo istraživali. Optimalne granične vrednosti za TE bile su 4.25 i 5.9 kPa za dijagnozu fibroze jetre i razlikovanje slabe/umerene i uznapredovale fibroze. PovrÅ”ina ispod krive operativnih karakteristka (AUROC) za TE bila je 0.963 i 0.865. Zaključak. Na osnovu rezultata ove studije proizilazili su APRI skor, Forns indeks i TE adekvatni dijagnostički markeri fibroze jetre kod bolesnika sa primarnom biijarnom cirozom, ali je TE najsenzitivniji i najspecifičniji parametar. Koristeći neinvanzivne parametre i metode u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi može se smanjiti, ali ne i potpuno izbaciti, potreba za invanzivnim dijagnostičkim procedurama

    Freeze-Drying Characteristics for the Conservation of Bee Pollen

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    Bee pollen is very important in the nutrition of bees since it provides them with proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals. Bee pollen also has a significant nutritive value as a supplement to human nutrition. Fresh bee pollen contains a large quantity of moisture which favors development of various microorganisms. In order to preserve pollen from spoilage its dehydration in controlled conditions is commonly performed. In this paper, freeze-drying was proposed as a conservation method. Results showed increment in the drying rate and improve the product quality compared to traditional hot air drying. The current work provides theoretical and technical reference for applying this type of technology

    Ispitivanje mogućnosti primene glas jonomer cementa kao endodontskog implanta

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