28 research outputs found

    All landscape variable values

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    Measurements for all landscape variables both at natal site and along migration paths for every collection locality

    Full RAD Loci Stats

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    Large table including stats for each RAD locus globally and by population. The RAD sequence, mapping position to the O. mykiss assembly, and outlier classification are included for each locus. Additionally, the genotype success rate, observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, minor allele frequency, and HWE corrected P.val (FDR) are included globally and for each population

    Top BLAST hits

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    Top BLAST hits for loci identified by the majority of outlier tests (3/4) and GEA analyses (2/3). For each SNP, the environmental association and category (if applicable) are included. Additionally, the top BLAST hit and nearest gene (within 10 kb) are included with their GO terms

    Tag sequences and population genetic stats

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    Tag sequences for all of the RAD loci used in this study. Additionally, the mapping position in the O. mykiss genome and summary population genetic statistics for each population

    All landscape variable values

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    Measurements for all landscape variables both at natal site and along migration paths for every collection locality

    Top BLAST hits

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    Top BLAST hits for loci identified by the majority of outlier tests (3/4) and GEA analyses (2/3). For each SNP, the environmental association and category (if applicable) are included. Additionally, the top BLAST hit and nearest gene (within 10 kb) are included with their GO terms

    Pairwise FST Table

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    Pairwise population FST calculated by hierfstat. FST values are represented between each cluster (k=3), globally between populations, and between populations within each genetic cluster

    Pairwise FST Table

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    Pairwise population FST calculated by hierfstat. FST values are represented between each cluster (k=3), globally between populations, and between populations within each genetic cluster

    Full RAD Loci Stats

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    Large table including stats for each RAD locus globally and by population. The RAD sequence, mapping position to the O. mykiss assembly, and outlier classification are included for each locus. Additionally, the genotype success rate, observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, minor allele frequency, and HWE corrected P.val (FDR) are included globally and for each population

    Individual Read Statistics

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    Read statistics for each individual after process_radtags was performed