1,673 research outputs found

    Probability Theory Compatible with the New Conception of Modern Thermodynamics. Economics and Crisis of Debts

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    We show that G\"odel's negative results concerning arithmetic, which date back to the 1930s, and the ancient "sand pile" paradox (known also as "sorites paradox") pose the questions of the use of fuzzy sets and of the effect of a measuring device on the experiment. The consideration of these facts led, in thermodynamics, to a new one-parameter family of ideal gases. In turn, this leads to a new approach to probability theory (including the new notion of independent events). As applied to economics, this gives the correction, based on Friedman's rule, to Irving Fisher's "Main Law of Economics" and enables us to consider the theory of debt crisis.Comment: 48p., 14 figs., 82 refs.; more precise mathematical explanations are added. arXiv admin note: significant text overlap with arXiv:1111.610

    q-Legendre Transformation: Partition Functions and Quantization of the Boltzmann Constant

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    In this paper we construct a q-analogue of the Legendre transformation, where q is a matrix of formal variables defining the phase space braidings between the coordinates and momenta (the extensive and intensive thermodynamic observables). Our approach is based on an analogy between the semiclassical wave functions in quantum mechanics and the quasithermodynamic partition functions in statistical physics. The basic idea is to go from the q-Hamilton-Jacobi equation in mechanics to the q-Legendre transformation in thermodynamics. It is shown, that this requires a non-commutative analogue of the Planck-Boltzmann constants (hbar and k_B) to be introduced back into the classical formulae. Being applied to statistical physics, this naturally leads to an idea to go further and to replace the Boltzmann constant with an infinite collection of generators of the so-called epoch\'e (bracketing) algebra. The latter is an infinite dimensional noncommutative algebra recently introduced in our previous work, which can be perceived as an infinite sequence of "deformations of deformations" of the Weyl algebra. The generators mentioned are naturally indexed by planar binary leaf-labelled trees in such a way, that the trees with a single leaf correspond to the observables of the limiting thermodynamic system

    Quasithermodynamics and a Correction to the Stefan--Boltzmann Law

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    We provide a correction to the Stefan--Boltzmann law and discuss the problem of a phase transition from the superfluid state into the normal state.Comment: Latex, 9page

    Mathematical Conception of "Phenomenological" Equilibrium Thermodynamics

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    In the paper, the principal aspects of the mathematical theory of equilibrium thermodynamics are distinguished. It is proved that the points of degeneration of a Bose gas of fractal dimension in the momentum space coincide with critical points or real gases, whereas the jumps of critical indices and the Maxwell rule are related to the tunnel generalization of thermodynamics. Semiclassical methods are considered for the tunnel generalization of thermodynamics and also for the second and ultrasecond quantization (operators of creation and annihilation of pairs). To every pure gas there corresponds a new critical point of the limit negative pressure below which the liquid passes to a dispersed state (a foam). Relations for critical points of a homogeneous mixture of pure gases are given in dependence on the concentration of gases.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figure, more precise explanations, more references. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1202.525

    Analytic description of monodromy oscillons

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    We develop precise analytic description of oscillons - long-lived quasiperiodic field lumps - in scalar field theories with nearly quadratic potentials, e.g. the monodromy potential. Such oscillons are essentially nonperturbative due to large amplitudes, and they achieve extreme longevities. Our method is based on a consistent expansion in the anharmonicity of the potential at strong fields, which is made accurate by introducing a field-dependent "running mass." At every order, we compute effective action for the oscillon profile and other parameters. Comparison with explicit numerical simulations in (3+1)-dimensional monodromy model shows that our method is significantly more precise than other analytic approaches.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures; v2: Introduction, Sec. 4 and Discussion extended; journal versio

    Semiclassical Estimates of Electromagnetic Casimir Self-Energies of Spherical and Cylindrical Metallic Shells

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    The leading semiclassical estimates of the electromagnetic Casimir stresses on a spherical and a cylindrical metallic shell are within 1% of the field theoretical values. The electromagnetic Casimir energy for both geometries is given by two decoupled massless scalars that satisfy conformally covariant boundary conditions. Surface contributions vanish for smooth metallic boundaries and the finite electromagnetic Casimir energy in leading semiclassical approximation is due to quadratic fluctuations about periodic rays in the interior of the cavity only. Semiclassically the non-vanishing Casimir energy of a metallic cylindrical shell is almost entirely due to Fresnel diffraction.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Initial Conditions for Semiclassical Field Theory

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    Semiclassical approximation based on extracting a c-number classical component from quantum field is widely used in the quantum field theory. Semiclassical states are considered then as Gaussian wave packets in the functional Schrodinger representation and as Gaussian vectors in the Fock representation. We consider the problem of divergences and renormalization in the semiclassical field theory in the Hamiltonian formulation. Although divergences in quantum field theory are usually associated with loop Feynman graphs, divergences in the Hamiltonian approach may arise even at the tree level. For example, formally calculated probability of pair creation in the leading order of the semiclassical expansion may be divergent. This observation was interpretted as an argumentation for considering non-unitary evolution transformations, as well as non-equivalent representations of canonical commutation relations at different time moments. However, we show that this difficulty can be overcomed without the assumption about non-unitary evolution. We consider first the Schrodinger equation for the regularized field theory with ultraviolet and infrared cutoffs. We study the problem of making a limit to the local theory. To consider such a limit, one should impose not only the requirement on the counterterms entering to the quantum Hamiltonian but also the requirement on the initial state in the theory with cutoffs. We find such a requirement in the leading order of the semiclassical expansion and show that it is invariant under time evolution. This requirement is also presented as a condition on the quadratic form entering to the Gaussian state.Comment: 20 pages, Plain TeX, one postscript figur

    Semiclassical Description of Wavepacket Revival

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    We test the ability of semiclassical theory to describe quantitatively the revival of quantum wavepackets --a long time phenomena-- in the one dimensional quartic oscillator (a Kerr type Hamiltonian). Two semiclassical theories are considered: time-dependent WKB and Van Vleck propagation. We show that both approaches describe with impressive accuracy the autocorrelation function and wavefunction up to times longer than the revival time. Moreover, in the Van Vleck approach, we can show analytically that the range of agreement extends to arbitrary long times.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
