2,418 research outputs found

    Landauer and Thouless Conductance: a Band Random Matrix Approach

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    We numerically analyze the transmission through a thin disordered wire of finite length attached to perfect leads, by making use of banded random Hamiltonian matrices. We compare the Landauer and the Thouless conductances, and find that they are proportional to each other in the diffusive regime, while in the localized regime the Landauer conductance is approximately proportional to the square of the Thouless one. Fluctuations of the Landauer conductance were also numerically computed; they are shown to slowly approach the theoretically predicted value.Comment: 11 latex preprint pages with 6 ps figures, to appear in Journal de Physique I, May (1997

    Dupilumab efficacy in uncontrolled, moderate-to-severe asthma with self-reported chronic rhinosinusitis

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    BACKGROUND: Dupilumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody, blocks the shared receptor component for IL-4 and IL-13 signaling, key drivers of type 2 inflammation. In the phase 3 study (NCT02414854), add-on dupilumab 200 mg/300 mg every 2 weeks, versus placebo, significantly reduced severe asthma exacerbations and improved pre-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy and safety of dupilumab in patients with uncontrolled, moderate-to-severe asthma with or without self-reported comorbid chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS or non-CRS). METHODS: Comorbid CRS was self-reported by patients using an e-diary. Annualized severe exacerbation rates, changes from baseline in pre- and post-bronchodilator FEV RESULTS: CRS was self-reported by 382 of 1902 (20.1%) patients. Dupilumab 200 mg/300 mg reduced annualized severe exacerbation rates by 63%/61%, respectively, in patients with CRS, and by 42%/40% in patients without CRS (all P \u3c .001 vs placebo). Dupilumab also improved lung function and patient-reported asthma control and quality of life, and suppressed type 2 biomarkers versus placebo in both subgroups. Clinical responses were rapid, with near-maximal responses observed at the earliest measured time points and sustained at week 52. Improvements observed in the CRS subgroup were similar to or numerically greater than those in the non-CRS subgroup. CONCLUSION: Dupilumab showed efficacy and was generally well tolerated in patients with uncontrolled, moderate-to-severe asthma with or without CRS

    Lower bounds on the growth of Sobolev norms in some linear time dependent Schr\uf6dinger equations

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    In this paper we consider linear, time dependent Schrodinger equations of the form i partial derivative(t)psi = K-0 psi + V(t)psi, where K-0 is a positive selfadjoint operator with discrete spectrum and whose spectral gaps are asymptotically constant. We give a strategy to construct bounded perturbations V(t) such that the Hamiltonian K-0 + V(t) generates unbounded orbits. We apply our abstract construction to three cases: (i) the Har- monic oscillator on N, (ii) the half-wave equation on and (iii) the Dirac-Schrodinger equation on Zoll manifolds. In each case, V(t) is a smooth and periodic in time pseudodifferential operator and the Schrodinger equation has solutions fulfilling the optimal lower bound estimate parallel to psi(t)parallel to r greater than or similar to vertical bar t vertical bar as vertical bar t vertical bar >> 1

    Growth of Sobolev norms in linear Schrödinger equations as a dispersive phenomenon

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    In this paper we consider linear, time dependent Schrödinger equations of the form i∂tψ=K0ψ+V(t)ψ, where K0 is a strictly positive selfadjoint operator with discrete spectrum and constant spectral gaps, and V(t) a smooth in time periodic potential. We give sufficient conditions on V(t) ensuring that K0+V(t) generates unbounded orbits. The main condition is that the resonant average of V(t), namely the average with respect to the flow of K0, has a nonempty absolutely continuous spectrum and fulfills a Mourre estimate. These conditions are stable under perturbations. The proof combines pseudodifferential normal form with dispersive estimates in the form of local energy decay. We apply our abstract construction to the Harmonic oscillator on R and to the half-wave equation on T; in each case, we provide large classes of potentials which are transporters

    Life as Relatio: Classical Metaphysics and Trinitarian Ontology

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    Aristotle, Metaphysics.Augustine, The Trinity.Ayres L., (Mis)Adventures in Trinitarian Ontologies, in: J. Polkinghorne (ed.), The Trinity and an Entangled World, Cambridge 2010, pp. 130–145.Bausola A., La libertà, Brescia 1990.Berti E., “Per i viventi l’essere è il vivere” (Aristotle, De anima 415.b.13), in: M. Sánchez Sorondo (ed.), La vita, Roma 1998, p. 29.Berti E., Attualità dell’eredità di Aristotele, PATH 5 (2006) p. 302–305.Daniélou J., Dieu et nous, Paris 1956.Donati P., Relational Sociology. A New Paradigm for the Social Sciences, London–New York 2011.Gregory of Nyssa, Contra Eunomium.Lafont G., Peut-on connaitre Dieu en Jésus-Christ?, Paris 1969.Maspero G., Patristic Trinitarian Ontology, in: G. Maspero, R. J. Wozniak (eds.), Rethinking Trinitarian Theology: Disputed Questions And Contemporary Issues in Trinitarian Theology, London–New York 2011.Maspero G., Remarks on the Relevance of Gregory of Nyssa’s Trinitarian Doctrine for the Epistemological Perspective of 20th Century Psychoanalysis, European Journal of Science and Theology 6 (2010) p. 17–31.Musso P., Science and the Idea of Reason, Milano–Udine 2011.Plato, Laws.Plato, Sofist.Plato, Symposium.Ratzinger J., Introduction to Christianity, San Francisco 2004.Reale G., Metafisica di Aristotele, Milano 2004.Ruiz Aldaz J.I., article Contra Eunomium III, in: L. F. Mateo-Seco, G. Maspero (eds.), The Brill Dictionary of Gregory of Nyssa, Leuven 2010, pp. 307–310.Thomas Aquinas, Disputed Questions Concerning Divine Power.Zizioulas J., Trinitarian Freedom: is God Free in Trinitarian Life?, in: G. Maspero, R. J. Wozniak (eds.), Rethinking Trinitarian Theology: Disputed Questions And Contemporary Issues in Trinitarian Theology, London–New York 2011. Life is a theological and metaphysical problem, because it constitutes the apex of the realm of being. The Aristotelian Unmoved Mover was identified with Life as the act of thinking. Christian doctrine affirms that God is triune just as Life, but here identified both with Logos and Love. The ontology of the First Principle is different in Classical metaphysics and in Trinitarian theology. The question discussed in the paper is how this difference affects the understanding of the relationship between God and the world. Having recourse to the theological framework developed by the Cappadocian Fathers in the discussions that lead to the formulation of the Trinitarian dogma in the 4th century, free and mutual relation is presented as the key concept that was used in theology to overcome the limitations of the metaphysics of the time and to extend it in order to develop a new ontology that is an ontology of life. Trinitarian ontology may also aid our understanding of created life, because it is not simply meta-physics, i.e. a description of man and God according to the category of necessity, but is ana-physics: life is understood from above with suitable categories for free beings

    Generic Transporters for the Linear Time-Dependent Quantum Harmonic Oscillator on ℝ

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    In this paper we consider the linear, time-dependent quantum Harmonic Schrdinger equation i partial derivative(t)u = 1/2(-partial derivative(x)(2) + x(2 ))u + V(t,x,d)u,x epsilon R, where v(t,x,D) is classical pseudodifferential operator of order 0, self-adjoint, and 2 pi periodic in time. We give sufficient conditions on the principal symbol of V(t,x,D) ensuring the existence of solutions displaying infinite time growth of Sobolev norms. These conditions are generic in the Frechet space of symbols. This shows that generic, classical pseudodifferential, 2 pi-periodic perturbations provoke unstable dynamics. The proof builds on the results of [36] and it is based on pseudodifferential normal form and local energy decay estimates. These last are proved exploiting Mourre's positive commutator theory