491 research outputs found

    Dependence of chaotic behavior on optical properties and electrostatic effects in double beam torsional Casimir actuation

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    We investigate the influence of Casimir and electrostatic torques on double beam torsional microelectromechanical systems with materials covering a broad range of conductivities of more than three orders of magnitude. For the frictionless autonomous systems, bifurcation and phase space analysis shows that there is a significant difference between stable and unstable operating regimes for equal and unequal applied voltages on both sides of the double torsional system giving rise to heteroclinic and homoclinic orbits, respectively. For equal applied voltages, only the position of a symmetric unstable saddle equilibrium point is dependent on the material optical properties and electrostatic effects, while in any other case there are stable and unstable equilibrium points are dependent on both factors. For the periodically driven system, a Melnikov function approach is used to show the presence of chaotic motion rendering predictions of whether stiction or stable actuation will take place over long times impossible. Chaotic behavior introduces significant risk for stiction, and it is more prominent to occur for the more conductive systems that experience stronger Casimir forces and torques. Indeed, when unequal voltages are applied, the sensitive dependence of chaotic motion on electrostatics is more pronounced for the highest conductivity systems.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figure

    A study on improving nursing clinical competencies in a surgical department: A participatory action research

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    Aims: The purpose of the present study was to improve clinical competencies in nursing staff in a selected surgical department in Kashan/Iran during 2016�2018. Design: This was a participatory action research. Methods: This action research was implemented in four steps of problem identification, planning, action and reflection. Interviews, focus groups and observation were used for the qualitative part. Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire-II, job satisfaction and patients' satisfaction questionnaires were completed before and after the study. Qualitative content analysis, paired and independent t test were used for data analysis. Results: Three main problems could affect the clinical competencies including professional insufficiency, basic shortages and external influences. Three changes were implemented in the surgical department including improving education, involving nursing students in patients' education and increasing the motivations by peer evaluation and selecting the nurse of the week. The changes significantly increased patients' satisfaction, nurses' job satisfaction and work effectiveness. © 2020 The Authors. Nursing Open published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Level Crossing Analysis of Burgers Equation in 1+1 Dimensions

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    We investigate the average frequency of positive slope να+\nu_{\alpha}^{+}, crossing the velocity field u(x)uˉ=αu(x)- \bar u = \alpha in the Burgers equation. The level crossing analysis in the inviscid limit and total number of positive crossing of velocity field before creation of singularities are given. The main goal of this paper is to show that this quantity, να+\nu_{\alpha}^{+}, is a good measure for the fluctuations of velocity fields in the Burgers turbulence.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Level Crossing Analysis of the Stock Markets

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    We investigate the average frequency of positive slope να+\nu_{\alpha}^{+}, crossing for the returns of market prices. The method is based on stochastic processes which no scaling feature is explicitly required. Using this method we define new quantity to quantify stage of development and activity of stocks exchange. We compare the Tehran and western stock markets and show that some stocks such as Tehran (TEPIX) and New Zealand (NZX) stocks exchange are emerge, and also TEPIX is a non-active market and financially motivated to absorb capital.Comment: 6 pages and 4 figure

    Dynamic Visual Abstraction of Soccer Movement

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    Trajectory-based visualization of coordinated movement data within a bounded area, such as player and ball movement within a soccer pitch, can easily result in visual crossings, overplotting, and clutter. Trajectory abstraction can help to cope with these issues, but it is a challenging problem to select the right level of abstraction (LoA) for a given data set and analysis task. We present a novel dynamic approach that combines trajectory simplification and clustering techniques with the goal to support interpretation and understanding of movement patterns. Our technique provides smooth transitions between different abstraction types that can be computed dynamically and on-the-fly. This enables the analyst to effectively navigate and explore the space of possible abstractions in large trajectory data sets. Additionally, we provide a proof of concept for supporting the analyst in determining the LoA semi-automatically with a recommender system. Our approach is illustrated and evaluated by case studies, quantitative measures, and expert feedback. We further demonstrate that it allows analysts to solve a variety of analysis tasks in the domain of soccer

    Statistical Theory for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation in 1+1 Dimension

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    The Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation in 1+1 dimension dynamically develops sharply connected valley structures within which the height derivative {\it is not} continuous. There are two different regimes before and after creation of the sharp valleys. We develop a statistical theory for the KPZ equation in 1+1 dimension driven with a random forcing which is white in time and Gaussian correlated in space. A master equation is derived for the joint probability density function of height difference and height gradient P(hhˉ,xh,t)P(h-\bar h,\partial_{x}h,t) when the forcing correlation length is much smaller than the system size and much bigger than the typical sharp valley width. In the time scales before the creation of the sharp valleys we find the exact generating function of hhˉh-\bar h and xh\partial_x h. Then we express the time scale when the sharp valleys develop, in terms of the forcing characteristics. In the stationary state, when the sharp valleys are fully developed, finite size corrections to the scaling laws of the structure functions <(hhˉ)n(xh)m><(h-\bar h)^n (\partial_x h)^m> are also obtained.Comment: 50 Pages, 5 figure

    Sorption-enhanced Steam Methane Reforming for Combined CO2 Capture and Hydrogen Production: A State-of-the-Art Review

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    © 2021 The Author(s). The European Commission have just stated that hydrogen would play a major role in the economic recovery of post-COVID-19 EU countries. Hydrogen is recognised as one of the key players in a fossil fuel-free world in decades to come. However, commercially practiced pathways to hydrogen production todays, are associated with a considerable amount of carbon emissions. The Paris Climate Change Agreement has set out plans for an international commitment to reduce carbon emissions within the forthcoming decades. A sustainable hydrogen future would only be achievable if hydrogen production is “designed” to capture such emissions. Today, nearly 98% of global hydrogen production relies on the utilisation of fossil fuels. Among these, steam methane reforming (SMR) boasts the biggest share of nearly 50% of the global generation. SMR processes correspond to a significant amount of carbon emissions at various points throughout the process. Despite the dark side of the SMR processes, they are projected to play a major role in hydrogen production by the first half of this century. This that a sustainable, yet clean short/medium-term hydrogen production is only possible by devising a plan to efficiently capture this co-produced carbon as stated in the latest International Energy Agency (IEA) reports. Here, we have carried out an in-depth technical review of the processes employed in sorption-enhanced steam methane reforming (SE-SMR), an emerging technology in low-carbon SMR, for combined carbon capture and hydrogen production. This paper aims to provide an in-depth review on two key challenging elements of SE-SMR i.e. the advancements in catalysts/adsorbents preparation, and current approaches in process synthesis and optimisation including the employment of artificial intelligence in SE-SMR processes. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is a clear gap in the literature where the above areas have been scrutinised in a systematic and coherent fashion. The gap is even more pronounced in the application of AI in SE-SMR technologies. As a result, this work aims to fill this gap within the scientific literature.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (project “Multiphysics and multiscale modelling for safe and feasible CO2 capture and storage - EP/T033940/1”); UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)