302 research outputs found

    Varietal and Seed Replacement As a Means to Improve Crop Productivity in GTP I: The Case of Major Cereals in Some Districts of Southern Ethiopia

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    Cereals are major food crops in area coverage and total production in Ethiopia; thus share the largest proportion compared to other grain crops such as pulses and oil crops. It has been realized that the productivity of cereals is too low compared with potential productivity of the crops. Surveys on identification of crop production constraints indicated that limited access to crop production technologies such as suitable and better yielding crop varieties and improved management practices have been identified as some of the major constraints that pinpointed as  causes for low productivity. This study was aimed to improve crop productivity at farm levels through intensive and massive crop varietal and seed replacement. During GTP-I of Ethiopia, participatory on farm evaluation of technologies which were available for major cereal crops such as maize, tef, barley and wheat in different districts of Southern Ethiopia was done as first phase of this study to identify the most suitable ones for different agro-ecologies. Identified technologies were multiplied at large scale in the next phase to disseminate widely to users in pre-scaling up program. In four rounds, a total of 883quintals (88300kg) of seeds from different selected crop varieties were disseminated to cover 1272 ha of land there by more than 5066 farmers in different districts were directly benefitted in improving productivity at their farm levels. Keywords: Cereals, Varietal and seed replacement, Crop technologies, Pre-scaling u

    Poverty, Food Security and Women Employment in Urban Ethiopia (A Case Study in Sodo town)

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    Ethiopia is one of the world’s poorest countries in the world. The country suffers spells of drought, which resulting famines and such conditions have a strong influence on the living standards of the whole population, particularly in the north and the dry southeast part of the country. Data from a survey of 100 inhabitants of Sodo town were used to examine the extent and determinants of poverty in the town, and the systematic relationship between women’s income and household expenditure pattern. Both descriptive and econometrics analysis were used. Logit Model the study was used to analyze and identify the determinants of poverty in the town. The econometric variables educational level, occupation and age of the household head and family size were found to be the significant parameters in determining the probability of being under poverty. On the top of that, by applying a simple microeconomics concept, Engel curve, the study attempted to analyze the effect of percentage share of female’s income in a household on the expenditure pattern of the household on different food items. The result attested that percentage share of female’s income in a family has a positive and significant effect on vegetables and fruits, and spices expenditures.  Educational status of the head was appeared a significant factor in determining the probability of being poor. Meaning, those households whose head has attended more schooling is less likely to be in absolute poverty. Age of the household head also has a negative and significant effect on the probability of being poor. This is to mean that as age of the hhh increases the probability of being under poverty go down. As it was evident from the head count poverty index, nearly half of the surveyed households were under poverty i.e. they were unable to meet the minimum expenditure on food items for survival. From this result, therefore, the study suggests that urban poverty should be get due emphasis from the concerned body. Creating a good employment opportunities for women has a paramount of significance not only in the alleviation of poverty and achievement of food security but also for realization of nutrition security. Since most of the households which are headed by old age persons are under absolute poverty, there should be a good social security system as far as what is possible. Keywords: Poverty, Food Security, Women Employment DOI: 10.7176/JPID/52-02 Publication date: January 31st 202

    The Impact of Women Education on Economic Development in Ethiopia

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    For development of any country the role of women education is the crucial one, especially for third world countries like Ethiopia. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of women education on economic development in Ethiopia. To conduct this study the data was collected from secondary sources. These secondary data includes different records on women education from different books and some published materials.  On the collected data, descriptive analysis such as percentage, tables and ratios were carried out to come up with major findings. In the analysis part different variables to measure enrollment rate at different levels of education like: Gross Enrolment Rate (GER), Net Enrollment rate (NER), Apparent Intake rate (AIR) and Gross party index (GPI) were used. Based on the results the study reached into conclusion that educating women has a positive impact on economic development even if girls were always been in a disadvantageous position in terms of access to and success in education. Therefore, the researcher recommended enhancing women’s education that promotes women’s participation is developing economic policies and providing social and economic safety and security of women’s.  Key words: Gross Enrolment Rate, Net Enrollment rate, Apparent Intake rate and Gross party inde

    Comprehension of Chemical Laboratory Safety and Hazard Warning Signs Among Chemistry and Biology Department Students in Wolaita Sodo University, Southern Ethiopia

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    Chemical accidents mostly occur due to the neglect of safety precautions or the absence of related precautionary symbols on the chemicals. The present study was aimed to assess students’ comprehensibility of chemical laboratory safety and hazard warning signs among biology and chemistry department students in the Wolaita Sodo University during January to May, 2016. The total population of this study was 500 students. Sample size was determined by purposive sampling. Among the total population 72 respondents were selected to responds the questionnaire. Data were collected using structured questionnaires and observation. The collected data were analyzed using simple quantitative analysis. The results of the study revealed that the majority (75 % and 61.11%) of the respondents were well aware with chemical laboratory safety and hazard signs of laboratory chemicals, respectively. However, the majority of the respondents (61.11% and 56.94%) were low familiarity with chemical laboratory safety and hazard signs of laboratory chemicals, respectively. Also the respondents were requested to match chemical characteristics with the corresponding hazard signs (pictograms). Only 23.61%, 15.28% and 11.1% of the respondents were able to match chemical hazard warning signs of flammable, explosive and harmful, respectively with their associated signs. The responses given to the rest of properties (oxidizing, dangerous to the environment, corrosive, radioactive, chronic health hazards and toxic) were not as such significant. The results also indicate that comprehensibility of hazard warning signs is low among the students. This necessitates organization of education / training programs to help students to get familiarized and increase their comprehensibility about chemical laboratory safety and hazard warning signs. Thus, it is recommended that warning students to follow safety rules is not sufficient and they should be educated to understand and recognize the signs in order to avoid the possible happening of chemical accidents on them and their environment. Keywords: Laboratory safety, Hazard warning signs, Chemical labels, chemical acciden


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    ABSTRACT: Of the 900 employees in the Head Quarter of the Ethiopian Domestic Distribution Corporation (EDDC), in the city of Addis Ababa, 201 were randomly selected and involved in the survey for assessing attitude, knowledge and utilization of Family planning. Results showed that 94% of the respondents knew at least one method of family planning. Eighty six percent of them had a positive attitude towards the service. Currently, 39% of the study population are using different contraceptive methods. No statistical significant (P> .001) difference was found in knowledge, attitude, and practice of Family Planning between male and female respondents. Among non-users, 47% (55/117) intended to use contraceptives methods in the future. According to this information it was assumed that the number of Family Planning Service utilizers in an organized work area reached 71 % , considering current users as continuous acceptors. Sources of Family Planning information and factors related to discontinuation and non-users were discussed. In conclusion an in depth study regarding the lanching of a national work area based FP programmes is highly recommended. [Ethiop. I. Health Dev. 1993;7(2):85-91

    Supply Chain Analysis of Avocado and Mango Fruits in Gedeo Zone

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    Agriculture plays a great role in reducing the cost of living in urban areas by supplying surplus products from the rural areas to the urban areas and also it reduces the cost of living in the urban areas as a result of abundant supply of food. This reduces the upward pressure on wages, which implies a reduction in the cost of production. The country is endowed with diverse natural resources and had a capacity to grow different fruit types. But the farmers are not getting enough benefit from the resources. This study was carried out to determine the supply chain of mango and fruits. From the Gedeo zone two woredas were selected purposively and two kebeles from each worerdas were selected based on the presence of fruit production. Data was collected from 114 mango and banana producing households, 13 local collectors and 17 retailers through structured interview, focus group discussion, key informant interviews, market assessment as well as field observation. Multiple linear regression model was used to analyze factors that affects mango and avocado fruits supply of the producers in the area. Producers, rural collectors, retailers, and consumers were identified as the actors who were participating in mango and avocado fruit supply. Four variables were identified as the significant variables which affects the supply of both mango and avocado fruits. These variables were the price, quantity produced, access to market information and distance from the market. Distance from the market was significantly and negatively related with the supply of both fruits where as the remaining three variables where found to be significantly and positively related with the supply of mango and avocado fruits. Four supply channels were identified as the important channels in the mango and avocado fruit supply chain. Producer-retailer-consumer channel was identified as the first important supply channel in which the greater proportion of fruits were transacted in the area. While the producer-local collector-consumer channel was identified as the least supply channel in terms of volumes of each fruits transacted. Since the quantity produced of each fruits is positively and negatively related with the supply of each fruits in the area, the governmental as well as nongovernmental organizations should supply the improved varieties for each type of fruits for the farmers and give training for the farmers on how to increase the production and also productivity for each type of fruits. In addition to this the infrastructural problems should be taken in to consideration so as the farmers can supply their fruits to the market easily and get better price for their products. Keywords: Supply Chain Analysis, Structure, Conduct and Performanc

    Multiple Uses of Bamboo Species and Its Contribution to Forest Resource Management in Ethiopia

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    Deforestation becomes an overwhelming problem of the world in general and in Ethiopia in Specific. High population growth accompanied by high demand for timber forest products is aggravating the problem. For this matter it is worth necessary to use every effort to minimize this high pressure from forest resources. Therefore, reviewing the multiple uses of bamboo and its contribution to forest resource management was an overall objective of this paper. Bamboo, being a substitute to timber, plays an important role in minimizing pressure from the forest. Fast growing nature of bamboo enables it to be a responsible to save the forest. Ethiopia owns about 67% of African bamboo resources. The country possesses about 7% of total global bamboo coverage. Arundinaria alpine (Monopodial bamboo) and lowland bamboo, Oxytenanthera abyssinica (sympodial bamboo) are the two indigenous bamboo for Ethiopia. There are various uses of bamboo as it is reviewed in this paper. It can be used as construction material. As it is estimated in the articles, currently more than 10 million Ethiopians are living in the bamboo houses. Bamboo is feed for animals and food for human beings. It is strong to control erosion and conserve soil water. It also provides a substantial economic benefit, especially for rural community. Bamboo can also contribute to the effort to adapt climate change through carbon sequestration. Bamboo forest has high carbon storage potential due to its high biomass growth rate and high annual regrowth after harvesting. Even though the understanding of multiple use of bamboo plant is increasing from time to time, more researches have to be carried out in the area of bamboo resource development and technological improvements. Key words: Bamboo; Ethiopia; Forest resources; Deforestatio

    Income Generating Activities of Women on Home Garden Farming in Damot Gale District (Woreda) of Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia.

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    A sample of 200 households and their home gardens were inspected to study the role of women in income generating activities of home garden farming in 10 kebeles of Damot Gale woreda in 2014/2015. 20 households were selected from each kebele. The total selected households were 200, of which 100 (50%) households were male headed, and identified by simple random sampling method and the rest 100 (50%) were female headed households. Data was collected from total 200 households through interview, field observation, conducting discussion with informants, and asking questions. Data from 100 male headed households and from 100 female headed households were collected and used to compare the role of female in income generating activities of home garden farming. Women from female headed households have full right to decide the use of resource, land and they have right to make decision on the use of land and its products. But women from male headed household’s donot access land in their own right and at they not only lose their right of access to land, but are also forced to leave their marital homes and return to their places of birth. Culturally, the women are expected to indoor activities and use right of the products but have no decision making power. In general 76 crop species were listed with distinct feature of polycultural agro-system with a universal occurrence of enset (Ensete ventricosum) and coffee (Coffea robusta). 40 plant species of better price were identified. All plant species of better price were cultivated, cared, controlled and managed by men. Condiments/fragrances were cultivated, cared, controlled and managed by women in both household types and all crop species in female headed households were managed by female. Only 7 (0.03%) women from male headed households responded as they have right to make decision on the product of home gardens. In other round from 100 female headed households’ 13 (0.13%) women’s home gardens were cared, managed and controlled by their children or relatives. This is due to different factors such as an age case, physical problems, religious influences, financial shortage or social pressure upon the resource owner that inhibit the owner/women from the direct involvement of income generating activities on their home gardens. They could involve directly in income generating activities of home garden. In average, annual return of home garden ranges from birr 800 to 1500 in monetary value besides to home consumption. Keywords: Damot Gale, Home Garden, Household, Income Generation, Women Activities

    Assessing the Satisfaction of Students on Grading System of Wolaita Language Major Courses with Special Reference to Regular Wolaita Language Students at Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia

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    The main objective of the study was to assess the satisfaction and self confidence of students on grading system of Wolaita Language major courses. The research subjects were purposively selected 25 students from Wolaita Sodo university,Wolaita Language department. Two tools were used to collect the data: Questionnaire and interview. Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods were employed to obtain the results. The study was proved that students were happy in grading system of Wolaita Sodo University and it. The study also indicated that the students were not this much interested to improve the grading system of Wolaita language major courses as they satisfied in it and it shows that students were confident enough to work by themselves. The study disclosed that teachers were not giving relevant support to students to improve their results and it shows that they did not continuously assess the students to take optional score to improve their result. Moreover, the findings of the study approved that teachers did not use their time effectively and works for the betterment of the students’ result. The study also shows that teachers encouraged the students to raise questions and to comment in their evaluation and teaching and they also advise students on how to study and ready for the exam. Thus, it is possible to summarize that students satisfied with the grading system of Wolaita Sodo University and they were confident enough to work by themselves. Hence, it is recommended that the students should be more encouraged to build their confidence regarding working independently and all stake holders all stake holders should work cooperatively to increase the satisfaction of the students regarding grading system. In addition, teachers should effectively   use their time and work for the betterment of the students’ result and they should fairly evaluate and treat them equally. Keywords: grading system, legislation, Major course, satisfaction, self confidence, DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/59-04 Publication date: August 31st 201

    Participatory on farm evaluation of improved bread wheat technologies in some districts of Southern Ethiopia

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    Six released varieties of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L) were evaluated on 27 framers fields in Lemu, Angacha and Mareka districts of Southern Ethiopia in 2010/2011. The objectives were to test the adaptability and acceptance of wheat technologies and create awareness to the farmers. The pooled analysis of variance showed mean square due to varieties were highly significant (P < 0.01) for Plant height, spike length, number of seeds/spike and number of days to mature; and significant (P< 0.05) for yield (t/ha). The interaction of treatments and location was highly significant (P < 0.01) for these characteristics implying that the traits were highly influenced by the environments. The mean from combined grain yield of varieties (1.78t/ha) was lower than that of Mareka (2.02t/ha) and higher from Lemu (1.69t/ha) and Angacha (1.74t/ha). Farmers of all districts ranked variety Digalu first. Tay took the second place in Mareka and Lemu; and the fifth in Angacha. Keywords: released varieties, evaluation, adaptatio
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